Seriously why do people say office jobs are soul crushing? You work your hours easy sitting doing shit on excel and then go home.
Lets look at other jobs. All the trades, they destroy your body and what is so interesting about them? You still do the same shit over and over again. Engineers as boring as office jobs. Doctor is really fucking stressful and you are trapped in the hospital with sick people. Nurse, having even more contact with sick people, also shift work. Social jobs, nursery you get as dumb as kids with time. Just look at men in these jobs, they are basically retarded kids. and whats so fun about kids.
Tell me one job that isn't boring and annoying. Best is to get a comfy office cubicle job no`??
As a job has qualia, people will find ways to complain about said qualia. Otherwise people would be paying for the experience of the job and not the other way around. Labor jobs and most trades destroy your body but are fulfilling. Office jobs preserve your body but present psychological torment from stress and boredom. Doctor jobs are fulfilling but highly stressful.
So long as there are unpleasantness in the toil, people will innovate and find ways to complain about it, and others who observe these complaints will begin to realize them in their own day-to-day experiences.
Hudson Cooper
It’s dull you fucking oaf. Nobody on biz is here because they work stable jobs and love them. Everybody wants the thrill of the chase and the blood pumping certainty of being right - and making a huge amount of money out of it. You think Norman Twatson is risking their capital with their skin in the game? It’s what gives you meaning to risk it all and win no matter what. People - at least the subset of people on biz - are addicted to struggle, drunk on being Sisyphus. This gives them something to strive for even as clean drinking water comes out of their faucets and nutritious food is the cheapest it has ever been in history.
People want to change the world, not do the work of a fucking pivot table.
Tyler Reyes
Well there jobs where you have to work with shitty tech, backstabbing middle management, grumpy boomers killer deadlines and constant complains.
This kills the spirit
Jose Ortiz
>But the other jobs are as bad???
Bad in what way? That you have to actually do shit instead of drink coffee and click a few icons? Isn't this Jow Forums? Are you going to attempt to Yes Man your way into a higher salary while still not doing shit? Good luck.
>Tell me one job that isn't boring and annoying. Best is to get a comfy office cubicle job no`?? weapons test engineer
if you are required to sit down all day, you will be unhealthy unless you spend all your personal time doing physical activity.
a job that is balanced means your personal time can be balanced (or even unbalanced, but however you want).
office jobs are soul crushing BECAUSE they are "easy/comfy". soul building is rarely easy and comfy.
manual jobs are typicallymore fulfilling because you transform something tangibly. even if you do it over and over again each instance is real and individual. paperwork is not.
Leo Ross
With bitcoin you can do pic related without being on the grid and get a better rate than what the faggots at the (((utility company))) will pay you.
In Florida, FPL pays you 30% of the rate they charge.
Mason Hall
I'd rather be owning my own business and paying someone else to run it. Pretty soon I'll have enough money to start it though, identified an undervalued market on an alibaba product to sell on amazon and I should have it up and running in a few months. I've been working as 40k a year wagecuck for 3 weeks so I now earn about 2.5 times as much as before. 21 yo banker here
This looks like a boomer thread. Way to dumb down people's job by using a shitty blanket statement.
John Sullivan
This way my time is freed up for skiing
Noah Taylor
I work in the office with more than enough females. I'm actually the only male in this part of the office. My uncle owns the business. Lets me trade 24/7, really just answer a few phone calls a day. Lets just say I trade more than I actually work. Love my job.
Jeremiah Turner
Field work. You are always driving to new places and tackling different problems. You work outside part of the time so it keeps your stress levels lower.
Juan Wright
Fuck yea, skibro
Daniel Bell
This is the best. I miss it. Am officeslave now. Please send help.
Anthony Ross
pic saved
Christian Cox
I'd rather be moving around for 8 hours/day than sitting in one position.
Nolan Foster
Holy shit. This user is motherfucking right... I didn't even realize it till you put it this way...
Jacob Wilson
Hudson Edwards
Where do you ski?
Luke Wright
I'm sorry user. I too have been there. I rather have a job driving a shit collecting truck any day over sitting in an office letting my spirit rot away. Fuck offices and warehouses, they make anyone feel like a rat in a box.