Reversal. Buy it

The bridge is out. It works. Four buys above $100,000 in the last 24 hours. If you don't look at the chart from the last 48 hours and buy at least 5K AION for suicide-insurance, you are fucking braindead.

$2 EOY. ATH in January. This is one of those obvious ones that is right in front of you.

If you aren't stupid you'll hold until this hits $100. It will.

Screencap this.

Attached: AION.jpg (1280x720, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:

AION TRS will end in November in 46 Days, after that we will have a Moonmission.

Probably go up around 20 percent from here before that but yes it will moon in November above ath.

Will be Binance do the token swap for me?



Aion is the ticket to lamboland

Will I make it with 15k sir?

Funnily I've just topped my stack to 15k...
Hurts as I've been in since January's ATH, and have been accumulating ever since. $3, $2, $1, $0.50...

At ATH you can buy a house with 15k so I'd say that's a great stack.

Attached: stellarCommunism.png (1670x234, 83K)

So when they say interchain transfer, do they mean all chains or just chains related to aion?

The thing that is particularly cool about AION's interchain-operability is that AION will be an open-sourced protocol that allows any blockchain, block-lattice, or DAG system that can run smart-contract logic to interface on the protocol.

Further, if the AION Foundation just got up and disappeared, not only the network, but the protocol and connected chains can continue to operate and drive demand for AION tokens.

It's bridge will be a ubiquitous protocol

Explain how this works. This sounds like total bullshit.

The coins adopting this would have to hard fork to accept the new aion code wouldnt they? And all nodes would have to run 2+ different blockchains to make this work. A new blockchain for every coin supported.

How is this different than atomic swaps?

Attached: 1531627077655.png (224x225, 4K)

Its in Palm beach confidential pick. Is hat good or bad? Becasue all his picks have been shitting the bed. Iconomi, Waves, Peerplays, Lykke etc

What hasnt gone down in price since January

True, but Lykke, Iconomi and Peerplays and dead , people lost 100% of money

its in whitepaper- interchain transaction protocol and bridging mechanism

ok fuck you too then. enjoy your bags.

Iconomi holder her can confirm I hate living

bought a bit too . now down 99%

Attached: aion tattoo.jpg (853x1280, 102K)

>Is hat good or bad?
The only place where a PBC pick is good is the aion telegram.

Someone give me a quick rundown on the use cases of this project? any videos i should watch?

i have 50 :-0

The absolute state of Jow Forums

Attached: aion.png (1526x883, 1.02M)

Is this real? Might sell stack.

Lol its real.

There ar a few people who keep sharing that pbc report 10 times a day in that telegram

I wonder if it's their pajeet team making these threads recently.

Attached: aionteam.png (278x281, 113K)

>bought the "dip" at 0.00025 btc
just 250% to break even. Not a big deal, right guys ?

Attached: 1511131273323.jpg (804x802, 85K)

CEOs Google and Microsoft are Indians.

Attached: pajeet strategy.jpg (495x491, 61K)

Figureheads recommended by the PR and marketing team.

what is this hairstyle called

I guess we know why Tikka was shilling it now. I’m selling, unironically.