Ok folks here is the real clearpill on all this fucking shit going on

Ok folks here is the real clearpill on all this fucking shit going on

Buckle up cus its about to get hairy

So, the basic gestalt is that we are currently in the midst of some massive game theory and strategy between China and the US. At its heart, this is a currency war. But long-term, this is some epic anime-level Ghost in the Shell type shit going on, so basically a technology war.

Bitcoin is at the center of it. Both gov's know they need to use cryptocurrency, but they also know that the limitations of the protocol itself are such so that there can only be one global currency. So China and the US are basically going rogue and discreetly taking over vulnerable countries so they can siphon as much electricity as possible.

AI is the real end game. Cellular automata using non deterministic competitive models on the blockchain. Simulated cells that compete for money. Look into Dr. Craig Wright, he is the discoverer of Bitcoin and is perhaps one of the few people who understands how this really works.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Cellular automata using non deterministic competitive models on the blockchain
Never gonna work, what you need is neural networks on the blockchain. Each neuron's input and output should be a separate transaction on the chain.

Tie your kangaroo down sport

Craig Wright is a nobody

nice just bought 100k

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Look up "Bch boys Ryan X. Charles" and listen to the whole thing. Cellular automata is the name of the game.

you think you sound smart but you're actually really retarded
your parents should not have been allowed to breed you into existence

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Tie your kangaroo down

Good post. Also, what is the quickest way to use a large amount another country's electricity to set up BTC mining? Station military there. Set up a base, claim it is for something military-related.

>tfw you get really stoned and realize that oracles will be the nervous system of global AI.

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Gonna need a transcript so I can ctrl+f "cellular automata" and find 0 results

>posts CSW
>opinion discarded

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China and the US both are owned by JEWS so there won't be any infighting you dumb boomer trash

No infighting amongst the jews only. They need to cull the goyim again.



>(((free))) electricity
>chinese naval ships

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God damnit why does it have to be real



this theory is retarded, the US would only need to invade Canada and their hydroelectricity potential would crush anything China could possibly create.


Also, this entire element of BTC economics hasn't been addressed yet

Which is why people actually think China is in fucking Venezuela on vacation or something.

The problem is, the Chinese Navy is fucking weak compared to ours. So their guys are not covered, so to speak. Venezuela will be a fucking massacre; this is how WW3 begins.

Trump hates Venezuela and China for their currency manipulation. He talks about it all the fucking time but noone is litening.






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By the way, Bannon plays a big role in all this.


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Can confirm. Crypto is the next world currency. Bitcoin and ETH.

Believable until you mention the biggest confidence man known on earth.

>Xiao Lei, a Chinese financial analyst, has published an article that seeks to argue that the spheres of bitcoin and cryptocurrency are increasingly becoming a battleground in “a new currency” war between China and the United States. Despite some bitcoin users describing Lei’s views as conspiratorial, the article has garnered significant attention after becoming recommended by Baidu Baijia – an online media channel owned by major Chinese company Baidu.

>Mr. Lei argues that the contemporary era comprises an epoch in which “the strategic significance of [traditional commodities such as] oil and grain… may not be so important [now, as] the game between countries has entered [the] virtual” domain. Xiao Lei posits that control over seigniorage (profit made by a government by issuing currency, especially the difference between the face value of coins and their production costs) has become the principal means through which economic power is assured in the contemporary context.

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the ship is not permanent

1 fucken week and you guys call it a conspiracy


the ultimate state of biz

fkn relax

research the ship

1 week is nothing

this post means shit

some truth but not all

Thanks for the redpills user.

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nothin quite like the power of primes