Since most of this board hates the idea of wageslaving - which has Marxist undertones to it, but simultaneously loves the idea of making easy gains by exploiting others (zero sum ponzi schemes, dumping stocks on uninformed retail investors, leveraging trades in a manipulated market) - what does that make this board?
Since most of this board hates the idea of wageslaving - which has Marxist undertones to it...
extremely politically confused
a product of their environment
Self-centered narcissism?
I believe your fishing for hypocritical
Normal people, ie hypocrites?
Parasites and scavengers
Intellectual elite
Every market is manipulated, crypto is just small enough to obviously notice it.
There is no contradiction you retard. We don’t want to be wageslaves we have no problem with other people being wageslaves. We want to be on top that’s all.
verry based and also indeed very red pilled
"wageslaves" drive the economy and these neets wouldn't be able to trade rocks without them. They are like the welfare parasite. They are the literal niggers of society. Some of them make it like a nigger who goes to the NBA. Most will not amount to shit.
If an honest day's work was enough to live off of comfortably and it didn't mean subsidizing the shittiest behaviors of the rich AND the poor, maybe we'd feel different. Instead it's nothing but debt and wageslavery.
The middle class is dead.
You sound like a 14 years old that doesn't have a full grasp on capitalism
>wage slave has marxist undertones
Kill yourself you false flagging commie
First post, worst post
Jow Forums is about making money
The kind of folks drawn to here are those that want to make a good lifestyle for themselves at almost any cost
Bottom capitalists who want to be top capitalists.
Under marxism, everyone is on the bottom. No one wants to be a slave to societal mediocrity, unless they are already mediocre to begin with, with zero potential, and just want to drag everyone down to their level. That basically describes a marxist. I'll take a Jow Forums bottom feeder over a marxist subhuman any day.
It makes them legitimate capitalists. You should always be seeking to destroy the weak. If you are a wage slave, every second of every day should be plotting how to destroy your company and usurp it. If you aren't a wage slave, you should be seeking to make others a wage slave. This is how the world works. It is a constant war for supremacy and you are either fighting your way to the top, watching your back while you're there, or sitting at the bottom like a slave.
hating wageslaving - normal functional human being
making a weird theory "proving" that wageslaving isn't necessary and the only thing keeping you from fulfilling your utopia is an evil powerful cult called bourgeoisie (now capitalists) - crazy homicidal conspiracy theorist
This. The system is completely fucked, we just recognize it as such and try to grab all we can before the ship sinks.
Cringe and bluepilled. Only normies and NPCs are "a product of their environment".
Channers are product of memes.