As of yesterday it was revealed that a reliable source found out the CEO was being fired for day trading away a substantial amount of their ICO funds.
The questions started popping up and people began demanding the team respond. There are 2 major allegations here:
1. Their CEO Brendan Playford was trading the ICO funds entrusted to them by their investors. He apparently lost quite a bit of investor money.
2. He was fired for gambling away investor funds and is the reason he has not been associated with anything the company is doing since July.

The team refuses to respond to these specific allegations. They only suggest they will make an announcement soon. Meanwhile the token value dropped by 25%, and its looking clear these allegations are true. It would be simple to just say NO, he was not trading investor funds. But they continue to dance around the issue.
I want to know how much he lost. If lack of capital is an issue, the investors have to know about this. These guys claim to be "transparent", they better show us all of his trading history, otherwise they are going to zero and probably going to get sued into oblivion. This is bad.
Not looking for fanboys to jump in and protect their investment, looking for facts about these issues and clarification from anyone who has some kind of inside knowledge.

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source? fuck outta here with this FUDing - unless you're trying to accumulate


interesting. if any big holders want to get to the bottom of this, you can hire me to compile all the transaction data for these funds. I've been building out ETH network search tools and am getting pretty good at this. it's still work though, and I won't do it for free.
[email protected]

Yikes I just got banned five seconds after asking about this in the telegram

lol you're probably the fucking DAG CEO

right, cause the DAG CEO is posting for hire on a tuvian whale whistling forum.
its a simple offer.

Why the hell would they ban you for asking a simple question. What was the exact question?
I got banned too, I just asked if Brendan was trading funds received from investors because that is what people are saying is true. They banned me instantly and wouldnt answer. I mean all they have to do is say a solid NO. How fucking hard is that? This is fucking shady business for sure, there is no reason to avoid this question. I bet they lost a fortune while he day traded away a big chunk of the investors money.

so your source is the last thread on here? Would you consider this a reliable source kek

It was just a rumor, until posted to the team.....who then refuses to answer if its true or not or even confirm or deny if their CEO was trading investor funds. Oh by the way that CEO has also disappeared from all company related communications for months and 90% of his twitter posts are about crypto trading on his twitter account.
Do you prefer to go through life with a blindfold on? Read between the lines dude, seriously this shit is obvious. Plus they insta-ban out of telegram any investor who raises the question. Their own fucking investors, whos money was apparently lost in this trading scheme.

ggive some source faggot.
fake news, sad

Go to their telegram channel faggot. I am not here trying to hear moonbois butthurt because they just got stuck with bags of shitcoin, I am trying to find out if anyone has any more information since the team refuses to confirm or deny these allegations are true.

pretty sure the team aren't going to discuss their internal affairs on telegram with a bunch of anons - you know - like an actual real company. btw I don't see an official telegram on their website so maybe you're slightly retarded?

Search Constellation Labs in Telegram and you will find it. And their COO Ben Jorgensen just posted and again refused to confirm or deny the allegations. At this point I dont care if the CEO is stepping down, its bad but not nearly as bad as him day trading investor funds, especially in a bear market. He probably took deep losses and the company is struggling financially which would explain a hell of alot.

I have been following this project since the beginning. They spin all bad news and have an echo chamber in their telegram. Any reasonable question is called out as FUD and banned immediately.
I can tell you exactly what happens next. They admit CEO is out, but give some BS about focusing on some other important thing related to DAG. They will refuse to answer questions about his trading of investor funds or call it something cooler sounding like "investing in the community". They will refuse to show his trading history or their current balance sheet. Then will be a wave of over inflated news about partners and accomplishments. Fuck these guys, everything they say is bullshit.

Probably dead on. Do you have any info or have you talked with anyone on the team? Has anybody talked with anyone on the team about this?

I have. They said that they would address it. I was then kicked from the chat.. I guess that is how they address things..

