Time for a serious discussion for once

The current bear market has lasted nearly 10 months. Provided we would follow 2014-2016 cycle we would reach bottoms of most coins next year and the bull market would begin 2020, but that sounds too soon. What would most likely trigger a bull market and when is it most likely to begin? Can't wait to dump my LINK bags for a premium to normies and buy a patrician $150,000 BMW.

Attached: 1537635653073.gif (382x554, 2.57M)

>buys cars
never gonna make it

still 6 years and 3 months of bear market ahead of you, kek

based on what?

the bubble definitely exploded, no more muh early adopter left for you, no suckers left, plus the seven-year rule... lethal combo, kek

I doubt it would actually be 6 years of bear market. By then 90% of people who are even still in now would have left and the rest would have killed themselves already. Even the dotcom bubble bear market didn't last 6 years for all the good companies and we're talking about crypto here which moves way faster.

This bubble was actually much smaller than the last one. I figure it was about 5/8ths the size based on my analysis. This is a slightly different situation because the Dec 2013 bubble didn't have any thing backing it like we have now. What I mean by that is back then there was really only bitcoin and everything else was garbage. Now we have a bunch of legit platforms, tons of projects, lots of money flowing into the space in the form of ICOs, etc.

Based on my analysis, the bottom of the bear market will be between now and April. That gives us 6 solid months of accumulation before the market begins to steadily grow again.

Chainlink will probably trigger the bull run imo. While I dont believe all the breadcrumbs we've found so far are legit, I think most of them are and that the network will have some nice traffic right from the get-go. Once word gets out about Chainlink either thanks or marketing or word-of-mouth, we'll reach double digits very quickly. My guess is by summer 2019 if main net is out by Q1 2019.

And yet still no good use cases. Rly md me thonk

> BTC halvening 2012

- BTC High end of 2013

- BTC looks like it has bottomed out end of 2014. Alts look dead. Most are.

- BTC continues to drop in 2015, only starts recovering end of 2015

- BTC halvening mid-2016, BTC picks up, end of 2016 turns full bullish

- 2017 BTC goes on a bull run, alts come alive

> BTC halvening 2016

- BTC High end of 2017

- BTC looks like it has bottomed out end of 2018. Most alts lose 85-95%

- BTC continues to drop in 2019, only starts recovering end of 2019

- BTC halvening mid-2020, BTC picks up, end of 2020 turns full bullish

- 2021 BTC goes on a bull run, alts come alive...FOMO kicks again

Attached: BTC-halvening.png (432x289, 35K)

>being retarded enough to buy a BMW

enjoy paying more for repairs than you did for the car

If link pumps from adoption, you want to dump an incredibly valuable asset so that a company can dump a huge liability onto you?

And you think you’re getting over on Noemies? Enjoy your fucking car faggot. You’ll get over the excitement of having a nice car within 12 months and then you’ll feel like a fucking idiot when you don’t have the passive income from that ChainLink paying for your car in an ongoing fashion.

Why are some people here such niggers? Do they watch too many rap music videos?

And yes, I’ve owned a $90k luxury vehicle. It’s a stupid liability to carry unless you’re shitting out money, or if you have an asset specifically paying for that liability in a predictable way...an asset like a ChainLink node you nigger child.

Do you not own a car? Do you even have a driver's license?

Poor deluded bobos. The golden bear run will never happen. The final cryptening is upon us. We mooning now

Not many people know this, but the technology to make a jet engine actually existed for several years before they were viable and useful. See, we had the ability to make the jet, the problem was that engineers couldn't come up with a metal alloy that could withstand the heat and force inside the engine. Everything they used would just fall apart or melt until one day, after many years of testing, they found something that worked. This powerful new tech existed, but it was missing the key to make it useful outside of a laboratory...

Chainlink is that key for smart contracts.

Even if I made 1 million, I would never spend more than 40-50k on car.

Retard lol. Bull is in November

Historical data is pointless when the price is based on speculation and news hype.

by the time LINK will be $50 I'll be able to afford a $150,000 car every month until the end of my life

Ding ding ding.

The only thing that fucks with this general pattern is that halvings become less impactful over time as the magnitude of reward reduction decreases. It helps to look at the value reduction at each halvening in terms of USD value to get a sense for how severe it will be.

You don't fucking have that big of a stack, shut up

deluded or not, be sure that the market is gonna go sideways for the next 75 months, kek

72 months? 10 years? who cares? Just accumulate like a jew. Someday crypto will recover. Let's just be patient

daily reminder: LINK $50 EOY (((only))) requires a non-stop daily +5.57% for 93 consecutive days, "almost there, we can do it, we can do it" kek

this, kek

People like to compare bitcoin charts to wallstreet charts but what happened in the btc markets took place over a period of months not years. the market is so volatile, it's not unreasonable to set the recovery period in months too.

>Serious discussion
The only way it'll ever skyrocket is the whales decide to skyrocket it