It will become mandatory to have woman on corparate boards in California, and not jsut one. For every 5 man you'll have to have 3 woman.
Thats what the chinkie said.
I am speechless.
It will become mandatory to have woman on corparate boards in California, and not jsut one. For every 5 man you'll have to have 3 woman.
Thats what the chinkie said.
I am speechless.
the 3/5ths rule returns
This is when sane business owners will relocate to another state, the rest will go bankrupt shortly with woman on the board
In all seriousness, California is by far the most advanced, richest, most relevant and most important state.
I'm sure people have screeched in the past about every "liberal bullshit" move they've made the past 100 years.
Don't get me wrong it sounds absolutely ridiculous. But what if we're the ones who are wrong and are going to look like racist/homophobic people do now?
This is the feminist take over of tech
Looks like they're going to habe a lot of businesses leave the state. With their homeless and drought problems they already have, they probably just signed the state's death sentence.
>But what if we're the ones who are wrong and are going to look like racist/homophobic people do now?
Because anyone with half a brain can understand that quota's like this are collectivist bullshit. You need to be a collectivist to even be able to follow this. You might as well tell Martin Luther King to go fuck himself.
Treating people based not on their genitals but on the content of their character is the moral high ground. Anything else and you might as well be bowing heads with the KKK and Nazis.
go back to plebbit, faggot
Corporate board have no power. Any ruling body that involves women is an oligarchy
If your country has female politicians its a fake democracy, this isnt subjective. Women can not exist as actual players in a real power structure
>hating diversity
Fuck off nazis
I would tell MLK to fuck himself
there's nothing wrong in this though.
we're right on this one
this is why countries like china will crush us,
while we will hire the most diverse, retarded, handicapped people they will just hire the best.
They've been doing this for years with races. I say they do it. If it turns out to be a shit choice revert it (I expect it will), if we're just wrong and businesses do better carry on with it.
>In all seriousness, California is by far the most advanced, richest, most relevant and most important state.
Objectively true
>I'm sure people have screeched in the past about every "liberal bullshit" move they've made the past 100 years.
Objectively true and happens constantly nowadays
What's your point? Hurrr durrr it doesn't support le god emperor trump hurrr durr it's wrong even though the facts disagree.
How do I short this?
imagine going to work each day in the full knowledge that you're there to fill a quota
in all seriousness, don't confuse correlation for cause and effect. if anything, it's the other way around: california can get away with this shit is because of the infusion of talent over generations. extraordinary results allows leeway for mismanagement. empires crumble and so do corporations. but inertia is law, these movements play out over decades
>implying we aren't racist and homophobic here
>implying racism and homophobia is wrong
My friend in San Fransisco was down at the Folsom Street Fair last night. Told me he saw a man getting fisted in the middle of the street. If there is a God that place will be the next city to get Soddom and Gomorrahed to rubble and ashes. I don't particularly care what folks do behind closed doors, but that level of degeneracy needs to be destroyed.
What do they care? They're getting paid to do an easy job and can spend the rest of their time traveling and fucking randoms.
How do you short California?
This just shows how retarded America is. I cant even fathom the stupidity. I would blow my brains out probably if i would have to live there.
So the basis of logic here is that since a female has a vagina then she should be elected to lead other people. NOT on the basis of being intelligent and showing great leadership, NOT on the basis of having the work experience and/or education level, NOT on the ...
This is just fucking retarded. Might as well hire dogs as presidents and then cats as fucking vice presidents. Soon we will have the whole Zoo in the working area because that would be fair to all organisms in the world right?
Fucking deluded retards. This is like a start of a shitty wooka-dooka movie where the people are just insane.
soon the law will be there has to be 3 niggers and 1 hispanic mother fuckers for every 3 women and 5 men. all of the sudden everything becomes more expensive and we have a revolt. kikes.
This infuriates me
>cats as fucking vice presidents
Fund it.
Long China
>They've been doing this for years with races. I say they do it. If it turns out to be a shit choice revert it (I expect it will), if we're just wrong and businesses do better carry on with it.
Spicy fucking take faggot.
You've got nothing to add, you're literally just stating what happened and giving the possible outcomes.
Well as someone willing to use their frontal lobe, I say get ready for more SJW nonsense if this passes from every company still HQ'd in California.
I mean, implying there isn't too much already, but it'll get worse.
I don't know how people can be neutral on this issue after seeing what's happening to Linux.
California used to be a red state until like the 90s I think. Also, the leftwing in California aren't the same as even 10 years ago. I don't think BS like the OP is helping us at all. We have a huge population, tons of great farm land, along with Silicon Valley and Hollywood. Left/Right politics don't have much to do with the success I think. If you look at things where it might make a difference, like public schools, you'd see California has a ton of problems.