I give you all a hint. This is the exact time when you should want to buy. CEO stepping down/leaving the company is usual business in the valley, all other things like the allegation of brendan daytrading his tokens are baseless fud. Major announcements in the pipeline

That big dump yesterday was from me i sold 4 million of this shit coin, cant believe i was dumb enough to give them like 200k$ for this shit ICO. Lucky i sold 1.5 mil a few months ago. Someone here pointed out that the CEOs twitter is just trading shit, it is wtf kind of BS CEO is that.

thanks user

If he is founder and CEO, who can fire him? Isnt he the boss? Isnt it his money to do with as he pleases?

banned for mentioning it

Orly? do you work for the companies PR team? CEOs stepping down from a small startup is not the fucking norm anywhere dumbass. Its a sign of bad shit, and the fact the team refuses to answer a simple question if he was trading investor funds makes it obvious its true. Their token is getting killed, investors are panicking, and they refuse to comment.
But sure, nothing to see her kids, this is all normal. Perfect time to load up on more shitcoin. Thanks PR lady.

They didnt even adress the allegations in telegram

What a fucking scam coin

they answered that they are preparing an announcement. lol we know nothing. could be he got sick, died in a carcrash, or has terminal cancer now. of course they prepare an official announcement first. youre just a noob crypto kiddie that loves his crypto telegram game where you do quests with instant customer support. why do you even expect INSTANT answers by a team member 24/7? dude
>CEOs stepping down from a small startup is not the fucking norm anywhere dumbass.
yes it is in the valley, very normal. start ups get passed around like hot potatoes

I honestly have to disagree with both of your comments. Yes CEOs move around in SV but usually after an exit. Not the visionary CEO in the first 6 months of his first startup.
And please stop trying to downplay why team hasn't answered a simple yes and no question about doing something illegal like trading investor funds. There coin is tanking and they ban anyone who mentions it. You have to drink alot of koolaid to be this ignorant.

They did and there is a SS

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>And please stop trying to downplay why team hasn't answered a simple yes and no question about doing something illegal like trading investor funds.

its a damn shame they even answer this question that is nothing but a baseless rumour created by neckbeard incels that frequent this taiwanese baskweaving forum. would sergey, the google ceo, answer a simple yes/no question asked on twitter, if he snorted coke off a hookers ass?

This is what happened with HOT and QNT right before they mooned 2x.

QNT they all said it was lies and then it pumped 140% in 3 days and then the 5 threads a night disappeared. Same formula too, baseless rumor saying the team didn't do something that they did but hadn't post the proof yet and then it pumped well before they disproved it.

What does this have to do with anything? PW is not a team member and has admitted he has no idea whats going on. He is also concerned why the team is avoiding this question, and rightfully so. Nice try DAG PR lady

This is not a baseless rumor, this is a yes or no question about a financial crime that is crushing their market cap by millions of dollars. Not a similar comparison, not even close.

it is a baseless rumour. how did it even start? it was literally just invented out of thin air.

If it was crushing their market cap by 20%+, yeah dumbass, there would be a statement on live fucking TV. Is there a brigade of DAGs PR people in here? Maybe one of you can go ask your boss for some answers instead of shitposting.

yeah, some random faggot on the internet inventing a rumour that sergey brin snorted coke off a hookers ass would crash their market cap by 20%+. absolutely. who here is the dumbass?

Im guessing you didnt do well in school. Or trolling

losing a discussion then going full ad hominem without further arguments. stay classy biz

Post proof of this. I posted my proof. He is a paid member and I haven't seen him say what you said.

Post proof.

lol i love how this rumour started on Jow Forums

when Jow Forums shit posts actually affect the market. thanks for giving me a buy in point

So a fucking rumor that was stirred by an user who claimed to have "heard" people from a function in NY is the absolute truth now? WTF plebs, this type of shit is why we deserve in a multi-year bear market.

P r o o f

he wont post any proof. but you can bet your ass that he will post the exact same shit-thread again in a few hours to try and get some idiots to sell cheap bags. definition of FUD right here

the pleb dumping 4mill was what affected the market - low liquidity atm

Go to the Constellation Trader chat which is run by PW. Read it, and you will see everything Ive said is true. You have to be blind not to see it.
And for some reason you dont find it suspicious that this question has been asked non-stop for the last 2 days on the teams Telegram and they ban every single person asking and refuse to give an answer. All while the CEO and founder of the company has vanished from all communications. Have you been brainwashed to ignore reality?

They have basically admitted by omissiom in the telegram that the CEO is gone. They are "restructuring".

They banned me from the TG for asking about these issues. A pity, I was going to drop 50 ETH into this. Now I never will. Fuck 'em.

