Give me one good reason not to cash out my crypto and go all in on weed.
Give me one good reason not to cash out my crypto and go all in on weed
why do you need to go all in on one thing?
never change biz
sell your assetclass that corrected to the bottom and buy into one that is about to pop
I'd trust a unregulated free market over highly regulated inflated market any day
In 5 months I can grow enough weed to last me years for under $500
> pulling a Venezuela but with weed
ends your marijuana market.
This. Buy high sell low executed to perfection. Never change Jow Forums, never fucking change.
>smoke eet
A lot of great pics in American weed penny stocks look for 3-4 years consolidation that haven't popped I like mcig a lot
Because the bank will freeze your account and contact the government. You'll either go to jail or lose everything
whats with the terrorist writing?
Weed needs dirt and light to grow. Imagine if money literally grew on trees. Now imagine investing in it at the top.
Whys it good user?
Little late for that tbhfam. Early August was the time. Now crypto is starting to look somewhat bullish again and the dude weed may have already peaked for the season.
It already mooned
This is actually a pretty good call. Do you see what I seeee
Yeah that chart looks pretty decent. Slightly descending triangle going on there, maybe closer to symmetrical. Probably break out in the next couple months.
Pretty symmetrical IMO. Meme lines show possible breakout points as it develops. Circle is where I think it'll break. I think it will be longer than a couple months
OP brainlet. buy high - sell low
You mean buy weed with your crypto from the darknet and flip it on the street for 2-3x? That sounds like a good plan.
>trtc my dude