Believe in the Money Skelton! He's gonna make us rich!

Believe in the Money Skelton! He's gonna make us rich!

He fud Ethereum to get rid of the infidels! It's only going UP now!

Attached: Saviortalik Butterin.jpg (587x255, 106K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>user bought ETH instead of eos

Attached: 385918CF-DF78-49BF-8ADA-722AECD1C2F9.jpg (239x266, 19K)

Vitalik is based af and the hatred shown to him by this board is proof of how many never gonna make it plebbit tier moonboiz there are here.

Ahh were just busting his balls a bit. Biz loves Money Skelly!

>having to gas optimise code by going directly into the EVM and inspecting every single machine level instruction
>having to come up with your own sidechain solution just for deploying a dapp so it can be used as you intended

literally why... just use EOS...

>everyone should be looking into layer-2 solutions

Vitalik finally saw the light and is now shilling for Chainlink.

That's some next level autism

Actually he has aspergers. Autists aren't necessarily geniusses, they're often just very caught up in their own world and can concentrate on tedious tasks for long periods of time, longer than most humans can. Aspergers is like being a social akward genius.

Money Skelleys into the game theory, love that guy, hope he loves himself.

The "world computer" with 1000 daily dapp users is at full capacity.

look for 2nd layer soultions is
buzzphrase for admitting blockchain failure

Aspergers has been delisted from the Diagnostic Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders.

It's now just autism.

>begging to get chinked
nice dubs, checkd

Layer 2 is RDN and OMG. RDN releases first, get with the program user. Money skelly is alright btw just a bit too faggotron

btrashie detected

Attached: bcrap.jpg (667x587, 88K)

how is OMG layer 2? I'm assuming you mean plasma

TRX is the way to go, feeless and fast.

ok fagget, i watched the hole vidya.
is there a subliminal mechassge of some kind?
cant figya it out cause lo IQ fag here

This video puts a smile to my face.
It's the face of making it.

Attached: 1535417104626.jpg (645x773, 224K)

low IQ detected
I'm fluffy maximalist and they suffer from the same plague

>designs a software platform that forces developers to git gud through economic forces
Based money skeleton.