Fuck it, electrician

Guys, is it too late. I'm 26, gotta business meme degree. Stuck doing dead end office work for shit wages. I'm gonna kill myself if this continues.. serious..
What do? is it too late. Do I have time to turn my life around. All my buds didn't have parents that made them get a meme degree like mine. They are all doing blue collar trades and making bank (Canada)
Is it too late? can I turn my life around and become an electrician or something? I'm a quick learner, no genius but decently bright, like 125iq.
Would appreciate some advice..

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> They are all doing blue collar trades and making bank (Canada)
Kek I don't know a single dude making bank in trades in Canada. The ones living large are in software working for themselves.

Sounds like you are sub 100 IQ buddy

you realize that 125iq is nearly 3 std devs above average right?
i highly doubt anyone here is 120iq+, other then when they come and laugh at us wagekeks

I don't know what you're smoking or what you think making bank is. I make 36k a year in office work. Every trades guy I know makes between 80-120k

If you're talking about people in our generation and not boomers who actually own the businesses, yeah 80-120k is possible, but its gonna be 65h/ week OR more. If you think you can do that to your body long term without any ill effects you're delusional. The smartest trade guys either have money aside for physiotherapy when the next problem inevitably hits, or become managers asap at which point its unfair to call them just tradesmen.

Obviously that's what I'm implying. Not just gonna be an electrician. Anyone halfway intelligent can work their way up or start a biz after 6-7yrs no problem.

>being a wagie in 2018
holy kek.

26 is still super young. I know many guys who became tradesmen around that age. You will make good money, and if you actually are smart and have respect and a good work ethic, you will move upwards in trades extremely fast. And pay is very very good if you're skilled. And if the pay sucks, it's very easy to move sideways in trades till you find someone who will pay what you're worth (again, assuming you're not a piece of shit and have skills)

Here's the dirty secret about the trades....Trades are full of low skilled men who end up falling into these trades most of the time. Meanwhile, the smart boys and girls go to the places of "higher learning" and never consider a trade as an option. And there are so many trades to choose from that it should be easy to pick something that suits your interests. Because it's also important that you love what you do. Otherwise you will not do it well.

>claims to be smart
>doesn't do digital marketing or trade for a living

The absolute state of these fucking brainlets

Never too late friend, a lot of self made millionaires were broke wages in their late 20s
Write down your goals everyday.
Use positive affirmations.
Read and listen to:
Jim rohn
Brian Tracy
Robert Kiyosaki
Grant cardone

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Digital marketing is a meme. Will be entirely outsourced to India within 5 years.

youre double digits my dude

Tell me more about this digital marketing career

My dad ( I'm Canadian as well) does trades and makes around 150k a year, but had made over 200 during years with more over time.

what does trades mean? There is a billion professions that that could describe

What the fuck are you even doing in the front office? Where do you work? Currency exchange? McDonalds cashiers start at 10/hr around me.

Trades are all the shitty manual jobs that take a bit of skill and training. You are trading your body for money, but not as bad as it could be.

>quick learner
>meme degree
>asking Jow Forums for advice

either larp or 25IQ*

follow the money user. electricians make a lot of money? well, you say you're smart and are a faster learner, get to fucking learning retard.

lol look at al lthese stupid normie wagies rage about there shekels.


HURR DURR U HAVE TO HAVE 120 iq to be RICH !!!


all u have to do is get people what htey want and do such a good job htey tell there friends. IS THAT REALLY THA TFUCKN HRD LMAO LITERALLLY RICHEST TIME IN HISTORY AND U FUCKS WORK FOR 15 an hour its FUCKING PATHETIC LOL!!!!

Electrician is hard work nigha

So what do people want?

A trade is certified skilled profession as per the Red Seal standard. You start as an apprentice, work a set number of hours and become certified as a journeyman.

My father works as a power line technician for Hydro One and makes over 60 bucks an hour with fantastic benefits, ot is paid at 2x or 2.5x, up to 3.5x on holidays. To do this job all you need is a highschool education. Starting apprentice is in the 20s and after 4 years you get raises up to the mid 40s with lots of opportunities for ot with no school debt. You get this good pay with a very stable job with in demand skills

People always say you trade your body for money which honestly is really a bunch of shit a lot of the time. Sitting at a desk for 8-10 hours a day is horrendous for you. My dad is much more physically fit and active at 57 than all the other men that age I know who work behind a desk.

The problem with trades jobs is that they lack mental stimulation, but let's be honest, that kind of work is not for everyone. A lot of people want to be working with their hands, being active, and not having to think too hard. And the jobs a lot of these people do are very hard and respectable occupations. There is such a negative view of these sorts of jobs by society that is pretty disgusting desu. It is looked much more highly for someone to go to school for a history degree and work behind a desk at a museum archive or something than being a skilled tradesman.

I would happily do it, but I know I'd go crazy without the mental stimulation I feel I need to be happy.

Fuck dude lets be real, IT, MIS and Digital is all 100% shitting streets, I like how when my MIS program at UofA was me and 91 other pajeets and a couple Russians and stuff, that isn't racist. But Harvard wants to balance the Asian/White mix and all hell breaks loose.

>$200k in Canada
>$70k in taxes for “free healthcare” and free Qurans handed out like phone books used to be
>$10 a gallon of milk
>$2 million for a modest home
>making it