Tfw I'm an illegal immigrant from the middle east seeking asylum in the US because my parents overstayed and didnt...

>tfw I'm an illegal immigrant from the middle east seeking asylum in the US because my parents overstayed and didnt bother to adjust their status
>tfw decision any day now
>tfw every day i fear deportation back to my shithole country run by low IQ Arabs (yes Arabs, the Iranian government is full of them and they hire them to beat up and torture iranians)
>dont even know why im holding bitcoin when money wont help me in this situation
>hate my parents every day for putting me in this situation
>am on DACA so im safe until it gets completely rescinded'

You thought you have it hard? try not even being a citizen of the country you spent 23 years of your life in

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Enjoy the desert user

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Damn, that's fucking rough man. Hope it works out in your favor.


Similar thing with my parents bringing me here from Mexico at 2 years old. Thanks to my mom and not my POS dad we got permanent residency. Thanks for reminding me how great my mother is, OP.

Literally fuck off we're full

Also, move to a sanctuary city, and work for money under the table somewhere. That's what Hispanics do. It's better than going back.

And stay out you faggot

You have to go back

it's not your country and you have no right to be here

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there are many third worlders here. you at least tasted a bit of the first world for (how long have you been staying?). mother fucker

Here's what you do:

Sanctuary city.
Under the table work.
Marry a citizen.

This is pretty much the only way. The hardest part will be marrying a citizen, so get in shape and try to look as appealing as possible to potential mates. Not even joking.

Enjoy lots of sand in a foreign land. :^)
And remember there are no women available to date there either :^)

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Salam pesarheh gol

That's pretty shitty, but I'm glad to see you blame your parents for this, rather than feeling entitled to live the US.

> live in a country for 23 years
> don't even bother to apply for citizenship
I have no sympathy for you whatsoever.
I did it on my own at 18 without a birth certificate and I'm from fucking Oaxaca which is basically a third world shithole town. It was a lot of fucking paperwork and time but now I don't even have to worry or think about these things while people like you sit there shaking because you couldn't be bothered to commit to a country that you have based your lifestyle around. Go fuck yourself.

OP here im home from wagecucking. Here to answer any questions I guess

I live in a sanctuary city. I actually have a work permit, since I have both DACA and im an asylum seeker. So I work for a small mortgage company currently and pay my taxes. I'm more concerned about my parents, they have no papers at all except an expired h1b. I applied for these things when I was a minor so I'm slightly more safe

I do have a gf, but I dont want to marry her because she's kind of chubby and lazy/low energy. IDK, do I have the luxury of being picky when choosing someone to marry when im at risk of being deported? I dont think that justifies sacrificing my values. I dont want to exit scam-greencard marry her, that is wrong imo

what do you mean? how did you just "apply for citizenship"? under what policy did you get citizenship by?

I banged an Iranian girl in malaysia. You can still travel there. Why are persian girls such thots?

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It's good that you have a set of moral values. Try to get her to change herself or find a new girl if you're not interested in marrying her.

all girls are thots

What is stopping you from becoming a citizen?

Preface that I'm not an attorney.

I don't know your particular situation, but I do know that losing legal status does not necessarily mean a person will have an order of deportation brought against them. With that said, you need to speak with an immigration attorney about what your options are and if you really are at risk of deportation as soon as you lose your DACA. If so, then it's time to go ring shopping.

Your parents are a whole other story.

If you really do have any savings or assets you can sell to hire an attorney then do so ASAP, especially with the uncertainty in immigration policy under the US' current administration. This is the rest of your life; get a consultation with an attorney.

I have a lawyer and hes told me there are no other options. Either I get asylum or I get married to a citizen

I dont qualify for any of these except asylum

Nice LARP, but Oaxaca is a state in Mexico, not a town. Further, one must apply for a green card before applying for citizenship.

Si en verdad naciste en Mexico, podras contestarme en espanol.

Sucks to be you mang. Hopfully the law will be just on your deportation.

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This one's only gonna run you about $700

Ever see pictures from 1960's America? Yeah we dont want you here. Go make your "country" great again or something fucking jawa

I'll let you marry my sister. It'll cost you $25k though.

We would love to have you here in the U.K. What country are you from? The next convoy is eoy from senegal.

