There’s blood on my toilet paper

And it stings to wipe. It also stings a bit to shit. Do I have colon cancer?

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SHow us a pic so we can diagnose

1. stop fingeing ur bum fren
2. maybe its a hemrrhoid

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My grandpa died of colon cancer bros. Am I doomed?


Let's see a pic

Of what? My ass? Or the blood? It’s just small little spots of bright red on the toilet paper. The shit looks normal I guess

Its hemo. 96% of human have them atleast once.

You have hemerrhoids dumbass. Get more fiber in your diet or it gets worse.

I'm a doctor OP
Lay off of the gay anal gangbangs

cancer does not do that, you have like 100% chance it is just a hemorrhoid

look it up, then

Post it

Your ass

only eat meat.
not joking.

Like, don't eat anything that wasn't a cow, pig, or lamb.

It's about a guy who got his colon replaced by a baggie and his experiments with diet. The food pyramid has always been a scam and reflects agricultural surplus. Why is pizza so popular? Because grain is cheap and addictive. Wake up people.

Otherwise, you will never make it.

its most likely hemerroids and the blood should be bright red. if it's darker like dried it means the bleed spot is up into your colon which you should then goto the doc.

no that's cancer
>Am I doomed?

>pizza is bad
kys autist

So who to believe?

Hey OP, doctor here. I have no idea what are the odds of it being a cancer, but the odds of you being a faggot are 100%.

Attached: meme-state-university-sad-pepe-md-lllllllll-dr-pepe-2693335.png (500x552, 96K)

Drink more water and eat more fiber.
You probably have had large hard stools which have caused a hemroid or a vessel in your anus to burst trying to pass them.
Dark blood is something to worry about. Bright fresh blood isn't.

Bright red blood means no cancer. You probably have hemorrhoids or an anal fissure

100% chance its because you smoke lots of weed and eat shit food all the time. Start an old people fibre supplement and clean up your diet for a while.

Literally this. I've had it in the past and this 100% fixes the issue
>drink two bottles of water a day
>take two Psyllium Husk Capsules a day
I get my Psyllium from Amazon
My shits only take minutes now and it's nice and soft with absolutely zero pain and haven't had blood in over a year