Should i dump her?

/biz im considering dumping my gf because of her attidude towards money.

She is fine with wage slaving for Mr. Shekelberg as long as she is able to go on vacation each year. She dont want to save anything she earns because that means that she cant buy another pair of shoes or other useless shit she doesnt need.

I wouldnt mind that, she can do with her money what she wants, but she is asking me ALL THE TIME when we are doing another vacation together. Just now she texted that she would like to do a beach vacation with me next year. In the last year we were already 5 times on vacation.

Also she wants to go out eating with me each weekend, instead of cooking for ourselves. If it is one time per month it would be ok, but every weekend she asks me if we can go eating somewhere.

Besides that she is perfect.

Dont know what i should do, am i just too greedy?

tl;dr: My girlfriend is fine with wageslaving, spends all her money for useless crap and is expensive as fuck. Dump her or not?

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Does she pay rent/mortgage?

your id says fun so have fun with her...kek has spoken

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women are bad investments.

Honestly she should dump you for being such an autist.

Is she hot af? If so...

tell her to start investing in dividend funds. tell her instead of buying the nice $2000 handbag, put $2000 into robinhood and then if she still has cash she can buy that one item. Same with vacations, tell her next time she wants to book a $2000 trip to Hawaii or whatever tell her to invest it first so she gets passive income and then she can get more vacations sustainably in the future

Eating out on the weekends doesnt have to be pricy

drop her, some guy with more money could probably deal with her

sounds like your gf has a better perspective on life than you do

don't live like you're poor if you're not, nobody likes a stingy bastard. let go of the delusion that saving your 50 bucks from a dinner out is gonna make you a multi millionaire and just live your damn life

i wish i could afford any vacations at all you cunt

full id: 9hbfDFUn
i think we can interpret that as "BF D FUN", as in from the OP perspective, kek confirms she thinks his dick is fun. Unfortunately that means she doesnt love you...

This, just be ok with her doing all of that shit and make her pay most of the bills. Works for me and my GF and then I save all of the money and allow us to do nice things.

My GF cares so little that she doesn't even know that she is paying most of the major expenses. She just writes a couple checks and then wastes what remains on take-out and clothes

you call this a butt?

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Well I can confirm its very nice to have a frugal gf.

But if she is perfect and only spends to much her own income then look to the middle way.

Do the suggestion to automatically save 10% of both your incomes for your"future" together woman loves that shit.

Going out for dinner once a week is a lot of money, but I would expect it as a hobby.

You could suggest to do some fine cooking on Saturday night together (nice wine, good steak etc). Or order some food.

An other alternative is to set monthly X amount aside for eating out. When its spend you can't eat out till next month.

The holidays are a bit harder, you could suggest
- less holidays
- cheaper holidays
- combination of cheaper + expensive holidays

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>going out to eat every weekend is too much
That's the only one that kind of greedy. You can go out on a Friday evening, have a nice, not too expensive meal and just relax. The fact that she has not concept of saving and wants to go on vacations constantly is a bigger red flag

looks like a horse

I call those head-crushung quads, actually

Spoken like a true debt cuck

One 50 dollar dinner won't make a difference. 50 dollars every week will. $2500 a year can be invested better than that, unless you are upper middle class at least this is a needless expense

Just don't spend your money on her or pay for vacations you don't need.

You're unironically a closet faggot if you find that attractive

To want to leave someone that easily says a lot about you op. Also asking biz does too

If she looks like pic related impregnate her immediatly

>don't live like you're poor if you're not
never gonna make it

>girl is materialistic goy
>should i stay with her?
Enjoy your life of poverty and slavery

unless you want kids, there is literally no reason t keep her

yeah sounds EXACTLY like the kind of person you want to be raising your children


>i wish i could afford any vacations at all you cunt
truly a mystery as to why you can't
