Guys I have finally achieved my goal...

Guys I have finally achieved my goal. After writing in to the same porn star many times to ask her to take my virginity she has agreed to do so. The only stipulation though is that the agent is wanting to film it. Should I agree to this? This woman is my dream girl. She is a little less known. I would love nothing more than to feel the insides of her but I'm scared of being on film. Any Advice anons?

Attached: 874.jpg (240x193, 28K)

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You are already a pathetic, small minded human being. No one will give a fuck if your on one porn video because no one gives a fuck already.

Just go get laid and be happy like the dumb NPC you are fuck face.

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its the best thing you can do, its a prove that you didn't rape her, also for a man is nothing wrong to have porn videos of himself

Ask for a percentage of the revenus

do it user. have fun

The absolute state of OP

Get shittons of viagra and try to last as long as you can

What's her name so we can see her

Masturbate 2 - 3 times before the act, you will last longer. Eat bananas, mango and pineapple for more seemen, and try to enjoy it. 1st time on cam is interesting after that having sex for hours is not.

Attached: npc_girl_attention.png (748x753, 251K)

Bring an AK-47 with you. And tell the cameraman you'll shoot him in the head if he doesn't leave so you can fuck here in private.

They won't call the cops because they are accepting your money for sex

Masturbate and pop a cialis a few hours before.


someone is jelly..

first ask if agent will join behind you
very important!

It's Hanna Hays, isn't it?

Attached: 1536102131821.jpg (250x212, 5K)

pop a xanax bar beforehand and go barred

True Jow Forumsnessman right fucking here

I don't know why I was thinking about her when I read OP's post. I don't even know that many porn actresses. I'd probably bet it's her

Sounds like you made it
What's even the problem

Post name you absolute faggeroni

Agree. Take Viagra because nerves will betray you. Also try not to cum too early.

before you do this, for the love of god, first google

> "You Wanna be a Pornstar? FOR REAL?"

Do you want to end up in such a video?

Op doesnt wanna be a pornstar tho, just have sex
Theyll probably even censor his face

my boy showing those thots what real titties look like

>this is going to be OP in a couple months

Attached: Bambi%20Blacks%20-%20bambi%20virgin%20fuck%20a%20fan_l.jpg (750x422, 65K)

op you are never going to have sex with anyone ever

quit larping


whos the porn star? come on OP tell us


Attached: hays.jpg (689x384, 42K)

Her porn career's birth.

hell yea, masturbate 5 times before that tho, so u last longer

She really brings out the white knight in me. Supposedly she got recruited by some kike pimp via plentyoffish. Too bad she's too filled with nigger diseases to make healthy white babies now.

Fpbp again

Eyes on the job m8

Just googled it. Man, this is painful to watch.
OP, just buy a whore, don't actually get on film.

this is the most degenerate thing I've ever seen. bloody hell what else Jow Forums is hiding for my unprepared naive mind?

meant to reply to this guy

Her mental age (not even joking, poor thing)

You’re gonna fail to get I up on camera and end up on efukt. The accepted your offer because they actually make money selling this shit on blooper reels. Stage fright is very real and everyone is overly confident they can get it up under the pressure.

Tell us which video is you when it gets posted on efukt kek

100% take a viagra and beat off a few times beforehand. It can be difficult to get hard on camera

>t. virgin
Masturbating before doesn't help LOL. If anything it drains your energy / potential endurance.

>feel the insides of her but
he he

Let me tell you something OP.
A word of truth.

You will not regret the things you do in life.
But you will regret those that you didnt.

Take the chance and let her fuck you like man.

>npc calling others npc

Check out this radiant AI

This is your opportunity to kick start your porn career if you have a big dick

Why do they want to record a 10sec video?