This shit is going to explode with fairx around the corner.
>DEX >Peer to Peer transactions >Can deposit FIAT to your XLM wallet address >Can deposit any commodity to your XLM wallet as long as there is a trust line for it
I'm gonna open a nigger shit trust line and have people trade it for 0.000001 XLM per turd
Im allin XLM but FairX aint shit and its not around any corner
Bentley Foster
>celebrating features XRP ledger has had for years
Ryder Bennett
>>Peer to Peer transactions holy shit OP that's revolutionary how did satoshi nakamoto not think of this damn
Juan Davis
you stupid nigger, unless you have an escrow service, you'll just send BTC to someone and they will just screw you and steal it
Zachary Moore
XRP can open trustlines and you can deposit USD to your XLM wallet?
Fuck having a bank account, im just gonna start depositing my paycheck to my xlm wallet
Charles Price
can you link to XRP's decentralized exchange that I can use?
Hunter Gomez
“We are aiming for April or May 2017.” -FairX
Dominic Rogers
Luke Thomas
But remember, every crypto to fiat exchange is a taxable event :^) t. IRS
Jaxson Gonzalez
yeah fuck the IRS,
ill just exit scam the US in a few years to another country like Malta that is a haven for crypto. a million dollar fee for citizenship will be dwarfed by the amount i should owe in taxes, but refuse to pay
Do you not understand english you fucking spic? They didnt promise anything other than telling their goals. Regulation is hard to get through, they didn't make a hard commitment.
you absolute brainlet I'm telling you that this feature won't move shit since nobody will use it, because they'll have absolutely fucked taxes you literally are black aren't you
Jeremiah Jenkins
you cant bring more than $10,000 USD in cash on a plane
Now you can actually exit scam the US by just depositing your USD in your XLM wallet
who in the fuck says "black" other than frail white people
>Now you can actually exit scam the US by just depositing your USD in your XLM wallet or buy bitcoin like you could've for the past 9? years well if you're not black then you're a teen