Is it possible to make profit off day trading or is day trading a scam by those dude who want to sell "training courses"?
Day trading
Legend says “You can profit. You must learn the ways”
if you have money to lose then daytrading could be profitable. But you need to lose a lot in order to learn. After that it seems to be free money, i have a friend who makes like 10-15k daily by looking at graphs all day.
Your losses are someone else's gains. What are they doing that youre not?
what about using simulators instead of real money?
Not really, but it seens to involve a huge amount of speculation. And speculation is dangerous
doesnt all investing/trading require speculation, even value investing?
People have made a good living off the stock market for a very long time. However, those who make it usually seem to have alternatives to make money on the side. Also it's not like crypto where you can easily 10x a small investment. Stock market can take some serious capital to see gains.
The amount is the difference here.
Money made on stocks is safer though, because if you earn too much in cryptos you risk going to jail
its also that crypto are pretty much completely unpredictable compared to stocks
Yes. But its hard and there alot of mental anguish
Its not a scam per se but your more likely to lose than to gain. Its spammed by exchanges that make money by trading fees.
This. You can "paper trade" the real market with pretend $100k to start on ThinkorSwim.
>tfw I never had the patience to get good I just lose real money and give up
Yes but a value approach should aim to preserve principal whereas daytrading can blow up an account easier than most people think without proper risk management.
What can go wrong?
If you are right you make 1-2% daily, at the peak.
If you make it wrong lose atleast 10-100%.
What can go wrong?
Be a "legal state gambler" now.
Is there a market for used shoes in Brazil, fren
Only used flip flops and machetes.
Day trading is a legitimate profession. It's hard and if you have to git gud, but it definitely is a viable way to make money... if'n ur gud.
I tried for one year.
I put $10,000 into the market and traded almost daily. At the end of one year I had $10,000.
It's such a fucking meme. TA does not work. It's identical to gambling.
Only way to succeed in stocks is just buy and hold long term, in stocks you think are great companies.
Don't believe me? Just take some money you are willing to lose and day trade for one year. See what happens.
Why wouldn't it be possible?
yes it's possible, it's happened, read market wizards
You weren't gud. You gotta be gud.
15k daily? How much does he trade with? Sounds like he trades options or something to rake in that much everyday.
real is much, much different. I had to lose a little, got my confidence broken before I rebuilt it using a solid strategy and tested it daily for months. When I was paper trading and turning profits on 60% of my trades I thought I was doing good, boy was I wrong
I was already profitable trading by my second week. There are people who are trading stocks for 5 years and haven't yet recouped their losses. See the bitmex leaderboard and you will see legends who have 1000x their initial investment.
The guy on literally said the basics
Day trading is a huge meme, this is why people sell books and courses, it is more profitable to lead sheep to slaughter. If you must trade short timeframes go for the 1-3 month period. You'll find it is easier and just as profitable if not more profitable. For you, very likely to be more profitable.
The biggest problem with day trading is that it is inherently reactionary. It tries to profit from the current or immediate past conditions. That shit doesn't matter. The past is over and the current will soon be the past. You want to position yourself to do well ahead of time. Trade trends that actually matter, intraday flucuations are mostly small with little meaning to the big picture.
Paper trading isn't the same because you are always aware that it isn't real money and there is no consequence for failure.
ah wb finding a proper day trading community what would you guys recommend, everything ive looked into has been paid chatrooms its starting to seem like a meme
99% of people will fail, heed my warning.
I lost $1500 and quit.
elitetrader is where I lurk.
None, it is a meme.
>day trading community
All stock trading forums are garbage. Read books, watch tutorials, understand that no one is going to show you their complete winning strategy.
Would you describe the trades which lost the largest sums you can remember. Go into details like whether or not those were "large" sizes for you. Go into details of your reasoning for entering those positions. If you have screenshots/records, that would be even better. I'm sure you took record of all of what I'm asking, because you took your Trading seriously, right?
what would you recommend to learn about short term trading?
You gotta have those Enron type connections for that shit to work
lol ok. Show me a real life person who day trades for a living and their actual trades and income at the end of the year. These people don't exist. It's not real bro.
ur a doofus
Like I said, elitetrader is a thriving community of traders, day or otherwise. Market wizards has proof of successful day traders. Stop coping because you can't get gud
This. I nearly lost it all due to retardation and greed. Went from 1.74btc to .19, now I’m back to 1.56 through diligence and patience.
