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You're not white or European

If Christianity is anti-white, then you gave me a good reason to be a Christian.



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Christianity generally puts you with your own race/culture. There is a reason churches are organized mostly by nationality and cultural groups

No , you are wrong , Americans made Christianity become like this , it was made to connect people together , racist people don't resemble jesus

I don't see how Europeans can worship a desert god from the middle east (white Americans), or African Americans having faith in a religion that was used to bring them to America as slaves.
Same reason our native American population here has a big dilema when they're christian (protestants) and ethnically mapuche at the same time, it just doesn't work.

lol its just an accident none of the northern countries are catholic but all medshits are
imagine being 75 iq shitskin arab
to be completely incapable of critical thought

>I don't see how Europeans can worship a desert god from the middle east (white Americans)
People weren't poltards, they believes Christ was real, then they worshipped Jesus. The race of a God doesn't really matters
>or African Americans having faith in a religion that was used to bring them to America as slaves.
Well, first coming to America wasnt a bad thing at the end. Second, they were told to be Christians, they listened.
>Same reason our native American population here has a big dilema when they're christian (protestants) and ethnically mapuche at the same time, it just doesn't work.
I bet most of them just don't care about it


You are racist

>Orthodoxy or Eastern Christianity telling us that Christianity shouldn’t be divided by language/culture groups


All bad things that "Christianity " did , we're done by the westerners , here no one was oppressed in the name of Christ

Why is the Celt the only one naked, screaming and in an aggressive pose? Is this image saying Celts are niggers?

t. western proxy state created by westerners.

I don't think any of the people on the right want to associate with each other.

Indeed. We are in many ways superior to you, Cuckdullah Bin Svenjettesson.

How does that refute what I said , Britain invaded Arab lands in the name of Christianity and divided and conqured




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You are wrong again, Arab lands rebelled against Ottomans and Britain sported them, which basically made certain Arab tribes rulers of the land. I know it is an ancestral tradition in middle east to blame it on others, but middle easterners are to blame for this one like many other cases.

And don't make me start on your civil war.

Abrahamism is a mental illness.

Yeah drive those Magyars into the sea

Britain betrayed Arabs and made sykes-piko, and gave Palestine to Jews , and we blame it on others because they deserve the blame

Well, considering that evangelization was started by the apostles themselves and was basically a integral part to early christianity, we can tell it wasn't supposed to be a exclusive religion like Judaism was. Like said, they were people who put their faith in a person who they believed to be God, not identitarianfags. There were even already gentiles who were sympathizers with christianity and were otherwise de-facto converters who only didn't officially convert because they didn't want to circumcise their penis.


Oh yes, what a terrible condition of the mind it is that built up western civilization, sciences, arts, education, philosophy... truly a debilitating disease.

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There is nothing wrong with betraying traitors. Arabs deserve all the shit they got for literally attacking their own country, and handing it out to Britain for free.

Ottomans considered Arabs to be filthy and of scone class citizens , read some history Mohammad

This is a meme pagan euros hated each other from tribe to tribe. People to people constantly attacking, rape babying and enslaving each other.

There was never a unity among them

that's why I enjoy seeing this posted, the inacurracy is just funny

Are eurocucks and amerifats really forgetting the crusades and the dark ages ?

Next level coping right here for a bunch autist who don't practice traditional religion.

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So as Europeans. They are the one always fighting each other.

Christianism is the most fascinating religion by a long mile.
An arid religion, it does not glorify a shiny warrior made of gold slaying demons by dozen, but a man being broken, betrayed and taking unimaginable suffering for love, yet remaining untouched.
This kind of morbid fascination for pains and sacrifice, how low a divine creature is being put down is truly fascinating.
Plus it makes pretty building.

Burning human sacrifice in a giant wood man looks fun too, but it cannot bring out the same fascination.

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>Christianism is the most fascinating religion by a long mile.
>An arid religion, it does not glorify a shiny warrior made of gold slaying demons by dozen, but a man being broken, betrayed and taking unimaginable suffering for love, yet remaining untouched.
>This kind of morbid fascination for pains and sacrifice, how low a divine creature is being put down is truly fascinating.
>Plus it makes pretty building.
well said

Relevant video:

I agree , very emotional

>There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

That's mostly an American thing because yanks didn't want negroes in their congregation. Roman Catholics think their church is the one true church, and most protestants are big on evangelising. Around here only Orthodox churches are like that and act as cliques for Greeks/Russian/Serbs