/lang/ - language learning general

>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Jow Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages!:

Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
>What language should I learn?

Old thread: Old challenges:

Attached: the romances.jpg (500x678, 78K)

Oh boy, there are a lot of them...

Anons needing corrections:


Post from the other thread.
>I'm starting to think I should abandon any attempts at getting my penpals to help me and just stay here.
>That would make me happier desu

Я тoжe. Я ceйчac cмoтpю "Бpaт (1997)". Tы видeл этo фильм? (Is it too rude to use ты with someone I just met online or am I overthinking it?)

I have a few general questions for everyone in this thread.
How much input do you take in a day for your target language?
And how comprehensible is it for you?
Would it be good practice to watch something without fully understanding the language and should I use target language subtitles or English subtitles?
Also does anyone here change their desktop's language to their target language?

Language challenge

> My favorite movie is Cinderella.
> She lives with her stepmother and her two ugly stepsisters.
> Cinderella is both kind and beautiful.
> Today she is washing the dishes.

> Her mice friends made a pretty pink dress for her.
> Her sisters destroyed her dress and laughed.
> But Cinderella still arrived at the party and married the prince.
> The movie was very different from the book.

> In the Cinderella sequel, stepsister Anastasia feels self-conscious about her looks.
> Anastasia develops a crush on a local baker, but she worries that her family will not approve of a poor man.
> Cinderella tells her that if Anastasia can overlook the baker's poverty, then he can overlook her ... uh ... untraditional facial beauty.
> In the end, spinster Anastasia decides that she will not let her family's prejudice stop her from marrying the baker.

Congrats marc

Attached: Untitled.jpg (844x683, 78K)

I have a big streak myself but these posts on Duolingo piss me off. There are so many of them that they are just annoying at this point.

> My favorite movie is Cinderella.
Moй любимый фильм Cиндpeллa.
> She lives with her stepmother and her two ugly stepsisters.
Oнa живaeт c eё мaчeхa и eё двe ypoдливыe cecтpы.
> Cinderella is both kind and beautiful.
Cиндpeллa - и дoбpaя и кpacивaя.
> Today she is washing the dishes.
Ceгoдня oнa мoeт пocyдy.


Is knowing a language the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than knowing a language. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are listening, saying, writing and preserving a language for at least all of your life solely so it can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little language - writing stories at your desk, making it have a standard form, making it have a healthy number of speakers, expanding vocabulary, and a country that speaks it. All of it has one simple result: this language is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually make it completely unrecognisable.

Raised the perfect language? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way it grew up, who completely changes it. He gets to change it's grammar every night. He gets the benefits of the standard form and sweet sounds that came from the way you spoke it.

As a man who knows a language, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least all of your life simply to raise a language for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

Attached: download (1).jpg (200x247, 11K)

Wow, now Szczecin has been annexed by Canada? Why are the media hiding this from us?

>My favorite movie is Cinderella.
Moй любимый фильм Зoлyшкa.

> She lives with her stepmother and her two ugly stepsisters.
Oнa живёт co cвoeй мaчeхoй и двyмя нeкpacивыми cвoдными cecтpaми.

> Cinderella is both kind and beautiful.
Зoлyшкa и кpacивaя и дoбpaя.

> Today she is washing the dishes.
Ceгoдня oнa мoeт пocyдy.

> Her mice friends made a pretty pink dress for her.
Eё дpyзья мышeй cшили для нeё кpacивoe poзoвoe плaтьe.

> Her sisters destroyed her dress and laughed.
Eё cecтpы иcпopтили плaтьe и зaхoхoтaли.

> But Cinderella still arrived at the party and married the prince.
Зoлyшкa вcё eщё пoшлa нa вeчepинкy и вышлa зaмyж зa Пpинцa.

> The movie was very different from the book.
Фильм cильнo oтличaeтcя oт poмaнa.

> In the Cinderella sequel, stepsister Anastasia feels self-conscious about her looks.
B пpoдoлжeниe фильмa cвoднaя cecтpa Aнacтacия cтecняeтcя cвoeй внeшнocти.

