Jibrel Network

How did this project failed so hard? Even Polymath is way higher valued...

How can a team fail in the development process so fucking bad?

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i am down so much on this crap...is there any sense in dcaing right now or its dead in the water

Yes infidel, buy the dip and average down. You will be richly rewarded

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man fuck off... 30k down bascially most of my lifesavings...

just the name was enough to make me not touch it with a ten foot pole. LOL @ you

If you care about the price, they just need better marketing. Jibbies and bits won't cut it.

Sell faggots, if you're not doing your home work you don't deserve to make money.

It was a dumb idea to start with. If you don't see that IDK what to tell you.

>discord trannies

I have literally no financial interest in this coin what so ever. It makes no difference to my life if it moons or dies.
But for whatever reason I see these sad confused threads for this garbage like people thought it was a good idea. I was baffled when it was being shilled, and I remain baffled.

it's a better idea than 99.99% of projects out there, and their connections / regulatory achivements are also better than 99.99% of other projects
Im baffled that retards like you like to ignore this and think they know their shit

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>Im baffled that retards like you like to ignore this and think they know their shit
Just... lol. It's at less than half ICO price, everyone who has EVER invested in this is seriously down.
Accept that you are not smart money and behave accordingly in future.

>It's at less than half ICO price
how is this an argument you brainlet retard?
almost the entire market is 80-90% down, this coin didn't lose value faster or slower than the market average
fucking retard

>Im baffled that retards like you
>you brainlet retard
>fucking retard
How much did you lose on this?

keep dodging the questions, this is how I know you don't actually know anything about the project and just love to shitpost/umadpost

Seems like a lot of people are still in denial
Justify a third of the ICO price because other shitcoin projects are down too, lmao
At least the team has 4 office and a good salary ;)

I don't have to prove anything to you.
You bought a shit project, you lost loads of money, you remain arrogant and deluded about your investment ability.
I doubt you'll ever learn so I guess get fucked? Lol

>everything is down the same 80-90%
every time

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Ladies and gentlemen. Here you can see the last phase of denial.

angry bag holder spotted

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i really wonder why you do not have anything better to do than this. get a life

>Meanwhile he is wasting his own time :)

Fuck off back to telegram, you retarded newfaggot cancer.

Who are you? Shooo shoo, there are only 20 Chainlink threads on the front page

>autistically fudding jibrel threads without arguments

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Everyone needs a hobby. There is not to really talk about right now.

>big exchange listings in Q4
Even if you think the project sucks new listings will still pump it.

Hopefully. I need to exit asap

I could be wrong and it might dump harder. Make your own decisions man.

gunna maek it

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What's preventing you, pajeet? Just cut your losses, Stefan and stop shitting up the board with your demented threads.


Honestly, just neck yourself, you ugly shitskin.

JNT/ETH is actually up from ICO . It's down because it's built on Ethereum and everything built on ethereum is in the trash gutter.

JNT will be $1000 in 2019


That level of delusion is always cute. But keep on keeping on. Someone has to hold the retarded torch.

>The better option would have been to lose more money just so it would be down from a peak rather than down from ICO
If I had put my money into almost any other crypto in January when I put it into this, I would be down more. That makes this a decent investment relative to crypto as a whole. Now, if you want to say I should have pulled all my money from crypto in January, no argument there. But saying a coin that has dropped less relative to the rest of the market is a worse investment than the rest of the market is beyond retarded.

Fear not my friends. I have been visited by Allah in a dream. This is his message to the infidel:

JNT $1000 2020

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Shut up this is a thread for shitposting. Make several contradictory and inflammatory posts and use suspect logic and outright lies to support them or get the fuck out.

I think the real question is; who rehired all these pajeets from late march ?

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>All these pajeets
It really only requires one person with a VPN. Hell this entire thread could just be me talking to myself but fudding and shilling.

i am vey sorry habibi but the tokenomics of this coin garuntee a moon if anyone uses Jcash. $1k JNT inshallah

>if anyone uses Jcash

>Back To the Future
>Time Travel
>Fixing mistakes
>Buying low selling high
>Understanding a market
>Becoming Soros
>Enforcing the will of the eternal Jew
Jibrel confirmed for arm of the jewish conspiracy. Sell now.

how much JNT should I buy to be suicide insured in case this shit moons?

5k imo

600K at least.

seems fair
i know this is a fud and jokes thread, but how much are you holding?
i need some points of reference

thinking about getting 8-10k

Somewhere between 1K and 600K.

Hey guys sheikh here AMA

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Jibrel was a way longer shot than its enthusiastic fanboys gave it credit for. Huge obstacles facing a project of that scale. For me it was an easy "wait until they have overcome a bunch of barriers before investing" deal.

Which was wise. However they overcame all the barriers. There could not be a more ideal time to buy it than right now if it is going to be successful. Again if it is.

i have 32K and but want to accumulate up to 100K but i'm super bullish on this project long term. i think 10K is a reasonable amount for suicide insurance at this price point.

Any price predictions for EOY 2020?

tree fiddy

thank god I didn't fomo into this shit