As global citizens on Jow Forums what can we do to help address the climate crisis in our own respective countries? Thoughtful solutions only
As global citizens on Jow Forums what can we do to help address the climate crisis in our own respective countries...
Climate science is race science for liberals
Nuke America and Canada
Getting close to number 1! :^)
Maybe your country wouldn't be such a shithole if you actually listened to experts
Americans and Canadians need to walk more and use less the car.
FInland is aiming to become carbon neutral by 2035 and then proceed to become carbon negative. Forestry is one of our strong suits, along with alot of renewable energy production.
Nuclear, not coal.
kill americans, chinese and indians
cull africa
limit meat consumption
planet saved
>nuke Africa and India
>kill americans, chinese and indians
while compete ignoring yourself and Europe/Canada etc.
>cull africa
Despite contributing jack shit pollution
>limit meat consumption
Mostly western demand causing it
>limit meat consumption
fuck off
>muh per capita
they are the most numerous bugmen, no intellect, no contribution
they arent causing pollution NOW PER CAPITA because they are poor as shit, but they dont want to remain poor as shit, so they will be consuming MORE AND MORE and with the volume they MULTIPLY they will BECOME the biggest threat to the enviroment
again, now, and limiting it would affect everyone
Shut up Turk.
it's great because it's how you know it's about moral puritanism for these people. as if the planet gives two shits about the pollution per head
no you fuck off, producing meat, producing food and water for the animals who we eat is the biggest factor, im not even rich and i eat meat almost every day
I posted per capita numbers because this thread is about how we as people who live in those countries can cooperate to help reduce our own emissions. You know maybe Jow Forums could bring about positive change for once.
>they arent causing pollution NOW PER CAPITA because they are poor as shit, but they dont want to remain poor as shit, so they will be consuming MORE AND MORE and with the volume they MULTIPLY they will BECOME the biggest threat to the enviroment
>assuming African cities and states won't adapt measures to deal with it on top of modern urbanization causing cities to be developed differently vs American and European ones.
>i have no arguement praise china chingchongdingdong
Why does Korea emit so much? They don't have to move long distances by car like American.
>africans adapting to anything
Manufacturing and shipping.
They're the world's 5th largest importer of crude and have a massive reliance on coal.
>assuming African cities and states won't adapt measures to deal with it
it's a good assumption, a lot of these states suffer from an inferiority complex thanks to colonialism (china and others included) and will do anything to supplant the west economically and on the world stage to get back the past they feel was taken from them
if you think they will implement pro-environment laws that will hinder this, you are deluded
Plastic bag bans in West Africa.
Large reforestation projects that are spearheaded by locals that reforested a huge area. Environmental activism, A coal factory getting compelled blocked by protests.
Manufacturing has been dominated by Asia for so long many states aren't really jumping into it or want to do it since that introduces a bunch of problems. That part about "no you fuck off, producing meat, producing food and water for the animals who we eat is the biggest factor, im not even rich and i eat meat almost every day" is just something you are stuffing into their collective mouths many people just want a stable well off life.
>if you think they will implement pro-environment laws that will hinder this, you are deluded
Considering how many protests delay or even stop polluting entities in these countries says otherwise.
financed by europe LOL
what activism, who cares about activism, they live in slums, they burn shit, they live on agriculture
If the EU counted as one country it would be the biggest poluter. The per capita one is the only one that matters.
>Despite contributing jack shit pollution
Of the 10 most polluted rivers in the world, 8 are in Asia and 2 in Africa. Some of the world's largest cities are in Africa - like Kinshasa, Lagos, Cairo etc. They contribute jack shit *per capita* and it depends on the country anyway, Eritrea and Algeria don't contribute as much as Nigeria.
>The per capita one is the only one that matters
Fuck no. Nature doesn't care about pollution per capita. We can sustain 25 million Australians polluting like Australians. We can't sustain 300 million Americans polluting like Americans.
And those "big" polluters are the exception.
The reforestations weren't funded by Europeans or started by them. In most parts. nigers and nearby states completely reforestation large swathes of desert.
Why focus on those two Europeans pollute hard-core.
They still have a lot of factories in their own country.
A coastal Kenyan community stopped a coal factory from bring built.
>implying this world is worth saving
The will of America can probably be altered, so is China the greatest obstacle to combating carbon emissions?
It's literally just a function of population otherwise.
Why Canada has so much emissions? It doesn't have a big population
China funds green energy initiatives. America finances basically all climate denialism.
Natural resource extraction
Exactly we could just fix the climate by dividing China into smaller parts
Because it's per capita.
Naah do it to America instead so that the white race will be safe.
Likewise, 5 million Finns turning on heating and saunas all winter is manageable. 500 million Europeans doing the same is not. Per capita means nothing.
You are a legit retard
Wow, First World countries are a problem?
Guess we should all strive to be like the Central African Republic.
Nice try.
Poor Greta, she has to sit around lecturing the U.S., Canada and Europe because she knows China would have none of her shit.
data shows that Greece is the country that followed the indications of economics experts the most
This tbqh
>hurr durr co2 bad
Why the FUCK aren't we planting more trees then?
>limit meat consumption
No need. You just have to equip each barn with a methane collecting filters.You get meat and you get methane gas. It's a win win.
I've actually planted 2 trees and 3 roses this summer. How many did you plant?
Zero. But its cool that you did. I mean it.
its not only the methane, the water, the land to graze animals
and quite alot of those animals arent kept in a barn
We consume less resources than countries with 10% our population. Western greed is what led us here in the first place. Don't blame us for the problems you caused
Why do you want to stop it? I like going to the beach so it would be good if we had more of that.
Time for Braap Barns.
US should invest more into renewable energy