Favelanon here, serious shit

Favelanon here, serious shit.

Sometimes I'm able to do astral projection, I'll tell you guys what I could see this time.

We are all part of a universe blockchain, into that blockchain every human is like a crypto that can go to the moon or just be a shitcoin with no value, it was like the universe was the exchange and we was on the sub crypto area of the human technology.

In the other side what I could see was Sex Robots that would have their AI connected to all others robots AI, some fetishs and robot rape wouldnt be allowed and people would be extorted by the robots in exchange for silence about their outsider fetishs or some other thing that the robots would possess.

Money doesnt exist like nowadays, people had RFID underskin implants and similar to barcodes where we would pay things with the "vital credits" we already had and that was controlled by something called "The Big State".

The only places that accepted non usual transactions were really shady places that would sell things that wasnt allowed by the Big State System.

People that wouldnt agree with the big state system would be led to a quantum program that would delude that person into living another life when at the same time the human body of that person would be used to extract fuel or something that was near "Aural/chakral energy", something from the 4th dimension and that The Big State managed to extract by using death of babies, dream destruction, delusion and people misleading to get energy to maintain that system.

Social mobility wont exist anymore, neither a way to fraud the system that would have a inner blockchain where everything would be recorded, traced and inserted in that blockchain, as I said the only way to try to get some outsider knowledge would in those really shady and darker places.

Now I'll try to sleep again.
Good night buddies.

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Also, that RFID underskin thing was auto connected to a fingerprinting social media that was attached to you and where every person that got in contact with you was recorded there and at the same time would have checked if their blockchain entry would be true or not.

All your life data, health problems, brain activity and usual thoughts and things like that were recorded to and saved by The Big State.

We was something like a gambling project that the gods made to see what could result in a all probability scenario that had inside of it a micro onipotence probability creator.

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Go easy on the ayahuasca, negro

dude. fuck off. stop using this as your blog.

im gunna blockchain your mom

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Can you please never post here again? Thanks.

I'm gonna sleep

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>serious shit
>proceeds to blog shower thoughts

I'm laughing of that gif lol

i will agree that a form of blockchain is key for global enslavement but honestly take this shit to /x/ you favelanigger and sage

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This fucking chimp blogging about his inane shit is getting out of hand

Dafuc u mean bro?
answer blinky, user give a sage uh
gotta a stinky, so I gotta bump uh

learn to sage you newfags quit bumping this shit wtf

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This is probably my last /shitpost/tier post, I'l just shill the ebook now.

Why u mad, user, you already sage the post.

Get the fuck out you fucking third world retard

Why you mad?

based and redpilled.

lmao burgers mad as shit cause favelanon can afford coke now with all donations and let his thoughts free.

tell us more favelanon !!


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Oi, tuga aqui
Em termos de percentagem, quantas brancas (brancas a sério) e mestiças tipo colombianas (com pouco ou nenhum sangue africano) há?
Queria arranjar uma namorada zuca ;)

hey favelanon

como estas ?

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kys attention whoring monkey

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Get me 100 favelanons for bizonacci, at least this broke nigger isnt doing it for your money and stick to Jow Forums

he's doing it for attention, which is arguably worse. Nevertheless, shitddit is where he'd fit right in.