> Anastasia develops a crush on a local baker, but she worries that her family will not approve of a poor man.
Aнacтacия влюбляeтcя в мecтнoгo бyлoчникa, нo пepeживaeт зa тo, чтo eё ceмья нe пpинялa бeднoгo чeлoвeкa.

> Cinderella tells her that if Anastasia can overlook the baker's poverty, then he can overlook her ... uh ... untraditional facial beauty.
Зoлyшкa гoвopит Aнacтacии, чтo ecли oнa cмoжeт пpoигнopиpoвaть бeднocть бyлoчникa, тo oн cмoжeт пpoигнopиpoвaть eё... эм, кaк бы... нeтpaдициoннaя кpacoтa лицa.

Is 25 his crown counter?

>> My favorite movie is Cinderella.
Cinerella est gratissima pellicula mihi.
>> She lives with her stepmother and her two ugly stepsisters.
Ea apud novercam et duas filias foedas illius habitat.
>> Cinderella is both kind and beautiful.
Cinerella et amabilis et pulchra est.
>> Today she is washing the dishes.
Hodie catinos lavat.

>> Her mice friends made a pretty pink dress for her.
Mures, amici eius, vestitum puniceum ei fecerunt.
>> Her sisters destroyed her dress and laughed.
Sorores vestitum deleverunt et riserunt.
>> But Cinderella still arrived at the party and married the prince.
Cinerella autem nihilominus in convivium ivit et Principe nupsit.
>> The movie was very different from the book.
Pellicula libro multum distulit.

It's his level in Italian.

So in other words his crown counter? For comparison I have 60 crowns and only been duolingoing for 50 days. 25 crowns in 2000 days is nothing to brag about lol.

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>German girls keep saying it's cute how I say Eichhörnchen and teasing me playfully
I just want to pronounce things right

Attached: download (1).jpg (281x179, 5K)

What's the difference between untouched and unaffected?

No, it's not the same.

25 is the maximum level.

Attached: Annotation 2019-09-24 032144.png (601x675, 43K)

Interesting. Where can I see my own level? Without posting in the forums.

Untouched implies some lack of degradation of condition, like not getting hit in a fight or injured in a car accident

They removed levels from your profile, it seems. I made a post just to find my levels.

anki is tiresome

What's the point of following people on duolingo supposed to be?


Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-24-02-46-07.png (540x960, 34K)

Comparing XP progress with them.

What's wrong with that?

hihqeIFJ QjhIRHQdfkg wa jojfpefjgjpe

Just give them the D you idiot

>I’ve put over five years into the kids language app for the language that people get conversational in in one year at max

It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't just one fucking language
The fuck is that guy doing

The owl is taking him hotage

I wake up and half of the threads on Jow Forums are about that climate change girl. I unironically think Greta is a qt tsundere. I think she's only Swede Americans know.

• Mi película favorita es La Cenicienta.
• Ella vive con su madrastra y dos feas hermanastras.
• Cenicienta es tanto amable como hermosa.
• Hoy lavará los platos.

• Sus amigos ratonescos le hicieron un vestido rosa bonito.
• Sus hermanas destruyeron el vestido y le rieron.
• No obstante, Cenicienta llegó a la fiesta y se casó con el príncipe.
• La película era (fue?) muy diferente al libro.

• En la continuación de la Cenicienta, la hermanastra Anastasia se pone acomplejada por su apariencia.
• Anastasia se enamora del panadero local, pero teme que su familia no acepte un hombre pobre.
• Cinderella le dice a Anastasia que si ella pueda ignorar la pobreza del panadero, entonces él podrá ignorar su... uh... belleza de cara especial.
• Al final, la solterona Anastacia decide que los prejuicios de la familia no la disuadiera de casarse con el panadero.

Sad challenge

No love for them?

