Are we on the brink of the next economic crash...

Are we on the brink of the next economic crash? A good indicator of the crypto bubble popping was when a bunch of beginners, niggers, and roasties started buying in and shilling coins. We are beginning to see this in stock markets while smart money has been exiting over the past couple months. Will the feds raising the interest rates be the spark to ignite a fire?

> but muh longest bull run in history

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no. houses are just going to keep getting more and more expensive. poorfags are just going to get poorer and poorer and wont be able to afford rent. we will then just tiananmen square their ass

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WWE's stock has 5x'd in the past year. That tells me all I need to know.

That being said investing in the stockmarket is a 1000 times easier than it was 20 even 10 years ago. Literally google what hedgefunds are investing in, literally google a internet broker to throw your lunch money at and literally google "finance trix for young people"

Don't get me wrong I am not saying you are wrong. I just don't know if this rule applies anymore. I used the rule to great success in December though for Bitcoin.

viewership down, stock price up, how does that work?


yeah it’s ridicously easy you can set up a robinhood account in < 5 minutes and buy stocks commission free

What is manipulation? You have no idea how deep this hole goes.

What kind of investments should you make if you're convinced there will be a crash by 2020? Should you invest at all?

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wait for $3k BTC
all in
join oligarchy in 10 years

I just started trading and buying stock so that's an indicator that the end is near.

>End is near

What did kek mean by this?!

Yeah there's no fucking way I'm putting my money into something that volatile


zoom out

Ok stay poor.

SPXS is the trading vehicle you are searching for, if you've got the balls. 3x bear inverse etf of the spy. When the economy crashes this baby is going to moon so hard

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I don't know what any of that means but I'm down

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If you don't know what any of that means then you should stay away or you will lose money. You're too green

What's the matter, stupid normis and newfags will lose money and and companies will profit and we win

Alright everybody shit up and listen to tough guy trader here who knows everything

theyre playing a dangerous game here

>holding leveraged etfs
worse than buying bitconnect desu

Go long on SPXS. Let us know how it goes

LOL what. If someone doesn't know what an etf is, what bear means, what inverse is, what 3x leverage means, then they absolutely should not be trading or investing. You don't agree with this? You'd wager money on something that when I tell you a sentence you don't understand 75% of the words?

I dont care about the market, if i see (them) buying puts, i buy puts, if i see them buying calls i buy calls.

70% winrate. Boomers btfo.


I really don't understand white guys who don't date white woman

>a woman talking about stocks



He doesn't know.

Attractive ones do.

The fuck are these percentages?

I'm not saying you should buy crypto, but that statement is majorly retarded. You can just invest less money into it. You don't have to go all in.
Just think about it. Let's say you have two possible investments. One will maybe double, probably stay the same and in the worst case goes to zero. The second one is much more volatile and will quadruple with the same probability as the first one doubles, but also probably stays the same or could go t zero in the worst case. If you invest half your money in the second investment, then you have the same chance to double your money, but you only lose half of it if it goes to zero. That is, in this case the more volatile investment with a smaller position is actually better.

Nah senpai, you got to buy OTM calls for SPXS with your credit card. 3x leverage is for pussies.

a slow and painful end

What's the catch to holding this? Can I just put 2% of my portfolio into it as a hedge and never actually lose except on paper? Or is there some fee for holding? Or this like some bitnex thing where if stock prices go too high I just get liquidated?

Is there something like this without the possibility of getting a liquidated?

Do you understand that this is an inverse of the SPY? Long term it will forever go down, because long term the spy goes up. So long term you're pretty much guaranteed to lose money. But in terms of a hedge, then i guess it would work because this will go up when the market starts crashing. Although I think it would just be smarter to sell some SPY rather than holding spy and this at the same time because they cancel each other out. It doesn't have any borrowing fees because you're not shorting, but for an etf it does have a pretty high net expense ratio, over 1% is pretty expensive.

It is actually even worse than that.
The prices of all leveraged etfs tend to decay over the long run. It generally isn't a good idea to hold them for more than a week or so. If you want a long-term hedge you'd be better off buying puts, selling covered calls, or shorting something like SPY.

I know it's cheap because the crowd thinks it's a bad idea and I don't really understand how it works but it seems like the payoff is linked to the stock market shitting itself, which I can't rule out.

If I can't lose more than I purchase then I don't see what is wrong with betting like 2% of my portfolio on it, if I'm reading that graph correctly and a 10x payoff is possible should shit hit the fan.

You can afford to be wrong something crazy like 90% of the time if the payoff is 10x. Am I right that the potential payoff is 10x?

Wish I knew how to bet against the Swiss feanc. Some user mentioned they made bets based on what they'd expect to happen to franc-denominated creditors if the franc got fucked. Don't know enough to do that but sounded smart.

Oh, that makes sense.

Guess this is not the antifragile bet I'm looking for?

High-End Apartment Buildings. Northeast, for instance, has 81% of Apartment buildings at the High-end. It's quite literally written on that jpg, which was itself completed in 2017


It can be. This is a 3x leveraged etf so it's not great to hold. But there's reverse etfs that are 1x such as SH. Those you can hold without much consequence

They're just outclassed by asian women is all. Nothin' personell.

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The majority do, people get pretty upset if they dont though.

Will bitcoin be a safe haven or crash? Will it be gold returns on steroids?

They're too ugly to date white women

Gold/silver and bitcoin/ethereum

>I just don't know if this rule applies anymore.
the rule remains. when everyone wants in on the action, the game is over. Just because it is easier doesn't take away from the fact that people that don't even know what an index is are looking to get in and get magically rich.
The tech bubble will be the first to pop (again), followed by the housing market. That will be followed by mass student loan defaults.
It won't go up forever. It can't go up forever. We are literally on the edge of the cliff right now. All it will take is a single big tech company fucking up to start the panic. We got a little taste of that a few months back. I'd be willing to bet Apple will set it off, only because they offer physical luxury products.