How fucked is this country, financially speaking?

how fucked is this country, financially speaking?

Attached: australia.gif (371x216, 4K)

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Very fucked. Hold cash for the next 3-4 years

Let me frame my answer this way: What steps is Australia taking to pivot its economy from one reliant on non-renewable resources to a new kind of economy that will keep us stable and prosperous after global demand for our resources tapers off?

Pretty screwed, i expect us to be crashing into recession by 2020

Everyone's in denial 'bubble pop is only going to effect Sydney'. We're in for a tough decade.

>Thinking the AUD won't crash even harder than the stock market

It won't, 62 cents is my lowest target.

Holding crypto is probably a good idea for the future as well

That's New Zealand, you bunch of brainlets

Mining is coming good again. Why do you think the Economy will crash so soon?

Considering that Australia has not had a recession for over 25 years, Australia has one of the most inflated real estate markets in the world, Australia doesn't make anything anymore, Australia hasn't bothered to diversify its economy at all, wages are completely flat while the cost of living continues to increase I would say things aren't looking good. You tell me.

I just hope Link moons before Australia crashes. I can't wait to get out of this country and watch it crash and burn from afar.

Literally my life goal. Crypto moon while the AUS property market eats shit, snap up some cheap real estate in the middle of nowhere then go off grid while the country devours itself.
Honestly we have nobody to blame but ourselves. The public is completely politically apathetic as long as the footy's on which means that the people in power can just sell the country out from under our feet.

I'm not even staying mate. I am fucking off overseas somewhere I really want to go to the USA for the freedom and guns but this SEC and taxes shit that America has is getting under my skin. Maybe I will live in asia instead. Or try out both I will be rich enough to double dip around the place once Link takes off. What is certain though is that I want out of this shithole for good.

You are right on the money though with the rest of your post. Aussies are the most complacent dumb cucks on this earth. I actually slowly begun to hate them because of how dumb they are and how they just allowed us to just squander everything. I want to see the average aussie hurting financially. They fucking deserve it.

Look into the meaning of the lucky country BTW. We've always been this way. It's time our luck ran out.

what a shit hole this country is

fuck it ill probably move to the netherlands once link moons

you guys are fucked

Trips don't lie.

Netherlands? I'm moving to a custom built space station. You niggers can stay poor on Earth.

shit ay

Are the chinks to blame for the bubble?

theres enough material on the interwebs for your reading pleasure, OP. lets just say ive been keen to see it crash and burn for a while now (spurred on by my hatred for the boomers) but im legitimately worried now. it doesnt look good

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>not moving to another dimension
enjoy being poverty stricken, chump

Boomers also played their part, and are arguably the bigger contributor.

Australia will become the good bowl for the world - agriculture will be the backbone of its economy

Freedom and guns lol.. Go get shot and complain about immigrants not making their own countries nice to live in. You're one of the shit people but cant see it

>hates freedom and guns

You are the reason I want to leave this shithole nation. Too many faggots here don't respect freedom and are anti gun morons.

Switzerland has almost as many guns as the USA and there is almost no gun crime there. Gun crime in America is overblown by a media hell bent on disarming it's citizenry.

Chinks poured billions of dollars into the Australian economy through tertiary education. They have also bought an absolute fuckton of Australian land and resources, including fresh water rights, but I don't think you can blame the people buying something that was for sale.
Having said that, if everything goes to shit mainstream Australia will probably just "blame the chinks" as a responsibility evading cop out manoeuvre.

Then fuck off already - it'll make both countries better

I'm waiting for Link to moon you fucking disgusting piece of shit.

I can't wait to see you become enslaved by the chinese. You are literally going to become a fucking serf in your lifetime, and here you are getting mad at the very thing that could defend you.

NZ's stars a red not white, but Australia does have another large star underneath the union jack. idk which country this is.

If u don’t have gold ur fucked. This shitty Keynesian ec policies will give us all anal

You're so fucking scared - Run away bro! go to america they'll protect you and your pee shooter!! pew pew pew. Pussy ass bitch cant even stand up for himself in his own land.

>i will be able to live free if i can shoot chinese people

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Anti-gunners are so fucking embarrassing. Come and take them, faggot.