OP buying into the retarded fearmongering by the left. Unless you're a criminal you aren't going to have your DACA rescinded and get deported you stupid faggot, I'm right leaning as fuck and am willing to accept giving "dreamers" a path to citizenship if the retarded democrats would just stop blocking the fucking wall

Us is not cool anymore why do you want to stay there?

Trump ended it

You have to go back, leave my country sand nigger.

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there are a lot of iranians in america who would be able to help you and your family with their process of permanent residency in america

surely the iranian-american community has had similar cases

Go to Canada

Why not go to university and take out student loans/grants before you leave? Free money.

They cant doshit, immigration is p straightforward

Oaxaca is a town in Oaxaca the state dumbass.
No sabes nada de Mexico idiota

uhhh Iran literally means "land of the Aryans"
go help your people.

ooh poor immigrunt have pity anons you dont know hard life

Seeing all these spics in here is disheartening. They're fucking worthless people. Watching the US go downhill from a foreign country because of these useless people is fucking annoying.

Cant, hell go to jail in two seconds

Want to resist? Cant, iran is nogunz

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Thanks for hating on your parents instead of society. They're the direct cause of your predicament anyway.

How the fuck are you not a citizen? I thought children born in a country automatically become citizens of it

>try not even being a citizen of the country you spent 23 years of your life in
sorry your parents are retarded. the law is very clear about what paperwork needs to be filed.

This is a little off topic, but what are the chances someone would actually get caught for lying to get a green card?

How would anyone know the other cases don't apply? I wonder how often it happens.

and that would be...?

lie with which aplication? asylum? frivolous asylum cases are taken very seriously. for employment, those have to be sponsored by the employer themselves. for sibling? youd have to prove direct family ties. tl;dr theres no real way to fake a greencard except bogus marriages which are also taken seriously

You have to go back shitskin. Get the fuck out of my country

>says the la creatura

I hope you get deported.

Fuck off shitskin

>Fuck off shitskin

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Mate. The truth is, we never wanted or needed you. Only multinational banking operations want immigrants because they profit off it. I'm not interested in your problems, I'm interested in the problems of Europeans in America and Europeans worldwide. That's as far as my empathy goes. No humanist outlook here.
So suck it up and fuck off.

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U don’t even have a visa right?
Then ur only hope is finding any fugly desperate bitch and marry her right away.
Id rather be stuck with a fugly wife that might fuck me over when getting divorced than live in fucking Iran lmao

Remember if it gets too unbearable, just hop over the border into Afghanistan.

>be yuropoor
>parents don't move because life was actually quite nice in the 90s
>kike officials and shitskin immigrants fuck up our peaceful life
>can't go to US because whites don't get any path to citizenship unless exceptional skills
>US shitskins complain they have it so hard
fuck off.

holding BTC is the only thing that will save you. Iran is toast. Economy is shit. You can hold BTC on a thumb drive. If I was being deported to some shithole country I would covert everything i had to BTC and XMR.

Canada is a lot stricter than the us for who they accept in immigration.

Again, his only hope is marrying a Canadian in this case...

Is it only multinational banking or also multinational (or businesses in general) actually?
Cause i can see how every business could benefit from cheaper workers.

>Unironically wanting into the US instead of north europe

Go away niggers.

The US is undoubtedly the best country on Earth. That said there's plenty of good spots in yuroop too, you're just being a bitch

>hold BTC on a thumb drive
lol, good luck with your encrypted thumb drive and not getting forced to reveal the password when they get a whiff of suspicion about it.

Better off saving an encrypted file on some cloud platform and remembering the password. Nothing physical to be confiscated when dealing with border guards, all in the head.

Is it really true that brown people can just waltz into the US but Europeans can't?

Is this because basically no Europeans can claim asylum status? What would happen if a European just came illegally and claimed citizenship like spics do?

You don’t belong in the US sandnigger gtfo

Thanks for sharing your story OP.
The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers.
Just stay safe and marry an american girl or something

ENjoy your shithole. I hope they murder you there :D

I hate you
I love you
I hate you
I love you
I love you
I love you

No ones cares you fucking sand nigger.

why can't you just apply for amnesty like apu in the simpsons?