Implemented smart contracts that can be written in F* for formal verification

>implemented smart contracts that can be written in F* for formal verification
>live mainnet
>smart contracts have an api that let you listen to events on the bitcoin blockchain

can someone explain to me why this is only worth $5 mill mcap?
Was there a scam or something beforehand?
How the fuck can it be worth so little... the only other coins that have developed custom smart contract frameworks that are currently working on their mainnets are Ethereum, EOS, Neo, Tezos and Stratis... all worth $200 million+

Not even shilling i just need some user to talk me out of buying into this since the liquidity is so low that ill get caught bagholding if this turns out to be a scam.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-09-22 at 14.24.04.png (246x118, 15K)

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oh nevermind. i just had a look and it can only process 60 tps + 4 minute block times

That's not the reason, though. There are many good low cap projects, but it doesn't help if they had their ICO in fucking January

>There are many good low cap projects
can you name some others? i cant think of any that are even close to this, despite its downfall.

maybe Dero if they actually get their smart contracts working.

bump for this
>can you name some others?

Buy it. It's on one tiny exchange and everyone thought it'd go 5-10x. patience is key. this is a Link competitor btw.

buy. wait 1 month. cash out at a 5x.

also, it reversed, and just had a decently large buy. would i would have grabbed more but i'm fine with 30K.

no i just looked into F* as well btw. Its a fucking joke of a language. This is literally the only documentation/tutorial there is for it -

I shit you not. Try to find another resource to learn the language. That link is literally it. And read it. Its a fucking joke of a tutorial. Doesnt even show you how to declare a variable and just makes you guess. Devs should have just gone with OCaml or something instead of this meme...

Cause no one is using it?

you are retarded. if you don't buy a small bag and wait a few months, you are going to be very upset.

see you then.

whats happening in a few months...

*eye roll* - jesus, you cannot be helped can you. do whatever you want.

>user you need to buy because in a few months the price is going to go up majorly
>"why will the price go up majorly in a few months?"
>im not telling you

user wtf. just say what it is

if you don't know how this works by now, specifically with this, or looking back on old threads about this coin, then you just don't get it yet. you'll learn. later.

okay i just looked at the past 30 threads for this coin. literally all created by the same autist shilling his bags. so i dont know what you mean here...

i agree with that user. a shame nobody is paying attention to him.

also : see : small chink exchange. see (chasm / throughway) see : rising volume.

just listen to what i said.

okay, bye dumb-fuck.


It's just F# with dependent features, don't sperg out

user, unless this was you, you massively fucked up.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-09-23 at 2.46.59 AM.png (1688x700, 124K)

lol are you serious? look at the spread. the person that bought that just cleared like 2 ETH of orders. thats it.

>It's just F# with dependent features, don't sperg out
eh ok. ive never used f# so fair enough i guess

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-09-22 at 21.03.03.png (560x174, 32K)

They sold out and let a small group of russians early-mine it.

F# is to Haskell what C# is to C++.

It's Microsoft porting ideas to their .NET framework, which is let's say opposed to the Oracle frameworks (Java and now Kotlin, and Scala).

Haskell was made as a language by academics to test functional concepts. F# looks like Haskell. Scala is Java VM with some features copied from Haskell/Erlang/etc.

Erlang was made for telecom stuff. A modern update is Elixir.

In the last 10 years Agda was used by academics to write down math, which looks like Haskell but has the more interesting dependent type system. Idris is the dependent type system with hope to be used outside of academia. F* is naturally Microsofts approach to turning F# into something dependent. (As a matter of fact Microsoft sponsers several dependent languages, Lean is one).

Ethereums solidity looks like javascript/C++. Although they also develope serpent or something, which ought to look like Python (which in the context of the above is maybe closest to C, but it's of course a scripting language made in the same year as Haskell, to be a simple to use as possible).
That ugly bearded creep who was working on Ethereum early on made his own thing, Cardano, where a bunch of Haskell hackers work. That's a great idea, if only they didn't get all their funding from Japan to make a few people rich.
Where I'm going with this is that Cardano actually hired one of the mains academics who designed Haskell and they do their own language for Cardano smart contracts, Plutos.

Point is that dependently typed functional languages are THE goto language, in theory, for smart contracts:
Very small apps where maximal security however is crucial.
On the flipside, you can also be an autist and stick forever to C++, like EOS.

Zen of course know that, but they are a small Israeli startup who decided to be a sort of side-chain to Bitcoin. As I said here , there are other projects, from Holo down to Constellation, which will make it. Zen doesn't even do marketing.

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i dont get this functional programming meme desu.
why does it matter? most financial software is written in c++/java/COBOL...

All of the ethereum smart contract bugs like the DAO would have still happened even if it was with a functional programming language. The DAO was literally just a recursion exploit because the code executed whatever function was passed into it.

more like 20 eth.

you missed the floor.

$5 EOY.

kek no its not. i was looking at the order books before and all during this thread.

I remember the guys from Zen protocol actually wrote a cool article last year where they show how to encode the issue that makes the notion of gas necessary on Ethereum, on the type level, so that you don't need gas. Basically you have arithmetic on the type level that encapsulates runtype resource cost.
Dependent types are interesting because you can use them to quickstart math (i.e. all of math, i.e. replace set theory as foundation)
Agda stemmed from that insight (and insight from the 70's)

>most financial software is written in c++/java/COBOL...
Because people can learn those/already know how to program them.
Functional languages have a steep learning curve - too steep for many people. Well pure ones anyway.

here was the article

mind you, the green stuff highlighted in the pic is the type of the function (function is called "bind" here). Most of the logic happens on the type level and is checked to be true and compile time. Dependent means you can have compile time terms (e.g. natural number variables) in the type.

That said, they are about financial transactions/smart contracts for finance, and that's cool but not as fundamentally important as the problem that some DAG projects are approaching.

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4 minute block times

Thanks for posting so early so I don't have to read more. sage