If you aren't accumulating REQ right now you simplty aren't going to make it...

If you aren't accumulating REQ right now you simplty aren't going to make it. This is the last ETH-tier moonshot in crypto, $20 or more EOY easily.
>muh coinbase fud
No, we don't need Coinbase, you brainlets - Coinbase needs REQ.

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I agree but 20$ EOY? c'mon, i don't think we go ''even'' over dollar this year.


42cents EOM

It's over. Accept it.


>$20 dollar mozzarella

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Can I make a request for my money back ?
All I ask.

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>erc20 token gonna be an eth-moonshot
>moneytis made investors money right?


can i request a bill for my mozzarella

Love how the predictions on this at best average uni project are becoming lower and lower... from $500 to $100 to $20. You'd kill for it reaching 10 cents wouldn't you.

0,20 is hard to reach
imagine $20

if this goes back to 10 cents i'll have six figures
if it goes back to a dollar i'll be a millionaire

20$ in 2022. Just accumulate.

how muchh do you hold.

So why didn't you sell in January. You could have been a millionaire

Nice, this will be the first few thousands of requests I'm sure

people know how to average down and how not to buy at the top

Most req fags would suck a hobo's dick for it too reach a dollar again.

Appcoins are worthless

Delusional. I dumped my REQ on you pajeets at $0.80 and will never touch it again.

1MM obviously...

i bought most of my REQ tokens in the past two months.

depends if he has a condom. Toen formally known as Req $5 EOY.
(rebrand is coming)

Is that the new name? TOEN, I like it.

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