I dunno what I expected coming into an Aussie thread. I mean I knew my countrymen were fucking dumb, but christ, even the ausfag Jow Forumsraeli's are fucking major leage brainlets. I thought the ones on Jow Forums at least would be a notch above the rest but you dickheads are no better than your average labor voting bogan prick.

Why should I even bother with your useless strawmans and "banter".

Go get fucked. I hope you lose your lively hood and never make it and are forced to live in this hellhole forever. This place will once again feel like a prison colony and I want my countrymen to feel the full force of chinese aggressive colonization.

wtf you can buy guns in australia but this dude thinks he needs to leave to get them - doubt he even is australian

doesnt cost much to fuck off out of the country.. not sure why you need link to moon (lol poorfag)

>a bolt action 5 round clip is the same as a full auto 30 round mag

KYS idiot.

Because I am using my paychecks to accumulate more Link you fucking Melbourne scumbag. Once it takes off I can just retire anywhere in the world I want too and wont have to work anymore. Going to early is jumping the gun and I'd have to get a work visa. Jesus christ you are so fucking dumb why am I even explaining this too you. Go fucking get run over by a muslim you faggot.

Someone explain to me what a "real estate bubble" is

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There isnt a place in the world where someone like you will feel safe - mentioned the chinese taking over, muslims running people down, needs to own massive store of weapons and to run away. Stand up for yourself and go outside. Stop looking up for the latest scary heading that the media fills your brain with and delete your infowars australia facebook link. be a fucking man

>I want too
>Going to early
>you are so fucking dumb

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I can tell you've never been overseas and fired weapons before. I have. It's fun. It's so fucking fun. Your so fucking media brainwashed to think the only reason to get a gun is defense and all "gun nuts" are end of the world preppers you forget that guns are just like cars, they aren't a utility, but an expensive toy, you can modify then, go to competitions with them, collect them, there is a lot of history with them, it is fun to play with them.

You are ignoring a huge fucking part of the equation here. I would like to own a gun for self defence, I wont deny that. But that is like 5% of the reason I want a gun. I mean I have lived in Australia my whole life without one, I am very used to living without a gun for self defence. My main reason for wanting one is BECAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING FUN TO USE AND I LOVE THEM AND IT SHOULD BE MY FREEDOM TO COLLECT THEM YOU FUCKING FREEDOM HATING PEICE OF SHIT I WANT THE WALL OF MY FUCKING SHED TO BE ADORNED WITH THE COMPLETE WORLD WAR TWO FIREARMS COLLECTION ALL AUTHENTIC PERIOD ACCURATE WEAPONS THAT WERE ACTUALLY USED IN THE WAR

Why can't I do this. All I can get so far is a Lee Enfield. I can't even complete the bolt action collection without going out of my way to find a Mosin Nagant 1897, a Springfield M1902, an Arisaka Type 99 and Type 38 and of course, the Kar 98k. I am sure at least one person imported them over here before 1996 but they'd be hard as fuck to find and storing them in fucking locked steel containers bolted to the floor in separate locations away from the ammo means I can't mount them on my wall for display. Not to mention I would be forever missing the M1 Garand, G41, G43 and the SVT40 because Semi auto's are banned here. Fuck this fucking gay shit fucking country holy fuck I hope everyone gets sold as a slave to a chinese the day after I leave.

I feel like if you went and watched The Big Short and replaced the sub prime loans in the movie with interest only loans in Australia and how they're starting to run out (aka the interest only aspect of the loans are finishing and people are starting to have to pay interest+loan on repayments where many can't afford it), you'd get the general idea.

There's probably a lot more to it than that but that's a simple version.

If you're in Vic I'll sell you a Type 53, I've been thinking of getting rid of it for a while.


