lets be honest most of you are failed jews. you wish to emulate the jew but lack the mental fortitude to do so. so you lash out. jews are the money race and i respect them
Why does Jow Forums hate jews?
Other urls found in this thread:
Practicing religion is dedication to faking like you know something.. dedication to lying .. to me it’s immoral I let the unknown be unknown and learn all I can y’all gotta awaken and evolve .. I hope this is a test . I passed
Practicing religion is dedication to faking like you know something.. dedication to lying .. to me it’s immoral I let the unknown be unknown and learn all I can y’all gotta awaken and evolve .. I hope this is a test . I passed
This is why Kike
fuck off kike
I love Jews and admire Jewish culture.
>why does Jow Forums hate jews?
because they mutilate helpless babies
Because they aint them. I would say Jow Forums has a lot of idiological driven hate towards jews, but most people here have the same moral values as the jews the criticize. They hate them because they are the wageslave while thee jews are their bosses. I can guarantee to you that at least 90% of biz would trade their life with the life of a wealthy jew given the chance
The central tenet of their faith is genital mutilation.
And the most fanatical Jews literally suck blood from the mutilated penis after.
If given that life I'd exit scam with as much cash as possible to live like a well-to-do ted kaczsynski. Jews and jew families are just too fuckin jewy. Not that I hate them, but jews attract neurotic bullshit.
>why do the jews undermine their host nations?
They value money above all else and they bind together to seek world dominance.
Not cool.
how is that not based?
This but unironically.
I channel that "envy" as admiration instead of hate
I circumcised my son. I don't want his penis to look like he's about to rob a bank in gym class.
Tell me why I should like an inbred race of criminals who have been exiled from over 300 nations?
/biz doesnt hate Jews
The very first millionaire who posted on /biz was iHaz, a Jew. Of course after the cockroaches from /pol invaded this board back in 2017, things got shittier.
They literally cut and suck baby cocks and somehow it's ok because it's part of their retarded religion. I don't hate jews specifically I just find all religions fucking retarded.
Jews can't debate anything when confronted on their crimes so they always resort to character assassination attempts. The truth is you are a slimy race. Sorry jew. Its not my fault you were born with the Jewish Disease.
It's funny how the Jow Forums posting started getting way more common right at the peak. Jow Forums bought the top.
Good resources or books to learn about Jewish traditions/culture?
Other than the Torah
Yeah do you realize the neurological damage you did to him cannot be reversed?
He will forever have a chemical imbalance in his brain and not only will his mental faculties be disturbed from the pain inflicted as a newborn making him more prone to violence and neurotic-ism but he will never restore the millions of nerve endings in his foreskin nor will he rehydrate his glans.
Do you even know what the "doctors" did with his foreskin? Did they just throw it in the trash? Is part of your sons penis in the junk yard somewhere?
Some pelican or seagull is knawing away at your sons amputated cock meat in some garbage dump XX years ago?
Cool. T-t-t-thanks D-dad.
What's to like? I was bloodied as a baby because of kike traditions, and a portion of my genitals are gone. Don't think for a second the irony is lost on me when people complain about Islam performing genital mutilation on their women while we do the EXACT SAME THING here in the US to men. Semites will be semites, and they all need bullets until they're finally convinced to bugger off for good.
How is Christianity retarded?
>The New Testament
Based dude. You should unironically demand your parents pay reparations for amputating your sexual organ.
>Lets be honest most of you are failed jews. you wish to emulate the jew
I'll tell you why you're wrong. You jews see money as the end-all. Money is your god. Money is just a means to an end for me, a necessary step to seize power, power that comes in the form of mass of property purchased for my offspring to inhabit.
Not their fault they're brainwashed. I would be brainwashed too if I didn't have access to the internet like I do now. Erase the source, the symptoms fix themselves with enough time.
jews go to germany, germany becomes a world power. jews go to russia, russia becomes a world power. jews go to america, america becomes a world power. jews go to egyp to be slaves, egypt was the world power. jews were kicked out of land of israel and went to babylon (rome) rome became the world power.
where ever the jews go, the land prospers. i love the jews,
look at nobel prize winners more then 50% are jews
look at top richest ppl in the world, most likely atleast more then 50% jews.
look at world population, less then 1% of the world is jews.
jews are very insignificant compared to the worlds population, but somehow they are in the top statistics for smartest and richest ppl.
any other nation that is less then 1% of the world is not even heard of.
it makes no sense its beyond understanding. they are g-ds chosen people. they are blessed. help the jew and you will also be blessed.
How is it not?
