I am a LINK Discord Fudder

Ok guys, I will come clean.

I sold at $0.24 a few weeks ago. The guys in the discord all said it was going lower. A lot of us panicked and sold.

September 19th took us by surprise when it pumped to 44c. I literally started shaking and nearly had a seizure. I had to run to the bathroom since I was at work at the time and was dry heaving in the toilet. My co-workers asked if I was alright and I had to brush it off as a stomach bug.

I felt a bit better after it dropped down to $0.33 so we banded together and started the relentless FUD campaign to try and buy back in. IT JUST WONT FUCKING GO DOWN DAMMIT.

I can't take it anymore. I will NEVER swing LINK again. I am quitting that cuck filled fucking discord forever and buying back in at a 28% loss to my stack.

Sorry fellow LINKies, I betrayed you.

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your sins are forgiven

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>that glorious feel when LINK moons all the swingtraders will be left behind for good

Learn your lesson, user. Hold and buy the dips.

Fuck off Delphi no one cares

prove that this isn't a larp. post screenshots from the discord or similar proofs

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chainlink is dead

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It has found a new floor, it's far from dead

holding support while swimming between 4800to5200 sat

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I can tell you're also in the discord. Just let fucking go man those faggots can't time the market for shit.

>he sold his LINK

I bought at 0.19 cents. FUDing a highly esoteric coin is suicidal.

Medic linkies attend to those struck with 1000 eoy stare. The FUD shock is real.

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>I will NEVER swing LINK again
you didn't swing if you sold below 5k sats, what you did is literally reverse swing trading

Good point

nigger what? I'm in no such group. I just want some proof that this isn't a low effort larp

When it hit $.25 son got rekt
>semi believable fud

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>that thumbs up
we’re gonna make it bros

It's always a larp. No one ever post proof.

you've done the right thing user, good to see you finally come around, now link us to the discord so we can finally end the insanity

swinging link has made me a lot of money. you just need to stop buying high and selling low. pretty simple.

i've 100x my satoshis in 6 months swing trading link.

Delphi plz invite me in the discord

whats yo' net worth?

i sold link at 4700 sats, felt like shit for a few days bought req at 630 then sold at 730 and now im sitting on trx waiting for it to hit 450-500 sats.
tldr:once a shitcoin always a shitcoin don't grow attached and use it as a way to gain more btc.

No way in hell I will swing trade a project backed by Jesus and meme magick

in crypto, ~460k
ath was ~920k

>thinking Delphi is about fudding

never gonna make it

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>a separate stack for funding world peace S2

holy fuck I really am the jaded outcast

i did this all wrong

Bullish af

maybe I can help you FUD better

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