Bizonacci ruined this board

congrats on this, seriously

Attached: reeeeeeeeeeeee.png (1039x1047, 670K)

this chart is wrong doomers should be in the top right wing and bloomers should be in the bottom right wing

>t. Seething that he is not creative enough to profit off of autists

don't hate on Bizonacci. He is just a symptom of Reddit and Jow Forums merging. We soon need to find another board.

no he profits off of normies. these are normie memes now

Fuck you boomers on top

Yeah I am done with this shit, we are just under attack from TG groups at all times now too.

I would pay to be in private group or one that needs proof of 10-20k in crypto to join if it were really active.

>bizonacci ruined this board
Wait, what happened??

>Generation Z(yklon B) shouldn't be at the top

Got news for you boomer.

any meme he touches, dies

Every meme either dies off here because it's not as compelling/funny or it becomes a normie meme that dies in a matyer of weeks


I am at the top left

what do ?

how do I get him to touch BCH

what if there was another bizonacci in the making, one which still haven't revealed himself?

Attached: bizonacciv2.png (1366x729, 162K)

capitalism was a mistake

Can I get this without the dot?

All of humanity in 1 chart :^)

Attached: NODOT.jpg (941x957, 198K)

Thanks Eurobro

You must be new here if you think some youtube redditor that lurks here is changing anything. He's a funny dude though.

>faggot OP who literally browses reddit and has an account there complaining about biz being dead
meanwhile /ourguy/ bizonacci doesn't even have a reddit. you need to go back newfag.

Why the fuck is every single board still infested with wojakposting, then? He needs to try harder.

>He still doesn't realize most of the bearcucks and pink wojack posters are leftypol false flagging.

You can easily get proof by posting a message signed from your wallet address.

Maybe someone should start this...

20k how about 50k for the real bizraelis

Well, what other text forums ala Jow Forums are out there? Any of them get popular lately?

kekt so hard at this for some reason