Literally single handedly raises the minimum wage

>Literally single handedly raises the minimum wage.
>Gets no thanks

Thank him Jow Forums. He is literally better than Trump

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There are so many people arguing on both sides. I wish things could be fair for everybody.

Feel the Bern? He literally has never had a real job his entire life.

he sped up automation and layoffs. congrats on this, seriously.

He raised the minimum wage through corporation. Not by law.


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>he doesn't know what inflation is

Imagine voting for a selfish asshole instead of a naive person that wanted to help people. You have to not identify as "people".

thanks bernie, i literally just sent letters out to my two tenants employed at the amazon warehouse yesterday raising their rents. dumb fucks wanted to stay month to month; this is why you stay poor kids

If minimum wage goes up will my gold, silver, and crypto be worth more?



> thinking rising the minimum wage is a good thing

being this retarded

>got a few more wage cuck dollars for amazon drones

>renegotiated NAFTA
>going all out against China
>killed TPP
>forced NATO to cough up their fair share
>offshore money repatriated
>cut tax rates across the board
>got rid of IRS penalty on ACA

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>Raise min wage to 15$
>Remove stock benefit and variable compensation
>Employees are now worse off than before

Good job Bernie.

Only brainlets think this is good

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based and goldpilled

ITT: Econ 101 students who think they understand this. Read up on the efficiency wage.

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>raise min wage 20%
>products cost 25% more
>rent goes up few % every year
OMG LOOK AT MY RAISE HAHAHA OH WAIT shit, my life is still fucked.

Thanks you old retarded commie

>west coast cucks on suicide watch

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>what is inflation
Bernie fags are retarded

This is why van dwelling is the future. People are waking up to the overpriced box scam.

>a real job

Pick one

tiny home > van

he literally can't stop winning

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Socialists make me so depressed

No, because the USD is gonna be worth less.

You don't get to 140 billion by being nice to people and actually acting in their best interest. Only a psychopath who uses people to accomplish their own goal

Nope. If its a permanent structure your being scammed. Your just a tax serf.

Based PC

but I am against raising the minimum wage. people should be free to set wages at whatever rate the market will bear. enacting any kind of a minimum wage, in the long run, is equivalent to state sanctioned murder

>he doesn't know about geolibertarianism

bernie needs to get CAGIED

Bernie's such a NEET he got kicked out of a Vermont commune for being too lazy.

This, it’s actually terrifying to realise that your wellbeing, the direction society moves in, the nature of laws, are primarily driven by people with the most superficial understanding of how things work because they stopped to read one book between the incessant stream of tv shows they binge watch then call you an asshole for disagreeing with them.

van dwelling works if:

you live in a warm place with joke winters (most van dwellers are in the bay area)
don't mind shitting in a bag or at the gym
don't mind cops trying to fuck with you constantly

You will freeze to death in the winter. Homes are there to protect you from the elements. It's not a scam, retard. Unless you pay $3k for a studio in downtown Manhattan

>liking kike with cuck fetish

>don't mind cops trying to fuck with you constantly

Can't you fix this by just donating some money to the local police charity and getting one of their bumper stickers or license plates?

what is insulation for $300 Alex?

Hahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Poverty Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Vote For More Welfare Like Nigga Raise The Taxes Haha

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that's actually a really good idea, I know cops don't mess with certain cars that have a special sticker
t. interned at local sheriff's office

imagine voting on feelings

Have fun with that. Next stow storm I am calling out of work and will stay /comfy/ in my room with a comforter and cup of tea. I will look outside through my window at the winter wonderland. Hopefully I get to see you parked outside my building getting slowly buried alive under feet of snow.


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>have to shovel driveway yourself or pay condo fees for someone else to do it

>just move the van down the block every couple hours to shake off the snow

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DAE think le evil capitalism isn't good and we need more high minimum wage so companies are incentivized to replace pleb tier manual labor with robots in the future


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>not manly enough to shovel snow
Also driving in a blizzard? That's fucking retarded.

All of which are ballooning either the budget deficit or trade deficit lol

>not manly enough to drive during a blizzard
blizzard driving is unironically the best driving in the modern world, mostly because the roads are empty

Look at this bus rider. I was on the top of a mountain in west virginia when one came in. Did a 4 hour drive no problem in a toyota yaris. Bet youre one of those people who needs 4wd to navigate in any sort of weather condition

Where the hell do you live? I imagine somewhere with mild snowfall. The roads are empty because only the most wagecucked of them all and emergency personel are on the road. I have done it and it's miserable, hence why I am staying home next time. If I had a jeep maybe It would be fun.

I wonder how many low end jobs are going to be killed by this meme guy who never worked in a real job.


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Fuck you faggot come to NY and try to weave in between pajeet taxis and double parked spics. I'd love to see your hillbilly ass try to drive in Washington Heights.

But don't you dare say he's not fighting for the little guy.
And by that I mean the drugged midget he's got jammed in his closet.

do you want to work your whole life or do you want machines to work?

budget deficit is actually going down

He's got three houses, he's got three midgets.