You have any sources there Shlomo or are you just going to keep making things up?
based jews
I don't know any way in which it is retarded. I don't really think I'd stone adulterers perhaps but I lost a girlfriend of about 4 years once and it made me want to kill her so I can understand the sentiment perhaps.
I can't think of any Bible quote that strikes me as supremely odd or unsettling but I haven't completed reading it so enlighten me, user.
>Its adherents believe that Jesus is the Son of God, the Logos, and the savior of humanity, whose coming as the Messiah (Christ) was prophesied in the Old Testament, as described in the Bible.
Also crusades etc.
>t. baby cock sucker
>Jews go to Germany
>German Aryan goes extinct, replaced with weimar tier scat fetish enthusiasts
>Jews go to Russia
>Monarchy executed, raped and culture of Christianity replaced with communism and mass ethnic cleansing via starvation; approx 30 million Christians killed, women become whores for bread in state enforced brothels
>Jews go to America
>Blow up the pentagon, the twin towers, steal all the gold from the reserves, and enforced state legislated transgender surgery and sodomy
>Jews go to israel
>Fire chemical white phosphorus bombs into an open air concentration camp of minority Muslims and Christians forced to live in a shrinking concrete barb wire cage.
This is basically the summary you forgot.
they sell it for research and high quality skin creams
Whats wrong with the Crusades? I come from a Crusader blood line.
Deus vult.
You don't believe Yeshu was a Goy, do you, Aaron? Don't you know his father was YHWH?
I know I'm joking around. I'm asking this father if he TRULY knows what the doctors did with his sons foreskin...
Like did he literally watch that skin get surgically removed and tossed into the waste bin? How does he know it wasn't stolen or eaten or something top kek
lmao no
kys kike
its actually pretty cool. isnt that why you hodl btc?
>Also crusades etc.
>being this retarded
Nobody likes shitskins.
I like normal Jews. The day walkers that can claim to be Italian or some kind of euro. The Hasidic and super religious are vile pieces of shit. I guess that’s the same for anyone who’s super religious to the point of dressing like a fucking retard. Those ones are also poor and generally terrible at finance in my experience. New Jersey raised. Live in Manhattan now so I deal with them daily.
What's your point christian monkey? Where the fuck did I claim that muslims were any better? They're probably the worst of all actually.
Explain to me how Jews aren't the worst compared to Muslims.
My point is that the crusades were justified, since it was a response to muslim expansion.
Factual and heterosexual.
Cause they stole my foreskin.
/poltards are SEETHING lol
i hate all non-whites, i dont discriminate, there should be a genocide
They influence everything.
I don't hate them. I love em. I'd like to marry a jew in the future.
>Captcha: Select all images with Palm Trees.
That's enough for today.
They are predisposed to tons of inherited genetic diseases and mutations. You will be cursing your children to poor health if you Marry a jewess.
>That 25 year old doomer who spamposts jewish schizo tier redpills onto the Business and Finance Anonymous image board on Wednesday nights.
Actually you start growing nerve endings on your head instead. Only happens if the foreskin was cut as a baby though. But it sucks if the doctor did a bad job, your child would have to live with a deformed cock with the rest of his life.
Do you realize like hundreds at least baby boys are killed in genital mutilation every year?
Do you realize how FUCKED UP that would be AND DEVASTATING to kill your first born SON just to remove a tiny pit of flesh from his PENIS?
What the fuck?
based and kikepilled.
>ironic jew posting
i kekd
So... how do we fight back?
Start burning banks.
They have the worst degenerate morality that is inherently genetic. And worst, they have imposed it to society over generations. It is time to fight back.
Bad idea. I suggest we undo their damage. First thing we have to do is ban all jewish professors and propaganda marxists from all schools. Especially the elite universities. Second is to capture or start anti-semitic media outlets. Probably the most hardest part is the defending part. The media will go nuts over this
first u take-a the dough, then-a u spread-a the sauce, then-a layer the cheese, THEN
>First thing we have to do is ban
>we have to do
We? Who?
>is ban
HOW? What?
Are you asleep?
How do you expect to ban jews from the business the run and own? Are you retarded?
What are you going to do just walk into the White House or the Deans office of Harvard or the Supreme Court of Congress WHICH BY THE WAY are all buildings staffed and filled with JEWS who OWN the very system supporting them which is THE BANKS.
Man you newfaggots are cancer.
>Goys... What if we just BAN them?
Jesus Christ man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..............
Have you ever read the bible? It's a scary creepy book that Christians choose to interpret nicely because it's the foundation of their faith. There's a wonderful coffee table book called Awkward Moments Children's Bible, you can start there. youtube.com
just have faith user
>any other nation that is less then 1% of the world is not even heard of.
Big lie. What is Scotland and Ireland
You know whats a pretty awkward part in The Bible?
