ITT: we discuss platforms not yet on the market

I will preface this by saying I have intentionally omitted some projects from this list. Please don't discuss anything not listed here. I know we want to help our Jow Forumsbros out but we need to secure our own stacks first.

There are a number of projects gaining hype recently. I'm curious how many of these are legit and how many are just VC moneygrabs.
>Dfinity (this is legit but the sale metrics are fucked up)
>Oasis Labs
Thoughts on these, Anons?

Attached: 39198_1571854573776_1157872547_31663366_5779158_n.jpg (333x500, 84K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Bump faggots

Last bump, if this thread gets ignored it shows just how many plebs have invaded this board.

No idea about any of them but heard of a few. Why don't you tell us your thoughts?

>those fucking names
fuck all of this BTC is the only thing that's not a scam

Attached: JUST.jpg (402x509, 47K)

I’ve been researching RadixDLT a lot for the past few days.
When they’re going to launch later this year it will be an instant top 30.

They are trying to do a stable token but I doubt its going to work with their DEX. And who the hell is funding them to afford all those people in London?

They are going to have one of the best DLT technology but adoption will be the real issue with all these platforms. They are too many and no big clients demand.

You can't bump your own thread my dude. Bumps only work from others or in response to others.

I have heard from insiders that Cosmos is fucking up internally as well as from an engineering standpoint.
Oasis Labs lools cool
Pretty sure all overhyped b.s.

I have heard of Algorand and chia the others idk. The omitted ones leave omitted becuz my baby is in there and it’s mining is not like BtC, it releases the same # every second forever so don’t tell biz about it until i accumulate

Radix has been around for a long time. They called themselves something else back then, I forget the name but it sounded retarded.

Chia has Bram Cohen (Bittorrent creator) as CEO. That doesn't make it not a shitcoin as a lot of famous people get hired by these types of companies for the exposure alone.

Lol it's actually interesting he's working on this and not Tron. Justin Sun confirmed chink blockchain scammer

I've been self-bumping for years... has it been doing absolutely nothing? Fuck

Forgot to change accounts?

No? I'm researching as I go and sharing my thoughts. Thanks for contributing to the discussion.

Explain why dfinity has poor metrics. Got the smallest air drop but I doubt it will actually hold its value.

I have determined that Perlin is an Oriental shitcoin and Emotiq has a white team but is entirely backed by chinese companies which is a huge red flag.
>90M swiss francs for 4.75% of tokens (1.895 BILLION marketcap right off the bat)
>seed investors got 25% of allocation for

Yeah you just look crazy and newfaggy

>caring what Anons on a Faroese Whale Slaughter forum think


I'm not joking when I say it's fucked up bro. Solid project but normans are going to get absolutely, unequivocally JUSTed on this. If you want in I would recommend waiting until after the inevitable dump.