It's a few things

>Strong inflows of foreign capital (primarily from East Asia) looking to buy hard assets to shelter from unsavory political environments
>Property investment & income tax concessions in the form of negative gearing are a third rail in Australian federal politics
>Psyche of owning your own home, ingrained Australian truisms of 'property only goes up', 'house prices double every 7 years', 'rent money is dead money'
>Steadily declining RBA cash rate as monetary stimulus for a sluggish economy coming off from the mining boom (Also primarily driven by East Asian demand for commodities)
>Arguably weaker lending standard in the last 5-8 years for investment loans in residential property
>regulatory bodies (APRA & ASIC) are asleep at the wheel/subject to regulatory capture.
>investing in other forms such as mutual funds, government bonds, small business are seen as risky and difficult to understand unlike 'bricks & mortar'

Anecdotely, I've experienced that most Australians are not the most sophisticated retail, small scale investors (re. 'Mum & Dad Investors').

Do it user. This vicpol dude has plenty of guns for sale.

I'm in NSW, but how much are you asking for one anyways?

Funny though that we have chinese copy Mosin's here of all things. How the fuck did we get them?

>Look into the meaning of the lucky country BTW. We've always been this way. It's time our luck ran out.

"Australia is a lucky country run mainly by second rate people who share its luck. It lives on other people's ideas, and, although its ordinary people are adaptable, most of its leaders (in all fields) so lack curiosity about the events that surround them that they are often taken by surprise."

- Donald Horne, The Lucky Country, 1964.

I've got a licence you faggot, I'd just rather just sell to someone who won't abuse it than have to deal with the boomers on used gun sites.

We've got other Mosins too, a fair few Finnish ones since they're the only ones that aren't complete shit.

Honestly, it's not hard to find old milsurp. You can even get cool shit like Lugers and C96s if you've got the money.

Oh really even Lugars and Mauser C96's. That's amazingly awesome. I recently moved rurally and I think there is a pistol range not to far from my house actually. I could likely get a license for this. But then again I am so deadset on moving out of the country I may as well save my money and buy one in America. Previously I'd been living in the Sydney suburbs and there was just no chance of getting anything, no gun ranges around or any place to buy them that I knew off. I went shooting when I was a kid as my dad had a rifle but after 1996 that had to be done on the sly in bushland as my dad worried about people hearing the shots.

>Finish mosins

Cool as fuck. How much do you ask. But I don't suppose you can send them by mail, I'd have to drive down and risk taking them in my car back up to NSW. I really really want too but the risk is big and to be honest when I feel like shooting I just go overseas at this point and hire out guns that are illegal here and spend the day shooting while on my yearly vacation.

You can mail them, but honestly, just don't get a Mosin, they really are shit. Once you get a licence just go and get a modern Lithgow or something. If you really want milsurp, get a Kar98 or a SMLE. Maybe even go for something in a common round like an Israeli Mauser.

I've decided to just rip off some boomer with it, but I'll probably be asking $600. I bought it for $350, it's probably worth around $500 nowadays.

I'd much rather a Kar98k over a Mosin for sure. SMLE's are everywhere here though.

If i don't make it out of Australia in the black swan event that Link doesn't moon. I will take your advice and get the Lithgow stuff and get around to geting a licence. But otherwise I think I will save my money and just buy them in America. Bolt actions are cool but that I really want are semi auto's like the M1 Garand, G41, G43, SVT40, and also cold war era stuff like the, M14, G3, SKS and FAL, I know we have SLR's here but they aren't legal. I admire them in the glass cases at RSL's when I visit though. I hired a SIG 550 when I was overseas and it was fucking amazing, wouldn't mind one of them in my collection too.

> You are right on the money though with the rest of your post. Aussies are the most complacent dumb cucks on this earth. I actually slowly begun to hate them because of how dumb they are and how they just allowed us to just squander everything. I want to see the average aussie hurting financially. They fucking deserve it.

That is true of literally everyone people. Americans, Australians, Brits, Germans. The middle class have it too good and are used to a high standard of living. That will not jeopardize their careers and feature comforts for ideology.

You're talking to a retarded bogan who likes to parrot media talking points to feel like his not low class trash

> You are ignoring a huge fucking part of the equation here. I would like to own a gun for self defence, I wont deny that. But that is like 5% of the reason I want a gun. I mean I have lived in Australia my whole life without one, I am very used to living without a gun for self defence
I don't believe in a 2A. But I sympathize greatly with your post.

I really want to be able to control my self-defense. I don't have a criminal record, I don't drink nor do I have any mental issues. I should be able to own a gun, carry it on my persons and use it to ends someones life if my mine or someone else's is being threatened.