I was visiting. I can sure as hell say it was more enjoyable than some nigger infested city such as yours. You go on and get that Barbie Jeep. Might give you all the assistance you require

It's literally not

Now you can say the changes boosted economic growth by 2%, giving us an extra $400b/yr in breathing room, but Trump hasn't done shit to wrangle congress or rein in spending.

In an ideal world that would be true. In real world USD pairs are not influenced by inflation / debt, but held strong by keeping others at gunpoint

>implying raising minimum wage is a good thing
They did the same meme Estonia, now I have to pay myself more salary to get social insurance.
If you literally can't bring more value to the company than a minimum salaries worth, you don't deserve to live in a big city.

>live in quiet white majority neighbood
>all amenities of NYC
>Ample street parking
>1-2 hours from beautiful mountains
>reverse commute to suburbs
I am comfy, brah

>He's got three houses
I don't think any of those are his.
The bull and his wife's son have to be taking up a lot of room.

ok so it was slightly higher than last year, big whoop
still significantly lower than Obama first term

You, uh, don't want to compare the deficit during a major financial crisis (with 0 interest rates) vs. a strong economy with rising interest rates.

Don't get me wrong, the national debt's basically a nitpick issue and I like the guy, but fiscal restraint of a congress he barely controls is not the hill to die on.

yeah, the congress critters are the one who need to get the debt under control since they are ultimately the ones responsible for the budget (or lack thereof)

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this

That’s really not saying much these days.

Hillary and the DNC chairman threw him under the bus.

Get gassed.

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>minimum wage so companies are incentivized to replace pleb tier manual labor with robots in the future

This is EXACTLY why everyone should be for doing this. The keks will be infinite and we get a chance to live in a bad scifi movie before red dawn.


>>renegotiated NAFTA
same shit, taking credit for himself.
>>going all out against China
and they're going all out against us. tit for tat tariffs.
>>killed TPP
yes thank god. fuck TPP.
>>forced NATO to cough up their fair share
don't know about that.
>>offshore money repatriated
yes, 12% of the amount that they had estimated in the tax bill proposal, meaning our budget is blown out to shit because we need that other 88% ($3.7B) to get repatriated in order to hit the shit numbers they sold us with on this tax cut.
>>cut tax rates across the board
so more money collects in the hands of the few
>>got rid of IRS penalty on ACA
sure, which just means more people depending on medicare. further pushing us toward inefficient health care and blowing out the budget.

>homes and cars are collateral
>however the next generation of society is not, because its not a commodity

I wish that we had a humanitarian like Sanders without the neo-liberal bullshit

Neither has Trump. Sounds like presidential material to me!
News flash: Companies have always threatened this. Self-scan was supposed to take my job ten years ago. It doesn't work like that. Automation has taken over jobs that were good, high-paying union jobs. What good is a job that doesn't pay you enough to live on?
yeah see noone is raising their products 25% to account for a 20% minimum wage increase, because a staggering amount of the populace /isn't/ seeing a raise, dipshit
yeah we tried that once it lead to fucking company scrip why are you so desperate to enslave yourself
Hey, it worked for trump, didn't it?

based landlord

>depending on medicare
How is that related? Everyone is eligible for medicare when they reach 65 because they PAID into the system

>yeah we tried that once it lead to fucking company scrip why are you so desperate to enslave yourself
In the current era I don't think this is what would happen and I don't think those situations were only because there was no minimum wage. What I'm saying is we should have a voluntary exchange of commerce. It would seem that this is more fair than a mandated price floor, and requires less justification than arguing in favor of an arbitrary price floor decided by bureaucrats

I'm done with buying shit from Amazon, fuck this asshole.

>singlehandedly destroying jobs and shipping them to cheaper, dirtier, more dangerous locations in third world

typical commie

is this irony?

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We should just raise minimum wage to increase demand for automation, tax automation the same way we tax workers and then take that tax, divide it by the population and give everyone a universal basic income.

Meanwhile he bought his third (3rd) house.
God if you vote on these kind of people you will literally never make it. Who even falls for this retoric in this day and age?

Minimum wage raises mean automation will absorb more job sales idiots

Free market capitalisation
Race to the bottom

>Thinking this is a bad thing

>Who even falls for this retoric in this day and age?

So how many Amazon employees are getting laid off because of the hike to $15 minimum wage?

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Wew jews are really kiking it up in here, stop larping and ask yourself how it is good to the economy that jeff bezos and others* can have billions out of circulation, ask yourself whats the worse that can come from some people earning 2 more dollars

Why do you think he's spending more for this? He cut RSUs and bonus payouts and will slash jobs, but its a great PR move for simpletons whose vote is weighed exactly as much as yours

>Jeff Bezos has billions in his checking account

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None. They took away their bonuses and stock options. It's actually a net loss for some of them.

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I thought hippies were tea partiers. My next door neighbor and his friends sure are.

Isn’t this bad for office cucks who make 50-60k? Before we were making 4-5x minimum wage and once it becomes $15 we’ll only be making 2x minimum wage. Seems like it’s good for people on the lower end but bad for the middle earners since prices will go up across the board

who fixes the machines