Are we reaching the end of capitalism...? What's after capitalism?

Are we reaching the end of capitalism...? What's after capitalism?

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death. and no you socialist cuck.

Post scarcity, but there may be a transition stage.

We are past socialism, this is no longer capitalism

The apocalypse, and then in the aftermath will rise up from the ashes a globalist framework of communism led by the spirit of antichrist who will lead all people astray to damnation, except those who are saved

dont you know about TBC?

infinite wealth


A free helicopter ride for reaching the end of capitalism!

fully automated luxury gay space communism

It seems to me the obvious idea will become super governments that will colonize mars.

>Euros always fantasizing about socialist utopia.

socialism is dead cuck, im just wondering if the future will become company based factions that will people will be born into

>being so open minded your brain falls out

So youre an ancap manchild? Just as bad as a communist Lmao kill yourself faggot

what the fuck, im just speculating you nigger, I don't know what the future could possibly be so im looking for some input

clean capitalism

blockchain capitalism


Collapse of the environment, famine, war, death.

the coinholders will rule over the filthy nocoiners with an iron fist and rightfully so

Satoshi returns from hiding and uses his vast wealth to lead us into a glorious age of endless crypto pump and dumps

>if you so much as question capitalism then you're a socialist/commie
kill yourselves

The rise of a Sovereign Individual class that will save the world via free market capitalism. The continuing burgeoning of a great consumerist underclass incapable of looking after themselves. The expansion of capitalism into cleaning up the excesses of modern capitalism (ocean plastics, oil, waste) and converting that waste into products for the underclass. Destroy the world and then remake it in capitalism eating itself like a financial ourobouros.

Post scarcity is really possible..... just not with people who shit out 50 kids just because.

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We had it in eastern europe no need for your scholar input mr.burger.
The redpill is, it's been about race all along.
Apart from a brief period of genocide run by them in USSR, both socialism and capitalism worked well in White societies.


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Autists taking over Money Skelly is your god now

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the US already has that

The blockchain technocracy

The blockchain technocracy

do you think the military-industrial complex planted or still plants catalysts in the world slowly over the past few decades so we can transition out of capitalism?

We're reaching the end of civilization.

>Oil going to run out in a few decades.
>Cost of living increasing
>First World countries flooded with Third Worlders
>Global climatic changes (polar icecaps shrinking much faster than predicted, seasonal shifts, etc.)
>Fresh water becoming more scarce
>Extinction of critical species causing a chain-reaction extinction event across the food-chain

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