Shut the fuck up

Shut the fuck up.

Attached: 1024px-Flag_of_Bulgaria.svg[1].png (1024x614, 1K)

Other urls found in this thread:

shut up fat

shut up fat

Shut the fuck up.

Attached: mexico is a shithole.jpg (650x368, 57K)

Macedonia is Hellenic (Greek)

Shut up fat

shut up fat

Shut the fuck up

Attached: brazillian.jpg (648x433, 64K)

Bulgarians are literally turk rape babies

Shut the fuck up.

Attached: slothland.png (300x250, 27K)

Shut the fuck up!

Attached: reddit bulgaria.png (256x256, 62K)

> *gets shot*

*gets raped by turks*

No one got raped. It was all consensual

*gets raped by blacks*

*is literally a turk*

boomers amiright


yikes, turkish people amiright?

*gets fat*

Non-American = faggot

amer*KKKan = fat

Can you find your home country of Turkey?

can you?