Why do you hate saudi arabia?

why do you hate saudi arabia?

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Because its piece of shit use Its Oil to support the Terrorism In middle east
Every saudia have a little Terrorists in his mind
*Also them women are the ugliest and

Based and redpilled.

t. Reza Hossein Soleiman

Because they yap on and on about their support for P*lestine and their muslim brothers in Syria and whatnot, yet never take care of them.

literally the worst thing to happen to Islam in the history of Islam
worse than the Mongols, the Crusades, Napoleon, Tamerlane, and Zionism combined

It's literally the most evil country on earth
(#2 is Israel, #3 is USA)

nawasib cunts

It's based and pure.
Fuck shias and fuck christcucks.

based and redpilled

Apparently the Mosque I go to had some funding from Saudi Arabia

Other than that I really have no interaction with the country

reverse that order, put the British Empire first, and place aaaaalll the other european imperialist empires between USA and Israel, and you’d get a correct ranking order, incel.

I don't like theocracies, their diaspora are also some of the shittiest of mena from my experience

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Saudi Arabia is not a theocracy you brainlet, it's an absolute monarchy.

Iran is a theocracy.

>forces islamic law on it's constituents anyways
what's the difference?

illiterate incel

seething muslim monkey

you mean exchange students, Abdul?

are you legitimately retarded?


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Did Napoleon really do that much damage to Islam?

Even the first Saudi kingdom was Terrorism when there are no Israel no USA

>you mean arabs
>it's not a theocracy because it's not in the name!!
>nevermind that we force everyone in the country to submit to our jew religion
keeping seething while yemeni goat herders defeat you despite american and jewish assistance

insecure and illiterate incel

I hate all muslims
because they are dirty brown inbred people with double digit IQ

>claims to be protector and guardian of Islam and Muslims
>sells out Uyghurs to Chinks, Kashmiris to Pajeets, Palestinians to Israelis, and Rohingya to Jungle Monkeys
>commits genocide in Yemen
>becomes buttbuddies with Israel and Trump to undermine Iran (an actual Muslim country)
you just can't get any more hypocritical

this is based
I'm not an incel though, but you probably are given your country :^)

I like saudi

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but you behave, think, and speak like a typical incel, insecure incel.

>disliking abrahamic religions is incel behavior
sorry lad, incels shill that shit out of muh pure waifu and other garbage, you are the one with incel behavior letting yourself get mad out of nationalism while supporting abrahamic religion

You can hate Saudi arabia all you want, your country is still ruled by them (and Israel)

>your country is still ruled by them (and Israel)
yeah I'm aware of that, that's why I dislike them in particular instead of being apathetic like most of the mena region

>says typical racist phrases spouted by incels
>”I-I’m not an incel, y-you’re the incel because *flag*!”
Insecure and illiterate incel.

I don't, but they hate us apparently.

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Almost the entire world despises the US

Stop copying based shahar

Jesus christ can you pretend to be a non-shitskin any more ?

except the civilized world

they have top tier lolis

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Actually you are a Saudian lol

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Because of the 1801 Sack of Karbala

fuck off

That's true but so does Iran and all the edgetards on here love them

I have to warn you before making Saudi Arabia threads. Jow Forums is full of butthurt diaspora of various flavors, but particularly Iranian.

Based and Mesopotamiapilled

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BASED fuck shias