They can't hire the best if they can't compete in wages. Tech salaries are the highest in US and Europe, user.
>its real
Well, most any corporation worth their salt is headquartered in singapore or something arent they? Does this law apply to "foreign" corporations?
>Left/Right politics don't have much to do with the success
California is Brazil you dumb piece of shit. Its rich in a few places and everyone else lives off the state
>don’t get me wrong
>plays both sides of the fence so he doesn’t get down voted
Top kek.
All creative businesses are thought up by liberals. Conservatives don't have new ideas
Unfortunately, Creative business that are run by the "Creatives" cant last long. It takes a conservative to run a business to its max potential...but in doin so it will destroy all the creativity that made it successful in the first place. Damned if you do, damned if you dont.
Sorry, I typed that wrong. What I mean is California has a lot going for it outside of public policy. I don't think left-wing policies are a primary factor for California's success. I didn't mean to imply they can't have an effect.
Eurofag here
I traveled around the US last year and visited every state (I was there for the whole year)
California was by far my favourite state
>most people are attractive
>see less fat people there than my home country (Scotland)
>everyone is nice and the niceness doesn't feel fake like in the South and Midwest
>food everywhere was pretty great but only a few states had food that was both good and didn't make me feel like vomiting because of how heavy it was, California was one of them
>beautiful nature
>there was actually plenty to do
MLK sounds based and redpilled
Yeah, despite stupid stuff like this bill, California can be a great place to live.
This legislation is actually a good thing.
>the rest will go bankrupt shortly with woman on the board
Meanwhile in real world women are better CEOs than men.
tl;dr Jow Forumslet misogynist inclels BTFO by real life evidence
>>everyone is nice and the niceness doesn't feel fake like in the South and Midwest
I always find this cliche complaint from Europeans so hilarious. Europeans are skeptical and irritable by nature, so when you encounter people that are genuinely polite and warm you shut down and project your irritability on them by claiming their kindness is "fake".
Yeah, Californians are oh-so-genuine, my man. You really know how to read people.
this is literally how it be in South Africa and look what's happening there now
If it was cheaper to hire women or any other minorities because they get paid less because of "muh racism" there would be an army of tolerant ancaps who would fire every expensive cis white male and replace them with such minorities to gain an advantage by getting cheap labor and forcing their competitors out of business. This would go on till there the demand for these minorities rises to the point where all are paid equal.
The truth is that women and any other minority are treated fairly and get even too much money and too many job offers because every company is forced to accept them for reasons of diversity.
Assuming this is even true, just because something is good doesn't mean it should be compelled. Who is the government to tell private businesses how to run their company?
Growing up playing sports the best 9 played. It didn’t matter if you were black white or Hispanic. If you were the best chance to help the team you were starting. It was like this because we wanted to win. Why isn’t the business world like this?
They shouldn’t. America isn’t a capitalist country anymore it’s an oligarchy
If you can't find one, just put some lipstick on the men and claim they identify as wemen
gender fluidity is actually useful go fucking figure,
every large "california" company is really a delaware corporation anyway so this is irrelevant (but hilarious)
You can just have the lads say they're women when they're at work to anyone that asks and just go about everything like they normally would without dressing up at all. That'd be a fun supreme court case eventually.
came here to ask this. this is going to cause a lot of shit.
Are they talking about sex or gender? they literally cant stop men from just saying they identify as women, or half the state will be rioting with butt plugs up their asses
>california's most relevant state
it's a worthless desert faggot.
>Already comfy for when it backfires catastrophically
Basically this.
California has a lot of smart people, good tech/business minded people, and great weather and food.
But eventually enough will be enough. You have states like TN, AL, and GA that will get on their knees and suck your dick to move your company there. You are talking billions in savings. If you make a movie or TV show in Georgia, the state gives you a tax credit for 1/3 the total cost of the production.
California can get fucked, these people have lost their minds. I hope they do leave the USA, and then get invaded by the Japs.
>Might as well hire dogs as presidents and then cats as fucking vice presidents
dont give them any ideas user
are we going to have a femdom future for awhile until everything finally snaps and the pendulum swings back the other way and women are made property of men again?
It's important to differentiate that this is a product of idealogy and not the state of California. If businesses just moved elsewhere, this type of shortsighted decision making will just spring up there as well. California just so happens to be where all of the action is right now.
California was a red state until the 90s.
It didn't become rich and advanced by being a libshit state, it became a libshit state recently through mass immigration of third worlders with their third world mentality of marxism.
