streamline edition
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Just recieved a janitor acceptance email
any caffeine to stay awake and then alcohol to fall asleep toilsmen in
churchill was cringe
ban yourself
Mick the Pick looks at this and only see rich people such are the deficiencies of the gypsy mind and its incapability to comprehend higher matters and more lofty ideals. Thus they live merely to consume material wealth and no matter what their means; live in the ugliest surroundings possible
Churchill was baeee
then suck the farts out of his dead arsehole cunt
rorke fuming that gronald thumpberg doesn't have to go to school while he had to stay in school until he was 23
yeah is rorke really fuming about that?
And you can comprehend higher matters and more lofty ideals, can you? kek, fucking pseud. I'd kick your head in.
Smith Forever Churchill Never
Churchill has actually been thrown under the bus on this one. His plan was just to sail up to Constantinople and shell it. Was very against landing troops but that bit got forced in by the high command after it had started
Shut up you crypto-fascist! I bet you wish Mr. Hitler won the war. You're the kind of weak-spinned Englishman who would've sold your nation out to the Germans for a can of spam and an assurance of comfort.
You too
2 cnettos dwn t gull
you didn't even try to flex a glimmer of intellect you just went straight to beign an internet hardman. I've been in pikey dwellings i've seen the fucking tack you adorn them with. the nerve of you people calling anyone else Gorgers when your lives revolve around the most disgusting accumulation of material belongings....
can't remember my pin number haha what am i like
heh what will rorke spaz out about next?
don't give a fuck he had a say in killing all those men for nothing and he didn't use it. wanker through and through
it's 9832
Me? I spent 8 years doing ab initio quantum chemistry and studying two body reduced density matrix functional theory. Quantum computers only exist in non-relavistic undergraduate quantum mechanics but wave functions cannot be normalized for more than 2 particles in relativistic quantum mechanics, which is why we use 2 body reduced matrix functional theory for calculations. And the real universe does not let you build quantum computers.
Also quantum computers cannot run any useful algorithms. They are only good for a subset of algorithms that is useless.
don't be daft
What's the general consensus on /brit/ shifting to a scripted format starting on The 1st of October?
within the west, which factions are presented as the most ridiculous, looney, and deranged?
that's right, far-right neo-nazis and far-left communists
outside of the west, where the opposition to the western powers present themselves more accurately, what policies do they tend to have?that's right, usually a balance of far-right and far-left policies, but in a reasonable and understandable context. often Arab an Persian leaders, North Koreans, Russians, other politicians and leaders in the second world and third world
are these two observations completely seperate from one another? of course not, they're directly linked. the exaggerated and humiliating example from the former scenario has been specifically invented to discredit the reasonable arguments of the latter scenario
you are being manipulated
Men die at war. That's why we call it war, and not fuzzy sparkles fun time. You fucking moron.
Mikey ensconced in his mothers chinyz mock regency dining chair while the fake gold filt peels from the walls around him and he rages!!!!
need a quantum whatsit to read this novel of a post to me
great you lead the charge next time i'll just do the planning
I don't think the user want to be written for. We consider ourselves the talent here.
You're a spastic man. I couldn't care less about your fetish of 19th century nobility. Stop trying to act clever mong boy. I'd buy and sell you 10 times over.
Freemason who sucked Rothschild cock.
Fat fuck will end up in the hall of shame when our societies end back up in our own hands.
took you long enough to write that fucking hell. have to consult a dictonary for some of those words over 5 letters or something? oh wait no your clan don't have single book between them XD burned
Would society's view of Adolf Hitler be different if he was a 10/10 woman instead?
shut the FUCK UP rorke you utter moron
imagine having the blindfold on this tight
getting the daily dose of r/collegesluts/
>imagine having the blindfold on this tight
Reddit does do good very specific breast images I'll give it that
Adopt a character
That makes you tolerable
To all people
No matter it's not how you really feel
Use it to get yourself in a position
Where you can rain your will down on the world
Through manipulation
Keep the secrets of your heart buried deep
Smile a fake smile
Just make it convincing
wow you just see "rorke" everywhere don't you?
unironically get help
Is it wrong to get a gf solely for the purpose of sex? What if you end up marrying her, but it's not for any romantic idea of "love" but simply for sex, procreation and appearances?
you sound bent
It's good for "amateur" porn that is either revenge porn or just leaks that got out into general circulation
>PORTLAND – Teenager allegedly masturbated a jaw-dropping 56 times non-stop before dying of a heart attack, in the proccess even breaking the world record and was awarded a world record certificate by a Guinness representative who later arrived at the home
You know, it's terrible when some pseudo intellectual with a giant ego thinks he's the brains of Britain. The books won't make up for the lack of intelligence that you actually possess. Obviously I'm not as educated as you but that doesn't really matter. I could get a few fellas to break your wrists with a couple of hammers and what can you do? Absolutely nothing. Keep dreaming of the 19th century spastic boy.
Honest question: do guys get girlfriends or wives because they actually enjoy spending time with them? I doubt it very much given that essentially every relationship seems looksmatched i.e. each person just found the most attractive sex partner they could find
I like it because I don't like porn with proper fucking but just enjoy scantily clad to naked women in various visually interesting circumstances
Hell is the home of honor, duty, justice, and the rest of the seven deadly virtues. All the wickedness on earth is done in their name: where else but in hell should they have their reward?