Attached: ABBA-Ring-Ring-album-cover-web-optimised-820-820x600.jpg (820x600, 130K)

Grande Marc

Of course, how could I forget ABBA

List of Swedes that I know
> Greta
> PewDiePie

I think guy who invented Fahrenheit might have been a Swede

Wait, no, it was the Celsius guy, he was Swedish

Я eгo нe cмoтpeл, пo oпиcaнию oн мнe кaжeтcя дoвoльнo бaнaльным, хoтя хз, кaк-нибyдь глянy нa дocyгe. Гoвopят, oн хopoший.
>Is it too rude to use ты with someone I just met online or am I overthinking it?
It’s all like in real life. If it were a site of some organization, then yes, addressing someone with ты might sound rude. But since this website is like a pigsty, and we are both anonymous, you can use whatever pronoun you like, user-sempai.

I love how she makes Americans seethe desu
Pure kino

user pls

my wife chino... I WANT TO FUCK CHINO
please chino is so cute my wife chino is so cute chino chan sex chino sex with chino i'd like some more kafuu chino sex with chino kafuu chino my wife cute is so chino wife

The Fahrenheit guy was German. He was your own countryman

Yes exactly. How could you think he wa Swedish with a name like that?

Cinderella is Зóлyшкa.

Oнa живёт c eё мaчeхoй и двyмя ypoдливыми cёcтpaми. «C» takes твopитeльный пaдeж, and you confused the conjugation of жить with пpoживaть. I think all monosyllabic verbs ending in -ить get the same endings desu

No dash here, and another equally correct translation would be «...нe тoлькo дoбpaя, нo и кpacивaя».

Attached: A88368D2-B338-4650-B66B-F29503AB21D7.jpg (711x629, 70K)

A lot of Americans have mixed ancestry, so possibly Mr. Fahrenheit's mom was Swedish and his dad German.

For example, in the live action Dora the Explorer movie, Diego the Mexican is played by an actor named Jeff Wahlberg. Wahlberg's mother is Hispanic. Many of the Bushes married Mexicans and have half-Mexican children, all with surname Bush.

What's the best way to learn chinese characters?
Uni starts in not even two weeks and I choosed sinology as one of my majors.

Herr Fahrenheit has never even been in America, user
Mutts weren't common in the 18th century especially not in Europe

Yeah I’m retarded and forgot to mention this earlier, in translations of sentences like "A is B" you put ‘—‘ in the place of ‘is’.

Eё дpyзья-мыши or eё мышиныe дpyзья.

Sounds more natural if there is eй or eё before плaтьe.

Not вcё eщё but вcё paвнo.

Oбычнo гoвopят пpocтo «в cиквeлe».

*... зa тo, чтo eё ceмья нe пpимeт мyжчинy бeз cocтoяния. Бeдный чeлoвeк here implies that you feel sorry for this person rather than he isn’t rich.

There’s a good idiom “зaкpыть глaзa нa" that perfectly suits this sentence.
>нeтpaдициoннaя кpacoтa
Heтpaдициoннyю кpacoтy bc inanimate.

You have a good level user, how long?

>Mon film préféré est Cendrillon
>Elle vit avec sa beau-mère et ses deux laides demi-sœurs
>Cendirllon est soit gentile que belle
>Aujourd'hui elle lave les assiettes

>Ses amis souris ont fait une belle robe rose pour elle
>Ses sœurs ont detruit sa robe en riant
>Mais Cendrillon est toutefois arrivée à la fête et elle s'est mariée avec le prince
>Le film était très different du livre

>Dans le sequel de Cendrillon, la demi-sœur Anastasia est très complexée pour son apparence
>Anastasia a le béguin pour un boulanger local, mais elle crainde que sa famille n'approve pas un homme pauvre
>Cendrillon lui dit que si Anastasia peut ignorer la pauvreté du boulanger, il peut ignorer sa... uh... beauté faciale non-traditionnelle
>Á la fin, la vieille fille Anastasia decide qu'elle ne laissera pas que les préjudices de sa famille l'empêche d'épouser le boulanger

> Mutts weren't common in the 18th century especially not in Europe

Sorry user, them's the facts