> I can tell you've never been overseas and fired weapons before. I have. It's fun. It's so fucking fun. Your so fucking media brainwashed to think the only reason to get a gun is defense and all "gun nuts" are end of the world preppers you forget that guns are just like cars, they aren't a utility, but an expensive toy, you can modify then, go to competitions with them, collect them, there is a lot of history with them, it is fun to play with them.

I too want to leave for the US but it isnt looking too good there. Personally I'd love to own an SKS and a m16a2.

fuck, that hits the nail on the head

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I am glad there are still reasonable people living in this country.

Personally I've been told by Americans that Wyoming and Texas are the best states to be in in regards to the maximum amount of freedoms you can have including gun laws. They are also good for taxes and business laws in a lot of ways if you want to start a company over there which I want to do with my Link money.


Amazing choice. It's always underrepresented in everything too, since Vietnam had the A1 and by the time Iraq/Afghanistan rolled around they had the A4. IIRC can't remember if they were still using the A2 in the gulf war or not, but there isn't much set there anyways. So outside of 80's action movies like Die Hard you rarely see it in films and games. Shame because it's a beautiful weapon with a distinctive meaty look for an M16 and I think it was the last model that supported full auto as well.

Yeah it's a great quote. He wrote a whole book on the subject.

Ey cunts, What exchange do you buggers use?

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> complains about complacent dumb cunts
> can only do something in life if link moons

i am not a linkie you tard

Coinspot is where I go for fiat to BTC. Fuck holding it there though, send it straight away

Independent Reserve here, it's fine.
Of course, I go straight to binance as soon as the buy order guess through.

Suppose what I'm asking is if there's an exchange that isn't going to want a picture of me with my buttcheeks spread, scans of my drivers license and/or whatever else invasive bullshit they can come up with.

I've been using BTC markets up until now and want to know if there are greener pastures.

how do ausfags cash out serious amounts of cash?

You are aware the banks can take money from your account in the case of a crisis right?

Its called a bail in.

Chinese own most of our farms at this point.

They can't bail in with shares though, right? I mean if they tried to market sell a bunch of shares on their own exchange it would just crash the price and make the whole exercise pointless.

Housing market will crash, the chinese have been told they cant invest over 50000$ usd in foreign countries by thier government (reason why sydney and melbourne are dropping so sharply at the moment). A lot of mortgage stress and interest only loans with retard "property investors" with 5 properties + (you always see them in the newspapers some millenial with 5 m net worth in houses but really they owe the bank 5 mortgages and maybe only make 50$ profit per house with the tight margins). As soon as the banks reel back interest only loans so people will pay the principle as well AND raise home loan interest rates we will see a big recession.

u fuken drongo

Im not sure what you mean? A bail in means that the big 4 (possibly more) can legally extract funds from your account in the case of a financial crisis, it was put into legislation a few years ago. Im pretty sure they cant take your shares even if you were using their own trading platforms.

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I mean there wouldn't be any point to them taking shares, because they can't realistically do anything with them.

>black swan event that LINK doesn't moon.
user, there's a greater than "a black swan event" chance that LINK doesn't moon. Prepare accordingly

Australia over the last 55 years has seen the greatest appreciation of property in the world. Brisbane is considered the most over supplied market in the country and is expected to be hit hardest.

I'm looking at BEAR on asx when we start to go down. Inverse of ASX200

I tried signing up for coinspot so I can buy my link directly with AUD but their verification fucked me cos my documents didn't match

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ruined. there is no such thing as a queen without a natural born king. its ruined not by opinion, but CLEAR FOR ALL TO SEE

Brisbanite here, I’ve got money waiting to buy when it all comes crashing down

Shame Brisbane is a shithole but yeah the housing market is well cooked there.

Well they wouldnt market sell them like you or I would do, the fact that they hold shares in various companies would increase their own market value and thus make their own shareholders happy.

Need advice.

