Never has America had a leader who gave fewer fucks and it's glorious.
Admittedly based
What a cuck. He's obviously nervous about reelection.
Why is orange man so funny?
why do ladyboys always make the shittiest threads? are they the niggers of asia?
Literally the only time I ever voted. 10/10 will vote for him again
i touched the iq of this post and got frostbite
He should have told her to fuck off. What kind of cuck says nice things about some cunt that just eviscerated him and the American right? Fucking slut should have been deported. Reminds me of how he lets Israel walk all over him,
Why do Americans treat politics like a soap opera or sporting event?
t. has a revolving door prime minister
because everybody is too well off and disconnected
Nervous about what? There is nobody for him to even run against. The one guy who may have been able to beat him is already involved with a huge international investigation before even getting the nomination. Don’t get me wrong Trump is a cuck but they really should have just let Hillary try again in 2020.
Because our elites try to depoliticize politics as muhc as possible so they can ignore all their promises once elected. Hillary said as much when she told those bankers that an ideal politician needs to have a "public" (the position they campaign with) and "private position" (their actual position) on the issues.
>The one guy who may have been able to beat him is already involved with a huge international investigation
Dude you need to stop browsing Jow Forums
We don't. I voted based on policies him being an old school New York asshole was just a plus. Besides don't act like your country is any better. The way you parade your monarchy around as if they are still relevant is quite pathetic
Haha! The bantmaster in chief. Heck i don't even mind he don't build the wall if the epic Twitter owns like this keep coming in. Get em Donny!
I voted for him because I knew he would support Israel and fight for more American wars in the middle east despite campaigning against that. He seems honest.
If Hillary ran again it would be a massive joke, not a single black voter would turn up
He's obviously making fun of her.
>There is nobody for him to even run against.
Tick tock boomer.
You need to stop browsing reddit if you think the Dems stand a chance in hell
>Biden can barely get through three sentences without a gaff or eye bleed
>Warren is Hillary 2.0 with more screeching along with fake native heritage baggage
>Bernie old socialist on deaths door
>Beto already crashed and burned by giving Republicans a great sound bite on gun grabbing
I think he came off as an asshole in this event tbqh, but that's the Trump am*rikkkans love
What new war has he started faggot? As for Israel I don't give a fuck about our dealings with them. They function as a US military base in the middle east. I own a small business and wanted a money president and that's what I got.
He is currently trying to start one with Iran, my lame ass contractor friend. That's what you are right? Some poverty stricken "small businessman" who is really just some tradecuck right? I'm sure you benefit from his attacks on homeowners since you live out of your truck.
The only assholes are the adults using these retarded kids as meat shields to push an agenda. This potato faced brat is no different than that little queer David Hogg and the Goblina girl. If I'm not mistaken a Dutch kid created a way to somewhat efficiently clean plastic out of the ocean but the media doesn't care about someone with a solution.
dam that's an amazing shot
>There is nobody for him to even run against.
If a vote between Sanders and Trump were to begin today, Sanders would win the popular vote by far.
>your on camera
Perfect summary of that entire image, lel.
why are boomers so autistic wtf?
And yet our political situation is somehow still more stable than yours.
Boomers are fucking stupid. The Jow Forumstards are starting to turn on him because he’s a zionist and other republicans don’t like him and would gladly vote for someone else
>The one guy who may have been able to beat him is already involved with a huge international investigation before even getting the nomination.
What huge international investigation is Bernie involved in?
bernie is actually quite based
need some economically nationalist soc dems to cave in neo liberal heads
>73 year old POTUS making passive-aggressive comments about a schoolgirl who had the balls to insult world leaders to their face
>MAGApedes think this is based
get your testosterone checked
>a Dutch kid created a way to somewhat efficiently clean plastic out of the ocean but the media doesn't care about someone with a solution.
Ah yes le epic child fixes global problem with literally no repercussions
worthless mutt
Ppl said the same shit about hilary bleh
He really is. It's funny that Jow Forums joined in on the reddit circlejerk meltdown against him. He is as Jow Forums a president as the west is ever gonna get.
>why are you not taking things seriously on Jow Forums!!!
>so ijak.jpg
>mutt mutt mutt mutt mutt
Kek this NPC
This is the true and final form of IRL kino
>American IQ
You're not very sharp are you
>Reminds me of how he lets Israel walk all over him
He's obviously being disingenuous in the whole post
Why are people enabling child's nervous breakdown? Her one desire is for people to literally feel extreme dread 24/7 and to make sacrifices to her god, the environment. I feel that if someone would ever tell her about chinese she would have a heart attack.