I think it honestly takes the ability to stay in the game long enough, and losing just enough so that you’re able to actually learn and come back from the fee it takes for your experience.
It’s not for everyone, that’s for fucking sure. You need a certain mindset to deal with not only managing money, but the ability to recognize your instincts and to regularly act against them.
Trading with simulators is not a replacement. If you’re serious about trading, you put your balls on the table and pray you come out with 1 hp left, an ascended being.
You're right.
You should day trade. Put all your money into it. If you make 1% a day you'll be a millionaire in just a few years. Good luck man!
Day trading crypto now is basically free money if you're somewhat skileld. Due to the amount of Jow Forumsraelis that are gambling their stacks on bitmex. Faggots keep getting rekt any time a price moves a few bucks it's hilarious
Doesn't really matter.
A handful of people can get rich playing poker. 99% are gonna make a few dollars or nothing at all.
So does that mean aggressively seeking a career in poker is a good idea?
Why does it boils your oysters so bad that there are successful career short term traders in the world?
Speaking of poker, have you ever wondered why it's always the same few guys always making it to the final table?
Start by adjusting your idea of short term because it is probably shorter than it should be. It is just common sense. Trading clear, established momentum. Ask yourself where the trend is going in the next 1-3 months, stop caring about daily movements. Keep eyes on the overall trend.
Earlier you said crypto is not predictable, I disagree with that. Examine this chart. The patterns are easy to see. We had a clear uptrend starting sooner than is shown on the chart, but for the sake of discussion start at november 8. There's a bounce and it holds, then continues upwards. Buy. It pauses briefly on the 30th and continues upwards. Buy. The trend pauses again in early december with much more volatility than prior pauses, but still continues. Buy. Then the trend breaks down mid december. It fails to continue upwards. Sell. Early Jan there's a relief rally that fails to continue the trend established in November. Sell, as the direction has changed downwards. More pauses and continuation of the downtrend. Keep selling.
February the trend stops and begins moving upwards. Buy. It is rejected twice. Sell.
April the trend reverses and moves upwards again. Buy. May it starts reversing. Sell.
July the trend reverses and moves upwards. Buy. August 1st it starts moving lower. Sell.
At this point the overall trend is showing you a series of lower highs and sideways lows. Nothing is really saying buy. So you simply don't trade it until it presents a good opportunity.
That's pretty much all there is to it. "The trend is your friend" move with the market the same way you'd move with ocean currents. No sense in fighting it, you will drown. Swim with it and it will propel you.
Usually career traders will play both directions. That means shorting and buying puts at certain statistically advantageous points on the chart.
Day trading is like gambling against the house. It's a mathematical guarantee that you'll eventually lose it all over the long term. Might take a month, might take 10 years. But sooner or later if you keep coming back the AI will figure out how to shake you out of the market and steal your coins.
CAn we all agree that this is not how a CEO should act? I meant THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN??????
Wouldn't recommend options for anyone who doesn't know why they need them and is just trying to make a buck. They're hedging tools IMO.
Short selling is still just selling. My point here is that you trade into the momentum. Keep buying as uptrends continue, keep selling as downtrends continue. It sounds elementary but this is the opposite of what I see people doing on here. They try to be contrarians and get burned, or they try and enter/exit at the exactly perfect times (usually because they're trading periods that are too short). Increase risk when winning, decrease when losing.
>At this point the overall trend is showing you a series of lower highs and sideways lows. Nothing is really saying buy. So you simply don't trade it until it presents a good opportunity.
In this scenario you're looking for narrowing price range. If you use bollinger bands, that will be indicated by a band squeeze on the chart. When trend has essentially flat lined in late bear market stage, that is time to start putting in feelers for potential swing trades to catch the break out. Stop loss would be set below the established range in case of bear break from the trend.
you're 100% correct, I read the same in this article years ago and haven't forgotten it since because of how simple and obvious it is.
>catch the breakout
Shiggy. When it coils up like this you really don't know what direction it will break out in. These are muddy waters in which there is no obvious trend aside from that the price range is narrowing. As far as up/downtrend the trend is still overall down. But I wouldn't want to be exposed when it pops out because the direction is ambiguous.
It doesn't upset me at all.
I just see a lot of people think they can give it a shot and make money. They can't.
It's like I said in my original post, simply take some money you are willing to lose and trade for one year. See what happens.
