She won

She won

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politics is for faggots and low T beta males

then why isn't she president


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he benefited rich people more, sooo, yeah

Because the bad people always cheat

Bernie should no won

Why would any state remain in the union if they got rid of the electoral college? You have to weigh them otherwise just a few cities would decide every election. US being politically decentralized is one of its great strengths.

how old are you


do you live with your parents?


we all lost

Only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump.

Smart city people all voted for Hillary.

both were for retards

and you?

and you?

There were also some smart or semi-smart people who have always voted republican so they figured maybe Trump would be ok and he was only pretending to be genuinely retarded. Guess what

Nope, it’s been confirmed that at least 3 million votes that went to Hillary are void since they were cast illegally

He won

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Because the way the current electoral college works ignores 80-90% of states and focuses exclusively on swing States.
If we moved the electoral vote to a popular vote then presidential campaigns would have to look for swing voters across the nation and therefore better incorporate everyone's interests. Instead of just the interests of Florida, Ohio and the rest of the rust belt.

>Trump didn't have illegal votes

based retard

With that massive anti-Trump propaganda, sure she won, but with such low difference, lmao.
Imagine how big was his rating if there wasn't propaganda.

i feel bad for amerikkkans. both candidates were absolute shit lole. Trump> Killary tho.

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>making the vote difference only 1m when in reality it was 3m

Popular voting would just shift the power to California, Texas, New York and Florida. Where it already is, but to a even further extreme.