What is on your to-do list once you make it, friends?
>tfw I want to unironically organize a Jow Forums meetup on a rented yacht and make it the best day for every user out here
What is on your to-do list once you make it, friends?
>tfw I want to unironically organize a Jow Forums meetup on a rented yacht and make it the best day for every user out here
>buy a farm somewhere in california or oregon
>grow lots of dank weed
>also have livestock and crops
>build a nice gaming pc
>be comfy
thats it
Buy a van, convert it into a comfy motorhome, and travel across the USA, South America, Europe and Asia. All while managing my investments from my laptop.
After exhausting my wanderlust, I will settle down with my wife on a farm in Southeast England, where I will raise strong and redpilled children, giving them the best education and upbringing money can buy without spoiling them
Get nice little residents in Norway and the Caribbean and an own music studio.
Going at yacht-parties of biz-frens as well of course
Your life might end the moment you head into south america.
I would rob you
c-can i date a clean shemale for a month?
>revealing your identity to a bunch of internet autistic
>letting potential criminals around your wealth
You are never going to make it.
I would just smoke a 1mg thc vape cartridge every day man. Shit would be dope af
I'd do the same as op, but only if they could provide me with proofs that they have shit ton of btc, so we'd be even, no salty fuckers
>quit wagecuck job by telling my AD to go that I hope her cancer kills her and to never stop fucking herself
>go to Spain
>spend remainder of 2018/19 season going to every big soccer match in Europe
>buy first class ticket to Colombia
>buy an apartment in Medellin (you can get a baller penthouse apartment for under 300k)
>get fluent at Spanish
>continue Jow Forums lifestyle
>get Colombian trophy wife
If I ever get sick of life I can always an hero by snorting my weight in blow.
who the fuck wants a fatty?
Sex with two women at the same time. That is all.
Just some whore I met off tinder. Colombian women are either average at best or knockouts. If you have confidence and act like a Chad, you can get any girl you want. It's not uncommon to see guys dating girls that would be considered out of their league in Colombia.
>tfw I want to unironically organize a Jow Forums meetup on a rented yacht and make it the best day for every user out here
That's actually a really kind and considerate thing to do. You must be new right?
yeah but with healthcare and shit id rather stay in usa where nobody is fat than get aids from some colombia mongoloid fucker
ty fren
I will see you on the yacht
.....that’s it? Two chicks at the same time?
>To make a to-do list
>Commit to it
>and also get a 9-5 job in 1-2 weeks tops
Im almost dazed and confused every day is like a reset for me and i keep procrastinating.
I wish i could tunnel vision.
I would be nervous to meet the people from here.
I'm sure some of ya'll are functioning human beings, but I'm also sure some of ya'll are the edgelords you pretend to be.
>implying the US isn't utterly fucked with from all the immigrants
Don't say i didn't warn you user. All the best though! I unironically hope you and everyone here makes it.
We can hang out in the normal people’s section on the top deck
Yeah, at the same time.
make noodles all day
would like to somehow improve the education system of my country years down the road (assuming it will still be equally shit)
the system is absolutely archaic right now and many kids have been brainwashed into useless rote learning retards that focuses too much on grades instead of being hungry for knowledge