Depends on strategy and level of risk you prefer, how much you put in, and so on. When fishing for reversals like that I always enter with very small initial positions before getting stopped out or seeing the break out form. Upon confirmation of bull break, start buying more, move up stop loss to protect principle, play it from there. My usual goal is to either get stopped out immediately or see the price rise enough that I can put a reasonable stop loss at break even-ish without exposing myself to too much risk that an intraday fluctuation stops me out on an overall rising trend.
Little anecdote for you. In the 2017 btc run I held a core position and traded other holdings in various timeframes as short as one hour, as long as two weeks. When it was all said and done I made a spreadsheet of my p/l. The ultra short term trades made a little bit less than the core position held for 6 months. So I did a whole bunch of work only to make less profit than I could have just holding.
Generally I never trade reversals until they've already happened. The major theme is momentum. Until confirmation, momentum is not established. Let someone else get caught in the wringer
I don't use them
>I don't use them
Risky risky. Anyway, good luck to you.
Sorry, I'm back now.
There is, an mizuno is 1k reais here, the problem is that you pay tax to receive any foreigner mail.
It's even more risky to use stops in markets with such low liquidity.
I'd agree it's not a viable option for most, but such people do exist.
I've been trading as my sole source of income for several years now. Here's a recent P/L.
>low liquidity
Ah. See that's an important bit of my strategy. I never touch anything with low liquidity unless I am trading warrants on a high liquidity common stock. Warrant trading involves somewhat different strategy and I use them for leverage on common shares in addition to hedging with options.
for trend analysis what things do you analyse, do you look at with stocks for instance, the fundamentals of it or do SWOT analysis or just TA?
when you day trade, are you apart of a community or do you just do it yourself?
This experienced trader tried day trading and lost his ass, not sure its a good idea. Even the best can lose everything.
After a year of this shit, I realized that if you just put your money into quality investments you'll consistently make about 10% a year.
And if you have a good job and invest 10% to 20% a year, after 20 years you'll have a nice retirement waiting for you.
it's gambling.
playing the long swings is the way to go.
right now is a no trade zone
but when we eat shit start scaling in
when the market starts getting euphoric over it's own farts, then scale out.
>the biggest pump and dump of all time in fake online money made me more than my shitty day trades
Both. But I don't really use TA that much in stocks. I watch the chart to see how trends play out. Sometimes I trade on bollinger band breakouts. Otherwise, just price and volume. Supply & demand.
The shitty day trades were on that biggest p&d. One asset. The stack held through the entire trend made a bit more than the one that was frequently traded.
Also I do dabble a bit in the fractals meme.
Sometimes I do daytrade. I managed to profit 200% during two days from a highly speculative stock(Brazil here, I invested in the Taurus), but I cannot see myself earning that much for too long.
I do think that holding is a better strategy unless something exceptional happens(in my case, a stabbed candidate to presidency)
seems like there is actually people on here that know what they are talking about. What do you guys think about philakon. I see that faggot making good money. I got a hold og his course and its seems ok..
Just myself.
Isn't that the cringy chink faggot? From what I've seen he just shows his wins, never his losses. Any retard can win every now and then but if he loses the same amount what's the fucking point? If he's rich he probably just got lucky HODLing bitcoin or something and just larps as a successful trader.
yeah its him. IDk man, he seems to being making a lot of cash. He does live call so i follow him to get a better understanding. Hes in france now living in a airbnb. i will say this though. All this shit happened after he came out with his course.
I was thinking this but can't prove it. The impression I get from people who sell courses and guides is that they're doing it because it is more profitable than the trading. People with actual insight don't sell shit.
would you provide your bitmex records user or where you mostly traded? thanks
i have his course. Never paid for it. he just goes over some TA that he uses.
>day trading with portions of millions, just like that
>day trading crypto
some people just wanna ruin themselves.
So if you had to pick a pair of indicators thats your daily or first to look at? So essentially you still leverage trade but have enough liquidity that you dont have a need for stops or just have good enough position that stops arent even a worry. I fell into the intraday trading meme, at this point it is just gambling. Trying to put all my focus into stoch and the rsi meme. But still thinking that learning candlestick names/patterns is a bit of meme so dont see the real point in learning what reverse hammer or w.e is
You can't take it seriously enough because it's not real and it's not your own money on the line. Just get straight into it and you would learn faster.