watch this video and you will never buy a chinese coin again
Watch this video and you will never buy a chinese coin again
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>OP discovers for the first time that chinks are scamming assholes
You must be new here
This channel was my main source of information on China's ethics. 7/5 I recommend you watch his video's. It litterly never EVER made me buy anyhting Chinese again. And actually the global markets are aware of China's scammy behaviour aswell. China is distrusted by governments and corporations alike.
that’s a image file you dumbass
>hate my enemies
Nice try Rabbi, kys
I highly recommend him as well. Watched almost all of his vids and many are goldmines of information in learning about the real China.
Also his wife a cute.
Not even kidding, chinacoins are going down the drain. Scamming is ingrained in their culture and because of global regulatory policies they can get away with scamming all you foreign investors.
Its going to take decades for China to build an image of trust in business and so far they have not put any effort into doing so.
>>trusting ANYTHING this idiot has to say
wew, lad. i live in china. it's awesome, and the good ones are waaaaay ahead of all you fucking white losers.
I like the other channel where he and his buddy ride around on bikes and talk about stuff. China could be so pretty if it wasn't for the Chinese.
>and the good ones are waaaaay ahead of all you fucking white losers.
Hiw would you know? Every chink that's not mentally retarded leaves this shithole of a country asap.
not an argument dumbfuck
t. Eurasian tiger
nice try Mr Shekelstein, at least they aren't trying to end my bloodline
Spotted the government shill
you need a certain level of shrewdness if you wanna operate in China and make it big
t. someone who made it
>don't pay attention to my tribe owning you
>yes big scary chinamen is going to steal your Shekel's
>good goy
>Buying coins from small creepy insect people
lol that webm is so uncharacteristic of chinese culture
>The practice of cannibalism (喫人) has a peculiarly rich history in China. According to Key Ray Chong, whilst the Chinese are not especially different from other cultures when it comes to the practice of "survival cannibalism", they are utterly unique in their use of so-called "learned cannibalism". Learned cannibalism, as termed by Key Ray Chong, is quite the opposite of its survival-orientated counterpart, and is widely considered to be "an expression of love and hatred, and a peculiar extension of Confucian doctrine."
>In ancient times, cannibalism was often practiced in China as a type of culinary appreciation. Exotic dishes were prepared for jaded upper-class palates in times of both health and sickness.
>As late as the 19th century, it was still not unusual for Chinese executioners to eat the heart and brains of the criminals they dispatched. As well as eating some of the flesh for health reasons, they sold what was left for a profit.
>In 2006, the Public Security Bureau and local media of Lanzhou confirmed the discovery of two human arms "mixed with ginger and chili" in a Lanzhou landfill.
Thanks bought vet and wtc now
>Solly roundeye! Me savvy businessman! Kill golden goose and eat him! Scam for pennies!
Kys Chinks.
t. Brainwashed goyim
t. chink
>those teeth
4/10 would not bang
Fixed it for you
>Every chink that's mentally retarded leaves this shithole of a country asap.
It is mentally retarded because Australia/NZ/Europe and the US is considered a downgrade in terms of living standards and social mobility.
Only those who cannot make it in China would try overseas
You just made me buy another 100 NEO
Keep up the FUD
neo is not a chink coin
THIS is one of his best videos
dumbass to be white and living in china, china is literally going to execute these guys when ww3 starts
wercum to anudda wideo
We really should have let Japan exterminate Chine BEFORE the oil embargo.
This but he's registered as south-African so he's considered black by 99% of the Chinese.
And watch The Greatest Story NEVER Told
I will never buy Polish or British stuff ever again
I would agree with that, but...
Jews already control China
Even that is probably better than his home country
what's wrong with british stuff?
Wo ai ni de pigu wo de pengyou!
He's a neonazi and doesn't like Poland and UK for fighting with Hitler
People are not lying when they say communism killed +80 million people
The red army killed millions its own soldiers (If you go to a battle you should die, if you didn't you would get executed)
Americans literally kill each other in schools, cinemas and concerts but be wary of the chinese with their dumbass scams
I despise and hate neonazis!
I am a black redpilled guy who knows that the WW2 started because Poland was massacring people of German heritage in Polish and Prussia territory
holy shit nigger, you really see in black and white don't you? haha. learn to see grey too, foo
This dude is alright. If that's you posting, serpent, you're alright, but you're a bit of a boomer.
>It litterly never EVER made me buy anyhting Chinese again
This is dumb, there are legitimately good Chinese brands with good build quality and often better value for money (and quality) than Western brands
DJI, Oneplus, Xiaomi, Lenovo, Zhiyun, Colourful.
Yes Chinese are scamming assholes, but it doesn't mean you can't get awesome deals out of China.
Hell sometimes the scams work in your favour, buy a 1080ti from Ali Express, for $5, 100% it's a scam card, but hilariously, they're often 980's, so you're literally getting a Nvidia 980 for $5 and then you just flash it back to 980 specs.
I love my New Boomer 576 though
This guy is pretty woke though, interesting channel. He started off with all positive things about China, then naturally moved onto the more negative things and started getting death threats
OP, watch his Vaccine one...The chinks are pure fuckin scammers! Its only newfags that don't what is going on in chinkyland that buy chink coins....
China Hustle 2 will be about cryptocurrencies... You can guarantee it, shit literally writes itself
the chinese are just very rational. i mean it is like in crypto, if you let some scam yourself you lose. if they get away with it they will do it. only people that manage not to get scammed will make it.
"i remembaaa youu"
My wife is Chinese btw... I asked her if she'd trust a Chinese crypto and she said she wouldn't. Made me laugh
winston makes high quality shit been watching this man for years
Realest shit you'll find on China. Shame he will get vanished one day by the gubmint
>chinks are scammers
>water is wet
Can't believe some of you retards don't know this yet. Read pic related
I fucked your wife
Is it true that chink women have hairy vagoos and don't maintain that shit?
is it true white vagoos are full of deseases?
Most of them yes, better wear that jimmy