Not many people would like being me

>not many people would like being me

What did he mean by this? Why would experiencing the universe simulation as a healthy billionaire in the United States be such a horrible existence?

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T b h it's probably not worth the stress. At some point I'm not sure how much more money you need

Illuminati pullin him around by the nose.

>get stressed out
>still have billions to live out the rest of your life like a king doing whatever you want

Because he's not a healthy billionaire. He redlines his fucking brain every day because the alternative is too depressing.

There, I think he was speaking on how his mind works, constantly firing off ideas and analyzing things. not being able to sleep etc

I hate this guy
Why does he pretend that his mere excistence is a blessing for everyone on earth and that he is sacrificing his life for us

If he didnt like what he is doing he would stop. His head is probably so far up his ass that he gets a hard on when he thinks of himself as jesus and that is most likely keeping him going, not because he is a good person

Hes probably INTP and has analyzed the world many times over. He probably learned about Hitler and the jews and its driving him so mad that he wants to create an ethnostate on Mars. This is a man who gives no fucks and the world is starting to break him.

MFW Elon starts the age of super-villains

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>grass is always greener

Attached: ohhohonononono.jpg (183x275, 7K)

>shit ton of people working for him and depending on his decision
>contracts with your signature put you in the laywers shackle until the day you die
>be well known money man everywhere in the world, ready to be kidnapped
>offend one person and pay them 1mil

you are the gateway to money, and people will squeez it out of you until they think you have none

>offend one person and pay them 1mil

That's literally 0.005% of his total worth

>shit ton of people working for him and depending on his decision
>contracts with your signature put you in the laywers shackle until the day you die

nothing to lose sleep over.

>be well known money man everywhere in the world, ready to be kidnapped

Has more then enough money to buy the best security/body guards on the market

When an autist becomes a celebrity this what happens

i like this concept.

i hope he gets vag on the regular

read about his childhood

He has insomnia. It sucks to be insomniac. Success is being able to sleep

Self deprecation to make you like him more.

>it's just money

t. rich people

He is just high iq. His billions mean nothing to him because he was always going to be wealthy thanks to his mind.

unimaginable stress

rocket launches versus ULA (boeing, etc)
Car industry is incredibly competitive and has country backing (german/china governments)

He is doing the hardest shit you could do in business world.

>Buy the most expensive bodyguards on the market
>Get robbed and left for dead

because being a closeted pedophile like elon is miserable i assume.

He doesn't look like one. Insomniacs usually look like walking death.

He's a suspicious character. We're supposed to believe that he's a genius, but every time I've seen him talking he looks like can barely string a sentence together.

Holy shit he really did piss you guys off with the "who do you think runs the media" comment didn't he?

>sacrificing his life for us

ummm... yeah. I wouldn't like that either.

does Elon shitpost on /pol you think?