Me too. Assholes. Fuck this shitcoin. Let it drop to 1M cap and rot.

Post proof faggots

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probably banned for being an annoying fuck

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Sounds like they are putting out a release and dropping the top down.

Proof of what? This isnt a team member, this is an investor who doesnt know the team or any answers and even admits in the trader channel he doesnt know the answers. Are you a paid shill?

Oh thank heavens, an admin says everything is going to be fine and the story about their missing CEO and trading allegations will be addressed in just a couple weeks maybe. Nice s/

Should be just enough time to come up with a real well thought out story to spin. If this shit wasnt true they would just answer NO instead of banning like 100 people for asking. There is no way this rumor isnt true at this point. Its caused major damage to their token price, pissed off their whole community and can be fixed with a 2 letter answer. Could not be more obvious.

Dumped 4mill after seeing people getting banned for asking questions in the tg. I guess the ceo is part of the tg. Even if its a stupid question in crypto its ALL about community. A simple NO which doesnt take 10sec to post into the tg would have been enough. Fuck this porject. The token economics were already fcking bad, the marketing isnt there and now this.

Even if it turns out that its just baseless fud the way the handled this just shows that they are incompetent to handle such a project.

Congratulations. All this effort and you retards haven't accomplished anything more than a retest of support. Tell me you didn't blow your FUD load already. I've been waiting all day for the other shoe to drop along with a nice juicy panic sale, but you fucking amateurs didn't think that far ahead did you?

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Nobody is trying to drop the price so they can buy it back. There is a serious allegation that the CEO got fired after trading investor funds for substantial losses. The CEO has been MIA for 2 months. Like 100 people came to their telegram to ask if it was true and they refuse to answer and banned anyone who asked including their own investors.
The purpose of this thread is only to clear up the rumors since the team wont do it. That is all, there is no motive here. The minute the team clears things up, there is nothing to talk about. You can stop shilling now, just go get proof from the team that their CEO was NOT trading investor funds, they just have to say it publicly and we can all be friends again. Not going to happen, because its true.

You're just stupid enough to unintentionally confirm the bottom. Thanks

>clear up rumours
So clear now thanks

LOL @ 100 people getting banned. Been actively lurking their TG for weeks. 4 plebs have been hounding the admins non-stop about this baseless FUD for 2 days and was told that they will address this SOON. 2 or maybe 3 got banned, one of them I think is the pleb who dumped 4 mil. If you believe the pajeet who overheard this rumor at a function in NY, then you deserve to be poor

You do realize these people bashing you here are from Constellation or own DAG and desperately trying to get a pump in so they can dump this garbage. You are wasting your time. The situation is pretty clear, the team is avoiding this conversation like the plague for a reason. The whole TG community and Trader channel know it, don't waste your time trying to get info from paid shills lurking here.

More things with no proof.

Nice job lying faggot. Go to bed.

dont feel good about the update they are going to hand out in "a couple of weeks".. might dump mine too and buy back if the situation is clear. kinda risky to hold through this shit

Ahh yes, just internet strangers fighting hard to protect the reputation of a shady crypto group who refuses to squash allegations of trading investor funds. GTFO faggot.

> Their CEO / Founder (pic) dipped out
> Same CEO who already had one failed project (Rakugo)
> Same project which left a whole lot of disgruntled investors behind
> CEO has been removed as telegram admin, removed his on "Constellation" tag.
> Team has been scrubbing any mentions of him in the past, as they did with a previous team member
(Raphael who went AWOL a few months ago and also crashed the market with investor funds
so this is not even the first time shit like this happened).
> People, along with long time supports (like me) getting banned on Telegram for asking questions
> Telegrram discussion heavily moderated and more than half of discussion censored since yesterdays thread.

Fuck DAG I am moving on to greener pastures.
I market sold 480k DAG yesterday on Kucoin, price is still dropping
Toxic, retarded and team which should just stick to sucking cocks in Silicon Valley.


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What bottom? This coin has no volume up or down. Its barely traded, and there is no advantage to be gained even if it drops 50% from where it is right now. A couple ETH and you are right back where you started.
People are here for answers because the team refuses to speak up about their trading of investment funds and their missing CEO who is accused of wrecking their finances.

fck this scam project and these scam shills in here. tx biz. am out