>23 yo boomer
>earning 72k
>live at home with mummy
>still at uni, like 8 months left

I could stay here for another 2 years if I absolutely had to. Right now investing hard in Crypto (VET/XMR/NEO). Don't want to buy a house because I fear a crash is coming. Is it smart to hold out for 2 years and accumulate maximum wealth while the opportunity is there? Will housing crash, or renting a meme?



how are you earning that much if you are still at uni?

>decent projects
>lowballed my way into IT field with a 55k
>worked 9-11hrs/day for a few months then renegotiated to 72k

Basically made myself valuable in a short period of time and then leveraged that. Not a developer either but in that sort of space.

How are you at school and still earning 72k? Don't you have to attend practical/tutorials or is this some meme degree like business, psychology or education.

most unis have online study options now, everything is done online except the exams which im planning on using my personal leave for.

*Hold Bitcoin Cash for the next 3-4 years.


Another question to my original one. So did you just start working immediately when you were 18, and since you've got a job and plenty of experience are you focusing on just passing or getting decent grades? Because if its just passes since your grade won't matter because you have a job then I imagine its easier.

What school is this? Most schools don't do online study for serious degrees like CS. The school I went to didn't. Probably a non-G8 diploma mill.

I'm at ANU and some courses don't have compulsory tutorials so you only really need to show up for exams. All lectures are recorded online.

Fair enough. But if the material you're covering is sufficiently hard then you'll need that practical/tutorial time to get help.

Not that much. We'll have a pull back for sure, but not the financial apocalypse other anons seem to be expecting.

Yeah housing is insane in Sydney and Melbourne, but it's been cooling and there doesn't seem to be an obvious trigger to make it decline too steeply. One exception might be Chinese markets eating it again, but that might have the side effect of accelerating money flow out of their towards countries like Oz, will have to see. Declining house values aren't too much of an issue as long as it isn't too fast. It looks like both sides of politics at the moment want them to stay static or slightly downward for wages to catch up.

Australia is reasonably diversified, this is why when resource prices fell, most Australians didn't even fucking notice meanwhile Russia, Venezuela, Brazil, etc caught fire. Since the AUD is a floating currency it dropped on the lower demand, making our agriculture, IT, financial, and services industries more competitive which buoyed the economy. Yeah we don't manufacture much anymore but that's fine, we shouldn't, we were shit at it. Let's diversify across industries we aren't shit at.

Australia also has fairly low government debt, so the government actually has quite a few options on the table to manage things. Since the AUD is the 5th most used currency in international exchanges too, they can throw their weight around in the world too. The fact that it's more used than the CAD or renminbi is frankly makes those countries a joke though.

Have only been at this job for 6 months, I did typical wagecuck retail type stuff for minimum 20hrs/w prior though. I am aiming for credits while working full time. Average prior to full time was also credits because lazy. Doing customer service wagie work since like 16 actually helped quite a lot since it distances you from the autistic comp sci meme. HR people ultimately have a lot of sway in hiring and they are complete normies. Being able to camouflage as a normie is critical.

It's an ok uni, non g8 but truthfully I didn't know what that was until I looked it up. Overall reputation is eh. A lot of my friends are recent grads from there who have hit 100k in legit one year of working (these are startups with a high probability of failure though). I know fuckall about this because I'm not a chink but I don't think the institution you studied at is a make or break thing in CS as it might be in another field.

I did CS at a G8 and this was the case. It was considered your loss to not attend tutorials, but there's no penalty for it. I'd skip them for maybe 60 percent of my subjects and go to the ones for interesting or difficult ones.

For sure where you went to and your grades don't matter too much. I mean it will carry weight but CS is very meritocratic. It's all about where you've worked and what can you do. Can you do advanced stuff. Maybe some other anons can chime in but your grades won't matter after your first job and where you went won't matter after like your first/second.

I went to a non-G8 and I was cruising. Now I have a job making 60k as a developer.

You can move to western canada man. Buy yourself a plot of land in Alberta or Saskatchewan and load up on guns. The pol memes about Canada shitty aspects really only applies to Toronto, Ottawa and other cities out there.

>Let's diversify across industries we aren't shit at.
And what industries are those?

We weren't shit at manufacturing its just that we have shit labour laws which overcompensate workers and we were too open with free trade. We needed greater tariffs on non-Australian cars.

>overcompensate workers