The part where King Saul asks for Philistine foreskins.
Trump is a pedophile.
I only have faith in Christ our Lord.
If you think Scotland and Ireland are only 1% of the world you are in for a surprise.
>We? Who?
Us. Who else? We are extremely lucky that we are not brainwashed. Should no one fight the jew. The world will crumble.
>HOW? What?
You just answered your own question. We need a multi billionaire who is more powerful and influential than the jews.. improbable but still possible. Someone who can tank AND lead. Or we could do this the old fashion way and start a revolution. Our biggest concern o
Is that 95%of the population is brainwashed. Should any anti sentimism start, will be all for naught.
>less than 1%
Not truth. are you fucking retarded kike?
Every place named was already a world before the kikes.
Kikes win Nobel because they are nepotists who run the Nobel prizes.
You kikes suck your own dicks even though you are retards with high verbal iq, you will be destroyed.
Yeah well you telling "us" that "we" should "ban" the jews from "being professors and stuff" is a lot different than fighting.
Do you even own a gun? Can you run for 10 minutes without stopping? Can you climb a fence?
I'll let you know when I'm a multi billionaire. Look for the real White guy.
>Believing the kike character assassination against trump
Dude the Irish and Scottish diaspora is huge. Do you realize how many McBastards there are worldwide?
If trump is so great why did he move the embassy to Jerusalem, why did he continue to keep 9/11 classified when everyone knows israel did it, why didn't he build the wall, why didn't he stop welfare, why did he attack Syria, why did he continue to allow transgender surgery, gay marriage, abortions, homosexual sodomy classes in Public federal school buildings, why is he allowing Mexican illegals to work in public office in states like California and Texas and own land and use hospitals, why didnt he stop trade with China and Mexico who are currently poisoning the youth of America with industrial grade Fentanyl/Meth/Heroin/Cocaine, why is he still using the Federal Reserve and paying debt to private bankers with our slavery to the system instead of abolishing the FED and using greenbacks?
Why is he still poisoning the waterwells with fluoride? Why is he still using GMOs when they are banned in places like Russia? Why is he still allowing Chemtrails to take place?
Why is he still forcing us to pay taxes in foreign aid to places like Israel and Pakistan and Egypt when places like Flint, Michigan have no clean water?
Why do we still have to pay income taxes?
Why does he let the 2nd Amendment to be infringed?
Do you still believe Rabbi Trump?
Idiot Goyim.
That is fighting. There is a good reason why alot of intellectuals and elite universities are liberal. Their teachers and proffessors are marxist propagandists under the control of the deep state,jews or whatever name you call it. In order to push an agenda, you will have to first sabotage the intellectuals because they will be in charge once they graduate. The jews have realized this for quite some time now.
Why didn't he declassify Area 51 and the military industrial complexes free energy system and abolish the Petroleum industry which by the way is a fixed and subsidized market and completely rigged for profit on a non-essential nor rare resource?Seriously if you don't hate Trump for what he did to America you should probably just commit suicide dude!
What you're telling me is essentially drivel and doesn't elevate the conversation. You clearly have a lot to learn.
>Implying you know anything about anything
You dont even know the basics of propaganda. Im leaving, your too dumb to debate with.
Maybe I'm God and you're just an idiot.
I'd argue this is more likely than your assumption.
The fact you believe in democracy and voting/elections alone is enough to tell me you are quite low on the intellect scale.
>The fact you believe in democracy
Quiver your glasses becausr I never once mentioned democracy. What the fuck are you talking about?
>Maybe I'm God
Yes you are god. The god of fools
We are talking and criticizing a democratically elected federal government leader.
It is de facto relevant.
You couldn't even use the correct your/you're when telling me I am too dumb.
You claimed the way to fight jews was to ban them from working.
You ARE too dumb. I dont even want to insult you.
It's sad.
I dont want to be anything like jews. I just want a simple life where i can own my own home and save money without jew banks inflating the currency.
Monarchy is the solution.
I have never brought the subject of critisizing the leader or anything. Are you sure that your chromosomes are complete?
Im talking about ways of HOW to stop the jews from implementing their propaganda to our elite intellectuals or else you end up with retarded liberal billionaires pushing for diversity because thats what their school taught them. Damn your dense, god of fools
If your modus of operandi is relying on "elite individuals" then you are nothing.
Do you realize how embarrassing you are to think the way you do?
Do you realize you are the only person in this dialogue who deserves to be insulted?
Sorry buddy!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Out of all the replies i expected. You just have to post the most retarded. As expected from the god of fools. Anyways im out. I have more pressing matters to take care of than debating with someone who has never read about ww1 and ww2 propaganda books.