The blacks are skeptical (many are brought up in Christianity or adopt Islam) likewise Hispanics. The Muslims take the science they need and the science that can be correlated with the Qu'ran but they do not take science as infallible and the life motto for the world. Native Americans don't give a shit and continental Indians are not exactly lining up to espouse the virtues of nihilistic atheism.
Perhaps East Asians and white people are the only 2 groups who want a scientific dictatorship. Your whole countries and lifestyles are based strictly on what science says. And anyone who has a distrust of science is seen as an opponent who needs to be vilified and bullied until he comes on board with the scientific overlords.
Why are you against any form of religious indoctrination or religious extremism but completely fine with scientific indoctrination and extremism? If I want my children taught the Qu'ran (or even the Bible if i'm Christian) who are you to tell me that's wrong? Because some man with a fancy title and a white jacket said i shouldn't? Fuck your smug, fashionable disdain for religion.
In school and in western media you are taught to worship science just like a devout evangelical would worship christ. its infallible at this point and if you disagree with ANYTHING holy science claims you will simply be excommunicated
Luis Morales
Absolute retard قوم means people in this verse context , it can mean straight or straighten , but in this context it means people , don't they teach you translation in school ?
Gavin Hall
>Conclusions made after years of research? Meaningless. >But my book from 2000y ago holds unquestionable truth.
>non religious aphorism meant to make you reflect on a commonly occuring hubris, not meant to be technically accurate >vulgarized science from science vulgarization eceleb, technically accurate if vague
Lucas Brown
Literally none wants a scientific dictatorship, there is no scientific indoctrination or extremism. The only ones going ape shit about science if someone disagrees are non scientists with no understanding of science.
Nicholas Walker
heres the "context" if it means people, the popular translation: >"Until, when he reached (the) setting place (of) the sun, he found it (the sun?) setting in a spring (of) dark mud, and he found near it a community"
What?? why dont use the "i love science" sense because it much more readable and in fact, BH exist duh.