>women are better ceos
cant argue with that one!
based and redpilled
Holy Kek
The left just keeps eating itself
>third worlders with their third world mentality of marxism.
They don't have that. It's the whites that propose that.
fortunately they're stuck hiring chinks
We need cat overlawrds
Damn she ugly as fuck
>inb4 big HQ's relocate themselves (ultimately out of the US)
You wouldnt be able to handle a cyberpunk alien looking gf mate.
based roastie incelposter
>New Mexico
>Republican State
This is either outdated, misinformed, or straight up lying. A Republican Governor does not make it a conservative state.
Those 15 year old data again
US in 2004 and 2018 is a different country
With this woman just show how stupid they are.
>Woman don't get jobs because of man
So why you do not just make your own company and show man how work is done better?
>Ehmm ... *autistic screaming*
You made me start laughing in public while looking at my phone eating alone
Its still true today though. Nothing has changed.
>most people are attractive
More of a hit or miss dependent on where you are. Beaches sure, inland places no.
>see less fat people there than my home country
Fat people do use a favor and stay out of the public eye I'll admit but they're certainly here in this state.
>everyone is nice and the niceness doesn't feel fake like in the South and Midwest
Out of all your statements this is the fake-est of them all. Spics are nice here but almost all the white people here and Asians are lying scumbags or elitist pricks. When someone is nice here it is fake. Outright no lying you were played real good as a turtist.
>food everywhere was pretty great but only a few states had food that was both good and didn't make me feel like vomiting because of how heavy it was, California was one of them
Not going to lie on this one, the only good thing about diversity is the cospomoltian food selection.
>beautiful nature
This is true love the med climate still.
>there was actually plenty to do
I don't like that about this place. Way too urban. Too much bread and circus to help the idiots here forget about their problems. I long for returning to my old rural state of SC.
how do i short california?
Damn. Hahahaha
California was the reddest state for most of its existence retard.
All of its positives named are due to conservative policy.
California currently has a net loss of companies.
California has underperformed and raised taxes and welfare dependents.
It will crash and burn.
Only retards look at its shitty underperformance compared to other states and think it isn't a failure.
>California people felt genuine and the southern people felt fake.
Wow you're a bad judge of character. Want buy some magic beans?
Unironically true. As a creative conservacuck I openly just come up with new ideas & get em off the ground, then get a far saner business contact to take it further in exchange for my holding onto a share of the profits. I can't manage shit, but I'm good at spotting opportunities & coming up with solutions. That's the natural order.
>get the designated fall guy to go to the DMV and legally change their gender to female
Dumb calicucks lmao
>career minded roasties have an inflated opinion of themselves because they're 'corporate white collar' even though purely a diversity hire
>probably have some title that sounds extremely impressive even though they do fuckall
>refuse to settle for a man with a lower position who makes less than them
>there's only so many available men in high enough positions to satisfy these high requirement roasties
>these women will remain unmarried, instead putting all of their effort into their job
>roasties end up killing themselves at age 45 after realizing their bullshit Director of Marketing title is nothing and a 20 year old college student could do their job
I don't see the problem with this.
not an amerimutt, elaborate
before the american civil war southern states managed to get slaves counted as 3/5ths of a person towards their total population for additional seats in the house of representatives
Typically people don't like sexism.
Dumb anons
simple plan.
hypergamy garnishment of rich men ensures near total control.
LOL. China.
LOL. Best.
Chinese dudes with Harvard MBAs will let their wife or junior high-educated mistress or mother-in-law run their entire business out of being a cuck, and she’ll literally consult a palm reader. Peasant mindset.
Watch the fucking Dems bitch about 5 to 3 rule not being 5 to 5 for the next 20 fucking years and compare it to the 3/5ths slave rule. Then they'll make it 8 to 5 to "make up for all the lost time in oppression" and STILL find something else to complain about.
Tits or get the fuck out!
And they’re foreign too because it’s conservative to just stay home and not want change. Almost all the tech CEOs are foreign or their parents are foreign. Most “self-made” people aren’t really philosophical about money. Money was a side benefit/tool for them to do what they want to do. And they’re good at getting it to keep on.
Being a European who biked across the west coast last year, I have to disagree with you. The kindness I encountered in Washington, Oregon etc was overwhelming. The moment I crossed into CA it was unwarranted self-importance around the clock.
So this is where all the assholes too stupid and/or talentless to make it in Cali, but who desperately wish they could, come to whine and reassure each other that they really hate the place.
what is her fucking problem?????
Good news for bitcoin tho bro