*cracks open an ice-cold bang's*

*cracks open an ice-cold bang's*

Look son, I know you lost a lot of money this past year but I'm glad you learnt a valuable lesson.
If you can't hold it, you don't own it.

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i love this pop XD bangs has bite!!


baRq's you fucking idiots. oh right, you're 12 and don't know cursive.

I drink the diet version of this like water. Minimum 2 a day

cursii is the most useless """skill""" to have. yes, I can write in cursive

Bangs is my favorite root beer.

>he doesn't drink bang's root beer

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*crack* *sip* *smacks lips* ahhh the smooth refreshing taste of Bang's

Being this new

you're a fucking asshole dude. i learned how to write corrosive in 3rd grade

I guess you gotta know when to hold em
when to fold em
when to walk away
heh heh

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it's not bang's it's banq's you idiot

country roads, take me home

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You're the idiot, its actually ddong's

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If it’s called bangs why does the can say bargs?

Can't you read? It's called Barqs


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itt: newfags

so, standard Jow Forums thread then

Whose side were you on as a kid?

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Every single person I know just drinks coca-cola.

Gen y

Born in 95 and had pogs, yugioh, and pokemon cards. Never tried surge or pepsi crystal thoughh

Late gen Y here. I loved sprite remix and that dark magician girl gave me a surge of nostalgia

>that dark magician girl gave me a surge of nostalgia
Did it give you any other surges?