Stellar lumens pump

"SHADE tokens represent Dark Matter, a required fuel for the Stellar network."

"SHADE stands for Stellar's Hidden & Anonymous Decentralized Economy."

Guys you better hurry up before I get banned.

Want free coins? These guys are doing a giveaway on twitter.

Ill do a small giveaway on here as well.

Stellar = Lumens
Shade = Dark Matter

Stellar network is up to something.

Attached: darksideofthemoon.jpg (400x400, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off Ranjeesh. This shit doesn't even makes sense

lol this pajeet namedropping IBM on twitter is a dead giveaway this shit is a scam

its a project from stellar itself you dumb fucks.

go buy more link idiots

website so shady a fucking scam.

except privacy tokens can not exist on the Stellar Network
goddamn pajeets

if you thought this is real you are an honest to god fucking retard


nice site retard, fucking pajeets

holy shit your english is bad pajeet

shit english kiddo

stay poor faggots

Attached: lolol.jpg (443x332, 18K)

It's almost like anybody can issue coins on the Stellar Network... and this is a really sad attempt to scam people

i own less then 100 of their tokens i was just trying to show you guys a coin that i thought was cool. give me a fucking break man.

how am i scaming anyone

This is a scam. He already tried this scam a few weeks ago too. I think it's the same guy from the taichi xln privacy scam

How could he scam you? You just open a trustline and he sends you tokens. If you use a ledger you must sign any transaction so there is now way you can get scammed.

>button labelled Button

>influencers are Jed and Satoshi

>8 different dropdowns labelled "What is Shade" with all the same content

Pajeet cant even code a basic website from a template.

Nice scam lol

How can he scam you if he is giving you coins?


None of these addresses are in the stellar blockchain

Hi fren.
Mine works

Oh yeah yours does. But other ones addresses in the other thread aren’t working. Closed the trustline. No public figure other than “inspiration” heads. Might as well go buy this

Attached: A3FDBFA8-4107-4278-A6A3-9E7F748575CA.jpg (2732x1833, 1.25M)

Fuck your poor

Attached: Apu.png (500x493, 297K)

Definitely a shitcoin, not even worth exposing yourself to the flood if scam payments by posting address.

Stop being poor user, you should at least have 5k

probably the indian group who's doing the ForkDelta scam too.

stay away.

What they will do is after giving the tokens announce they are forking from stellar and ask for their private jets in some malicious software.

Fuck this pajeet scamming piece of shit.

*private keys
Not private jets

Private jets soon though with XLM

if you want a real pump moon mission join the best pumpi chanel fren, in discord: 7qruaKj

Attached: 1508164103731.jpg (1216x1621, 363K)

>a fucking cartoon rocket

yeah lets invest and put the F in Fantasy while the market puts the F in us guys!

Attached: 1524805303152.gif (220x182, 513K)

>pajeet starts posting
>brown id
>pajeet switches ip to pretend to be someone else
>still brownish id
you can't make this shit up

Yeah it’s a scam. Fuck this guy. He’s switching ips

he gives you like 10 cents worth of coins so you setup your wallet for the SDEX.
now you are greedy and buy SHADE coins from the SDEX.
the only seller is the SCAMMER who made the site, since he got 800 million of those, while they say on the webpage all token are given away for free.

congrats, you have your XLM to the scammer in exchange for worthless SHADE token.

Only fucking idiots fall for this SCAM.

Understood. Fuck this pajeet nigger kike