Im so glad i made enough money to never work again

The whole wagey process disgusts me, from the cover letter which is basically a signed piece of paper that exemplifys how much of a good little boot licking boy you are. The job interview, a complete drama performance, the stench of fake optimism that radiates from the average job interview is so strong it even over rides the smell of musty cologne as you greet your new boss Bill. Then theres the actual job part, you walk into the office "hello bill, yes bill i will get your coffee right now" every morning for the rest of your life. Bill makes a joke and theres a physical strain in your soul as you consciously arch your lips up in the form of a smile and let out the most half ass fake laugh you possibly can just to stay in graces with the boss.

I would kill myself if i had to do that for the rest of my life. Yuck it makes me sick just thinking about it. Wageys are actual subhumans. Pic related is the average wagey

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>he works a job
>he thinks he will make it

>he doesn't have the skills, drive and personality to dominate his bosses
>he thinks he will ever make it because he made "enough" money
You might make it financially, but you will never make it in your heart

>he dominates
>his bosses

the two statements are anti-thetical and you are delusional

good on you, I work a job in Finance that's pretty cool. I get the wagecuck hate, but not all jobs are equally as bad. I earn well and live well. I am on the opposite side of you. If I ever had no passionate outlet to turn into a job I would probably kill myself. Got enough money to quit for 10 years if I wanted, but money isn't worth having absolutely nothing to do with my life.

>he doesn't know what I mean
not gonna make it faggot

NPC cope detected

>he thinks this is what jobs are actually like
Filthy worthless neet. If I have a neet son I will legit sell my house and live in a van in natural parks before putting him up for free rent forever

Its exactly what jobs are, you know it is. that stench of cologne in the morning radiating off a musty smelly old white man is distinct. absolutely disgusting

welcome to the club
Waging is for Niggers and low IQ whites.

I have a job and nobody wears cologne or micro manages or anything. The people I with with are all mostly cool and I make good money. The thought of staying home all day gambling allowance money from mommy on shit coins is the saddest life I can imagine

>Pays taxes for his own enslavement
>Finances the decline of the west
you sir are the problem. kys

tick tock little guy, you have work in the morning

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Maybe stop working jobs for Midwest peasant managers. I know the type, the used car salesman looking motherfuckers with combovers cracking shitty jokes all day.

But that’s not all jobs, it’s every job a faggot like you would ever get. I work in an office of 12 people, the oldest is a 44 year old based former finance exec, we sit around all day sipping coffee and staring at charts on laptops, then we get drinks after work. Even the women who work here are actually nice because you’d have to be really dedicated to understand this stuff and in the end I’m basically doing exactly what I did on Jow Forums at home. But in a nice modern office setting.

>we sit around all day sipping coffee and staring at charts on laptops, then we get drinks after work...
...being good goys paying taxes and finance our own suicide. STOP WORKING FOR THE ESTABLISHED ECONOMY

Read the first line then stopped reading. You are a yes man wage cuck who makes pennys

>Coping this hard

Only NPCs wagecuck til they die, real actual humans with a soul can‘t stand this shit for longer than a couple of years before the routine drives them into suicide or one last attempt to make it and break free.
Wagecuck NPCs need the wagecucking because they wouldn‘t know what else to do with their time, they lack creativity that goes beyond their boring gay job.
Truly subhumans.

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So just rely on wagecuck mommy and daddy then right?

i make money online, it's good because i dont need to wagecuck, but it's fucking stressing taxes wise, you are pushed to create new content when you dont want to

i just wish i was rich to not have to do anything but hobbies

nah most of us have tried the wagey route

difference is we took our earnings and invested it now we will never work again. say hi to bill for me tomorrow wage cuck

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I wagecucked for 11 months of my life until I had it figured out. travelling the world working a few hours per week since 2014

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How long did you wagecuck? Earnings? Savings rate?

What did you invest in? How much do you have now in capital and returns?

they are delusional indeed.
I have met many of that type.
They take pride in their shitjob and by giving a big mouth (only when it's possible) to the boss. The boss nods at them and forgets their bs the next moment as long as mr tough guy keeps doing his wagey job, its all good, let the faggot vent.
The poor wagey goes home or to the gym to pad himself on the back, telling his friends how much he 'achieved' on his job and that he basically runs the show. lol
pathetic ants.

Good job, you're just setting him up for a nice fake post. Bet this faggot comes back saying he has a million and honestly thinks he's done waging for life with that paltry sum

Its hilarious how they actually lash out that people dont have to work because of better choices

Nice try tax department

Lol look how triggered you are, sorry to be the one who crushed the little idea of self your wagecuck daddy laid out for you. Go to bed little guy, you have work in the morning

>I will never work attitude
>Call others wagecuck
Let me guess, you are a low networthfag trying to roleplay rich on the internet.

You say you will never work again and I believe you, you just go and cash in on benefits every month for the rest of your life.

I hate the "never work" attitude and I'm sure everyone here knows how much networth those kind of people usually have. You ain't fooling anyone here boy.

Only way to make something happen is to manifest it into reality.

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On my way to killing myself very, very soon.