Fuck you Jow Forums, I have never been able to normally look at indian people since I've been browsing here.
Fuck you Jow Forums, I have never been able to normally look at indian people since I've been browsing here
>be a pajeet
>biologically smell bad
>think it's a good idea to shit on the street
>think it's a good idea to bath in literal sewer water with other naked men
>think it's a good idea to rape ugly as fuck pajeetas
>think it's a good idea to scam other people and sexually harass white girls 5000 miles aways
>muh racist white people
the entire world thinks of them only slightly higher than the chinks
even niggers thinks theyre gross
Cucked and bluepilled.
>biologically smell bad
Nope. It's just the spices in the food that cause a strong scent to linger in the house and get absorbed into the clothing. If you've ever smelled an Indian who doesn't eat Indian food or isn't surrounded by those who cook it, they smell like literally anyone else (unless they're being unhygienic)
>bath in literal sewer water with other naked men
Is maybe 0.0001% of the population that still uses the Ganges for that purpose. Unfortunate what's happened to that river, desu.
>rape ugly as fuck pajeetas
Liberal kike news networks make it an international case every time a rape occurs in India. If you guys thought the liberalism in the US and EU was bad, you have no idea how bad it's gotten in India. Rape and heinous shit occurs literally in every country, and of course you'll get a few heartwrenching cases now and then in the most populated country on earth.
>think it's a good idea to scam other people and sexually harass white girls 5000 miles aways
No defense from me here. The urban population isn't like this, but now that every rural uneducated village man (And the number of that is in the hundreds of millions) has a smartphone, they do retarded shit like this.
>>Nope. It's just the spices in the food that cause a strong scent to linger in the house and get absorbed into the clothing. If you've ever smelled an Indian who doesn't eat Indian food or isn't surrounded by those who cook it, they smell like literally anyone else (unless they're being unhygienic)"
I dunno man, I stayed at my Indian friends house one time, and he lives in the Netherlands. Doesn't really cook/eat indian food. I gave him a hug before I left and he smelled like shit dude.
Then he's simply unhygienic. AKA doesn't shower everyday like a normal human being should.
Well, he seemed like a well-kept individual with a good paying job and huge ass-apartment.
What we need is a segregated internet so first worlders don't have to associate with shitskins
Everybody rushing to learn Mandarin. Don’t see anybody rushing to learn pajeet lang.
pajeet refers to a certain type of indian, just like nigger refers to a certain type of black person. the majority of both races are decent people.
Calm down Taj.
Nice try, Rakesh. I'm sure you have some civilized folk there but the vast majority of them gtfo of that shithole.
Hi Rajeesh
> >think it's a good idea to scam other people and sexually harass white girls 5000 miles aways
Nigerians hold the crown for scams though.
haven't you heard? they have a space program now
certified microsoft tech support level 9 technician detected
Indian here and i can tell you indians are every bit as evil, conniving, materialistic, self-centered, disgusting "people" as they are made out to here. They will turn on you in a split second if it's to their benefit. I'm a literal pajeet here and i wouldn't lie to you. I have never had many indian friends because they look down upon me because i'm quiet/shy and reserved.
I always thought these fuckers actually had all sorts of certificates. How naive. Turs out they're just lying scum.
I've had 1 IRL interaction with an Indian. At the university some 10 years ago now, he couldn't do programming for shit so I let him look at my source code. Turns out he just copied all my work and tried to pass it off as his own, I got called in for a talk with a bunch of professors. Last time I tried to help an Indian.
Every single East Indian landlord I've met is a slumlord whose properties are full of mold, cockroaches, and drug addicts.
They constantly lie and scam, and their restaurants wouldn't pass a health inspection. They're far ahead of the other races in ghettoizing in Surrey, BC, to the point where you just about have to speak Punjabi just to function in their neighborhoods, and Toronto seems to be getting there from the couple of weeks that I visited, too.
In the more rural stretches, they hire (legal) Mexicans for seasonal work - the Mexicans fly here, work for the summer, and fly back in the winter, only the East Indian farmers constantly mistreat them and only a few people who work in the charity sector know about this. Politicians overlook it because white or culturally whitewashed kids know how the Mexicans are treated and don't want to work even at white-owned farms for the summer.