Mfw Jow Forums incels actually fell for the "travel is a meme" meme

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i travel everyday with google maps.

travel is a meme, you feel great while on vacation then twice as depressed when you're back because now you know exactly what you're missing out on as you slave away every day.

If all you do is travel to tropical resorts, then yeah travel is a meme

am I the only one who actually misses home while away on travel? That's why I don't travel

This user has travelled.

Still though I'm glad I got to travel western Europe before it was (((diversified))).

Don't they realize that travel is essential for human growth :^)


I'm a real traveler, not a tourist. I live like the locals do and refuse to visit any gimmicky tourist trap that's on the beaten path. I'm all about authentic experiences and pushing my comfort zone. I honestly feel bad for those tourist who spend all that time and money to go abroad but stay cooped up in their imperialist resorts that mimick the places they came from.

Or you could stay at a nice resort and travel to more authentic places during the day, the way normal people travel...

How about instead of meme places npcs travel to like LA, New York, Cancun, Paris, Barcelona, Rome, Bangkok, etc, go to places where no npcs travels to like Patagonia in South America, ex Soviet countries in the Himalayas, Siberia, or backpack in the Australian desert.
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