What does getting rich feel like?

do people treat you different? did your life change dramatically?

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Just travel to the poorest 3rd world countries where you already are mega rich. You know what it feels like and wan that feeling in US/Europe.

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This. If you are a poor first worlder, the third world is unironically the best place to be. You can live like a king and be treated like a millionaire. It's the best.

>tfw had a 6 month holiday in Thailand and started getting used to being treated very well
>came back, quit my old job and immediately got a job in a very diverse workplace full of asian chicks, but also pajeets, blacks, arabs etc
>while not worshipped, I am still looked up too and treated very well by all the non whites
>absolutely love it and get used to being treated like an alpha
>eventually get sick of the shitty white woman manager there
>get new job and it's an all white workplace (not by policy just random chance)
>didn't realize I had come to expect being looked up too and being treated so well
>it's a fucking shock to be around just white people again and treated like I am nothing special

I hate it. I hate it so much. I don't know why Jow Forums desires this sort of community. I fucking hate being around other white people so much. I lose all outward uniqueness and am just another wagie average looking white guy. White roasty's barely look twice at me and speak to me disrespectfully at times, most often don't bother to say hello.

Fuck I've gotta get another job in a diverse workplace. I unironically love diversity now.

People absolutely treat you better if you are rich, but you dont really have to be rich if you want that, just buy really nice clothes, expensive suits are the way to go.
My life didnt change almost at all when I got rich, still same friends, I live in a 2x more expensive condo, used to eat 3x a day in restos but relatively cheap while now i dont look at prices anymore. Thats the most liberating part, going to a nice steakhouse and not looking at prices every single day.
Its great to be rich but you have to be satisfied with your life beforehand in order to "profit" from being rich

>absolute state

U sound pathetic bro

You'll find out soon.

It's literally reverse culture shock. I only just started this new job. I was in Thailand for 6 months, and worked around non whites for 18 months. That's 2 years where seeing a white person was rare for me.

Now I am in a white only area again and not being treated like a rare, intelligent, alpha male, god king is getting to me. I hate being seen as just another normie white guy again.

I wonder if this is what Chads feel like.