He didn't buy GAS for NEX's launch

>he didn't buy GAS for NEX's launch

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no one fuckin' told me to

Is that why it has pumped like 60% in a few hours?

>he still thinks NEO/GAS/NEP5 is a chinkscam
not gonna make it

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2020 living that one gas a day life

like buying bnb at $1

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We had so many threads
in combination with btc not shitting the bed

pretty jealous, I only get 1 gas per week

so fucking comfy

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I was gettin 1 GAS a month before I swapped my bags to ONT
good decision to be honest fampai
gas gains were comfy tho

I sold my mining rig peak Jan, and I don't want to put fiat into the system yet. So it's nice to get a constant supply of something to gamble with, I'll probably just keep putting it back into NEO though. I just hope BTC doesn't shit the bed. my dca on NEO is 20 usd and I can see it doubling pretty easy in the coming month

Yeah I got in on ANS around 20 so I see that as a great entry point
NEO and friends are headed for the moon and all these newfags don't even know lmao
I miss pre december biz family, we really need flags

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Been shilling NEO/GAS for fuckin weeks because of NEX and getting shit on constantly. Feels good that I just made $50,000 in a month. God damn bear market FEELSGOOD

shut yo goofy ass up

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I went with ETH in the last run, can't complain too much since I pulled 10x, but I don't see it growing as rapidly this time around. I feel a little bad, I was actually at my computer watching the price fall to $14 and thinking I should have bought some, but it looked like btc was going sub 6k. I could've done slightly better on my entry, but it's not like I'm hodling from $100+

I know, man. It's funny how easily people listen to >muh chinkscam
my only regret is not going all in gas in the short term and putting all of that into neo

Hey man I didn't think gas would pump this hard, I actually went 70% neo 30% gas, but dude I'll take it

Its going back to 100 at least as soon as development detethers it from ETH price, which is the only reason it's undervalued atm :^)

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I can only hope. NEX should really help since it's the first regulation compliant security. Also,

>that image
I remember that. How did it not generate more controversy?

still holding 500neo i bought for 3usd on bittrex last year. god i wish i sold at the peak. but ok comfy GASing

just claimed my 15 GAS and about to dump it on binance, and move the bitcoin to bitmex.

long or short, biz?

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have a rare ans for your old meme
I have that one too

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Exactly, I hope everyone stays away desu. Western marketed coin thats used in Western countries a chinkcoin, lol. I sold 70% of my gas at $9.11 and just bought it all + more back at $8.28. Hope I did the right move
Yeah can't wait for that shit to happen, I sold most of my stack at 120 but now I'm back at 3x. If this moons again I'm retiring

If Gas hits $100 you have minimum wage in the US

Oh shit. Hype's real.

It does seem to be dropping now though. Pump over?

Depends on what btc does. If it goes for 6.8k again, neo/gas should go up too.



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No. Upbit (Korean exchange) listing

same brother, that's okay tho I got my 80% :)))

if you think gas is worth it, you should be buying neo instead, while both of them are so low

I've said this a few times, NEO reaching all time high is 10 times gains, GAS reaching all time high is almost 20 times gains. Make phat money with GAS and look now you have more money more NEO with.

Yeah, man. I remember you telling everyone that, but I don't see NEO or GAS reaching ath again soon. It's not flawed logic though. I do think demand for GAS will increase pretty soon since NEX will finally use it

Yeah for sure, I'm only using "ATH" as an example though. Fact either way is that GAS is just going to increase in price faster than NEO. Gas is usually at 1/3 the price of NEO but when shit's booming it's at about half the price of NEO (as it was earlier). As far as NEO and GAS reaching all time high. I feel like it's only a matter of time, I would be honestly surprised if a year or two down the line it hasn't reached, passed, or gotten close to it's all time high.

Yeah, I dunno what else to say other than that I wish I was all in on GAS last night. Seems like their both pretty alive now though. I legitimately think NEO could out perform ETH this year. ETH is too unfocused and there's just so much garbage on there

Same here pretty much. Bought 520 ANS from $3-7. Never sold :(

why would anybody use a DEX that is running on top of a centralized cartel coin?

Yeah I agree with you here, I believe NEO will either surpass ETH or be right up there with it in the 1,000+ range. Be it in a few months or a few years. NEO launching onto coinbase would be fucking amazing but that may be thinking a little too optimistically haha. But there may be a chance of that happening in the future.