How come most people are wage cucks for life in 2018? where the fuck is the wealth of all previous generations combined...

how come most people are wage cucks for life in 2018? where the fuck is the wealth of all previous generations combined? Is this imperfect simulation?

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The Federal reserve and fiat debt based Ponzi money


Attached: AP_MNUCHIN_MONEY2_20171116_16x9_1600.jpg (1000x563, 98K)

Actually I'll also add corporate personhood

Attached: obama-soros-laughing2.jpg (400x327, 33K)

in 2008 all the wealth transferred to the 0.1%

the endgame is happening right now. most people are struggling to pay those expensive rents. capital is accumulating in very few hands. not long until everyone goes bankrupt.

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Tfw the government takes like 20% of heritage

money has replaced religion. People secretly worship their shitty jobs without knowing it themselves.

I am not a communist nor do I hate the working class or people with degrees but vid related is becoming more and more relevant for today's NPC's.

But this, really. The wealthy are getting wealthier and everyone else is getting fucked up the ass. There will be a breaking point, we'll all rot and die slowly, they'll fuck off to Maui or somewhere.
Not saying we should rob the rich but this current situation can not continue.

the problem is you think in terms of money instead of production/consumption. Do you produce enough to experience abundance unprecedented in all history? More than you consume? Yes. Then why the fuck are prices not going down? Jews

The University system is the new Catholic Church.

What happens to the wealth distribution when the third world baby boom of pajeets and jamals getting 10 children when they live on $1 a day is taken out of the equation?

Those shitty countries getting shit tons of kids is ridiculously fucking up the wealth stats. According to the global rich list my middle class dad is in the top 0.75% of people in the world. Me myself with $12 500 to my name is ranked in the top 30% of the world. The wealthy getting wealthier is a meme, the poor are getting more.

>gib unearned money now

I was talking america only. No one thinks about turd worlders at all, user.
The middle class is becoming the lower class, the lower class is becoming the welfare class. The mega-rich are getting exponentially wealthier.

Yeah I understand that sorry I think I fucked up somewhere.

What I mean is that third world poor people are being used to obscure wealth distribution.

>how could you feel so poor, wagie? you're in the top 1% of the world!

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only in the way that you tried to, just now

Its stupidity tax

The worst thing is even if your grandpa was rich, first it goes to grandma, then it goes to your perants and all the aunties and uncles, by the time you see a dime (if there is any left) your already old as shit

cuz they make you spend spend spend

people are spending their savings for heroin rehab for their kids. then when that is gone, they die and they have to raise the grandkids.

What is a realistic way to combat this? Assuming no kids or wife.

Damn his wife is hot as fuck