Attached: 800px-Michael_Richards_Jerry_Seinfeld.jpg (800x678, 62K)
Leo James
Other urls found in this thread:
Christian James
freud would have a fucking field day with this post
Charles Thompson
early multi link CUNT
Daniel Watson
i remembered my pin number
or more accurately, my fingers remembered them
i just pressed the first number (which i knew) and my fingers knew where to go
it was like i used the force
Jace Collins
Ethan Murphy
Kramer would be a whole foot taller than jerry if he had better posture
Gavin Butler
dogshit yank edition
John Scott
Jonathan Bowden died before all of that as well, he would have fucking loved everything that kicked off in 2016
Ryan Martinez
Dogshit yank edition
David Sullivan
What’s the edition meant to be then yank? WHAT’S THE EDITION MEANT TO BE
John Long
not a fan of those baps
Samuel Lee
Pussy braps are fine. It's fanny braps that are the worst.
Jonathan Reed
Fair enough, like I said it was the dirty talk/accent that really did it for me
Joshua Scott
Jace Martin
they all had to wait for him to die before being so weird or hitch would've fucking destroyed them
and not like how shapiro DESTROYS liberal snowflake
but in a way that they'd have no choice but to stop being weird
Lucas Hughes
i said baps you sped
Logan Reyes
Imagine where we’d be without muscle memory
Bentley Sanchez
can't wait for the cold
Noah Diaz
anyone remember about 2 years ago where /brit/ raided /soc/'s chubby women thread bullying all the horny degenerate posts and fat girls that posted there
was hilarious
quite possibly the best night of the past 2 years for me
how sad
Jason Collins
Ayden Sanders
Parramatta, the jewel in Sydney’s crown
Oliver Reed
Nearly at Sydney lads.
Lucas Morris
bigger brains would win out and we'd be better off as a society
Jose Rodriguez
don't believe in tides simple as
Carter Carter
the last thread didn't even hacve 280 posts
absolute fucking twat
and don't take that as affectionate banter like we do here sometimes i genuinely mean it
you're like someone who litters
Nathan White
Big fan of when /brit/ does proper lad stuff
The incursion into /cum/ the other week was pretty good
Brayden Reed
what the sea?
Joseph Cox
this is a 'bane general
Hudson Lee
Yanks talk like NPCs
Daniel Harris
remember when /shit/ tried to pretend they came up with kevposting or norfposting because they're tumblr refugees only less creative?
Luis Foster
spent most of the day browsing r/hentaibeast
will be reading the works of pushkin tonight
love being a neet
Caleb James
also /cgl/
Joshua Gomez
Austin Campbell
That Mooney Mooney bridge lads.
Caleb Davis
Landon Garcia
Have fun in the shire Lachlad
Anthony Moore
you're a big guy
William Murphy
would bet that are tristan doesnt believe in them either
Owen Gomez
explain his fod then
Angel Jones
Big fan of that bridge, fun to drive on going full pelt
Blake Lewis
is there anything more based than pistachio nuts
Robert Cruz
Can't stop wanking to 2005 Australian big brother
People just didn't have a sense of modesty like today. Birds probably wear more slutty stuff but in terms of actually being naked.
Brody Bailey
huh...i don't seem to know what either of those things are
Aaron Jackson
marxism is pretty based ngl
Benjamin Bailey
Noah Nelson
conquering France
Caleb Turner
lol how is that relevant
Kevin Adams
I'm a cashews man
Evan Carter
Yeah that would be pretty based
Dylan Fisher
Landon Hernandez
Juan Murphy
state of west coast niggas
Zachary Thompson
Asher Jenkins
think about it
Liam Evans
uh huh
Cameron Garcia
Having a hard time dealing with how long ago 2005 actually was
It’s like as far away as 1986 was from 2000 but it doesn’t feel like it
Mason Howard
underage b&
Tyler Peterson
going to a CV advice seminar with the department of defence at university on monday, do I wear a suit or what? dont want to be the odd mong out
Josiah Torres
im trying
Logan Smith
Some of the issues it points out with capitalism are pretty prescient but their solutions to it are shite
Isaiah Harris
Button up shirt tucked in you’ll be right
Easton Johnson
why is india so progressive?
Camden Young
Fucked a prostitute once just to say I did it. It was ok, I didn't orgasm because I was on a lot of lexapro at the time. Feels way more awkward than you'd think
Luis Perez
read das capital
Luis Flores
my morality comes more from Caesar than it does from Christ so i guess im a pagan
Aiden Evans
Didn’t ask
Jackson Jackson
Yeah it is pretty weird. Just how different everything is but I remember being there with big brother in the background and shit still felt normal
Bentley Turner
never owned a suit me
just never needed one simple as
Luke Gutierrez
hinduism loves third gender bullshit so they allow it in law
they get bullied by Indians though
Tyler Gonzalez
"r-read das capital", said the spotty transgender teenager living near Seattle
Brody Thomas
Juan Johnson
Eli Johnson
based, fucking BASED!
knew some hardcore mfers were in this gen
Ryan Rodriguez
special education aka retard
Xavier Evans
I’ve got three
Benjamin White
opt in what?
mandatory what?
fucking autistic
genuinely wonder if there's something in the water or the vaccines or something
>mandatory for some born intersex
>what is?
Luis Lopez
told my mate about the lore of the Fallout games and the different factions and he found it all interesting so he's gonna get one of them now
Eli Lewis
hes not wrong though
Julian Long
ive owned two for both of my siblings weddings
Levi Harris
Honestly for the time Marx was pretty right. Capitalism was just exploiting the working class who lived in their own shit working 12 hours a day.
Kind of pushing it now after they realised they make so much money it's not even funny if there's a huge ever consuming well paid middle class.
Where it's an oppressive evil system which keep you well fed and entertained with the best material quality of life in human history in a devious attempt to stop you rebelling
David Rodriguez
I thought people called them chebs in this gen
>special education
the acronym in the states is secep but til what a sped is.
Blake Carter
You know penises shrink as you age. You can lose something like an inch and a half from fatty buildup in the blood chambers of your cock.
Logan Edwards
Samuel Reed
Daniel Robinson
Too fat for my formal suit so only wore it once :\
Lucas Parker
alright depression is a disease
Nolan Sullivan
saw a proper fat cunt today
mental how they get so big
Daniel Jones
get a load of this retard
Isaac Rodriguez
diametrically opposed ideologies are not the same
nor are the methods by which they're supported ie. violence and smearing vs reasoned discussion
Angel Scott
Thomas Morgan
Sounds like you’re quite the old lad or both your siblings got married young
Leo Gonzalez
good work
hope he enjoys it as much as i did
Justin James
women of all ages have such stupid political beliefs
boomer-tier in retardation
Mason Robinson
you looked in a mirror
Anthony Clark
You looked in the mirror
Evan Jackson
Kevin Harris
when theres a sale on watermelon
Camden Brown
go on then what was the image about?
you know instead of just shitting out insults you could use your time productively and explain it
but no, that would be reasonable and decent
i'm surrounded by fucking animals and retarded babies
Jayden Jenkins
dingo stole my baby
Jason Bailey
hey not all rorkes are violent lad thats a bit presumptuous