Will prob take less than a week for the few people that know me too forget I ever existed after I die.
you are genuinely bent
You've got it backward
I always feel guilty because I know these girls would be beyond horrified and embarrassed if/when they find out these pictures are on the internet. Not guilty enough to postpone the wank mind you, but guilty nonetheless
Justice League- Hero's Theme
Star Wars- The Force Theme
both based off of Wagner's Siegfried theme
The earth is a nursery in which men and women play at being heroes and heroines, saints and sinners; but they are dragged down from their fool's paradise by their bodies: hunger and cold and thirst, age and decay and disease, death above all, make them slaves of reality: thrice a day meals must be eaten and digested: thrice a century a new generation must be engendered: ages of faith, of romance, and of science are all driven at last to have but one prayer "Make me a healthy animal."
there's a character limit of 2000 on Jow Forums
typing "f.a.m" gets filtered to senpai
f.a.m is three letters, but senpai is 6 letters.
does that mean if you typed f.a.m until you reached the character limit, you can make a post that's twice as big as a post could normally be?
Don't give me that normie shit. Sick of you normoids having to play everything up like it's the greatest thing ever just for the sake of fitting in. Remember how disappointed I was in kissing after the way normotrons had talked it up; "it's just wet" I remember thinking.
Hanging out with you guys another night. Fuck me
senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai
Feel the opposite about that it then I feel bad about feeling like that
Actual sexual feelings and emotional things are too seperate things for me anyway. Find the idea of attraction very weird and unnatural at a fundamental level
maybe try kissing men you'll get that spark you're after
is it soy to like cuddling more than sex?
is it soy to not want to have proper hard fast sex and only enjoy sex where you hold them close and it's really slow and intimate with lots of kissing?
Man gives every reason for his conduct save one, every excuse for his crimes save one, every plea for his safety save one; and that one is his cowardice. Yet all his civilization is founded on his cowardice, on his abject tameness, which he calls his respectability. There are limits to what a mule or an ass will stand; but Man will suffer himself to be degraded until his vileness becomes so loathsome to his oppressors that they themselves are forced to reform it.
Nobody here's sober. We're all huffing crazy gas. That's what keeps this bouncy castle of fun fun.
yeah it actually worked
there's 3492 characters
now jan, ban this man for spam
i think sex is the reason 90% of men initially get a gf
but the sex becomes routine and stale pretty quick, and sex with other women becomes desirable
that's just the natural role of men, to fuck around and spread the seed, it's programmed into us on an evolutionary level
so they either find themselves becoming fond of her in a non-sexual way and want a deeper thing with other kinds of feelings, and build a loving relationship... or they don't
in which case they either ditch her for someone else, or they stay because they don't have the balls to ditch her, or they stay for the sex and prestige of having a partner, worried they won't find it again with someone else
relationships built on that last premise are shallow but they can probably last
they're just not as happy as the ideal relationship, and will likely take a ton of hard word to keep it going
reminder that 190 huffs fumes off dog shite to get high
*unsheathes airplane mode*
*teleports behind you*
Those who talk most about the blessings of marriage and the constancy of its vows are the very people who declare that if the chain were broken and the prisoners left free to choose, the whole social fabric would fly asunder. You cannot have the argument both ways. If the prisoner is happy, why lock him in? If he is not, why pretend that he is?
for the love of god have sex
i'm so physically ill
You seem dumb
have sex
What is wrong?
Another crude, unintelligent post. State your IQ before I engage you further.
we did it red- i mean Jow Forums! faith in humanity: restored
you sir, just won the internet. that was some epic science. SCIENCE - FUCK YEAH!
somebody get this man **ALL** the cookies and bacon!!!
literally not enough hats in the world for this virginous mongoloid
might have to do an all nighter tonight but i want to spend as little time awake as possible because im anxious and paranoid when im awake haha
what a conundrum. i desperately need to fix my sleeping pattern, i can't continue going to sleep at 4am every night
what's up mate? hangover?
i designed a meditation exercise for healing and pain relief to cope with my insane hangovers and it does work if you give it a go, but it's a bit involved
it'd take few minutes to type out
i will if you want but let me know because i'm not doing it if nobody's gonna read it
blah blah blah i'd deck you one peaky blinders larper lad
yeah im intersted m8 share it
people in the olden days used to always say hat-worthy things which is why people back then wore hats
it's fucked because people on reddit unironically talk like that, at least they used to. i know that kind of talk was prevalent everywhere on the internet in like 2011.
why? like seriously why do they/did they talk like such faggots? like can you imagine a 24 year old man actually typing some shit like that without a hint of irony?
I want Emma Watson to rest her buttocks on my face as she rips a fart that smells like straight up turd.
is emmayank the angry incel itt lmaooo
love finding cringe comments on youtube videos and looking through their profile because you find gems like this. state of this lad.
>Me testing out the webcam function on my Windows Movie Maker program. I don't know how to get the sound working on the webcam, so I decided to add music from the band Ered Wethrin. I'm not going to be doing this sort of thing very often.
"testing out the webcam" lmao yeah right, he thought he looked cool as fuck that's why he did it. he wasn't testing shit.
autists are so dumb. they're so transparent and everyone can see through their bullshit but they're too dumb to realise
this emmayank is an imposter
the real emmayank is a redditflagger
this faggot was completely owned by the banks
just like trump is today
he made this epic video too
siegfried...powerful and heroic
I’m on my phone. I’m at toil.
are you enlightened incel?
prove it. guess what redditflagger i am.