>he doesnt read economic literature
>he thinks he will make it
He doesnt read economic literature
>caring about pseudoscience
The only thing economists can agree on is free trade is good. Assuming that one is right because you like them is boarderline retarded.
quality thread op
>economic literature
stopped reading
economy as a pseudoscience and the Nobel prize of economy are a puke-inducing turd of a travesty created without Alfred Nobel's prior consent
this, I'm in my 4th year of an econ degree and it's basically a bunch of liberals making up theorems to prove their liberal opinions. Absolute bullshit, at least in its modern form
Get a load of these geniuses
nice larp kid
not larping. I added a finance major because i realized econ is useless. Well, at least the shit they teach us at my uni. We literally get taught all these theorems to prove that welfare is good for the overall economic standing, yet anyone with a brain can tell you that in real life it doesn't work that way because there are millions of nonwhite leaches
To be fair, all you need to get into an econ undergrad mill is a pulse so user could just be wasting his time not learning anything and barely getting by.
>be op
>can't refute a single statement, can only ad-hom
Those econ books are really working out for you, aren't they?
hows Econ 101 goin for you? You know someone actually got a Nobel prize for showing trade is good.
I'm an economist pal. W-what? You want to know what I do? W-well...I..I uh I deal with numbers.
do you not have any rebuttal? can you try and make your brainlet post seem less dumb?
Thanks, I know.
You already used that one lad.
Do you have a brain kid, didnt think so
I study finance/BM in Northern Europe and it's by no means a meme degree fwiw. The majority of the CEOs/CFOs in my country studied the same (or a very similar) degree. But yes, I've heard many people (especially Americans) say bad things about pure econ. Not really any reasons to study it instead of accounting/finance/BM unless you want to work for the government (and even then) imo.
How big is your brain?
Much bigger than yours.
What country?
I read economic literature and because of that I actually have the knowledge that I will most probably not make it.
OP is a big fat liar.
You're right in a sense that Economics taught in univerisities is useless. It's almost always geared towards PhD work, which is useless in the real world. I was lucky in that I was able to take graduate level classes that were taught by a professor focused on monetary economics, so I learned a lot about banking, credit, and regulations. Other than that, lots and lots of math & CS classes.
Ended up getting a position at a global macro fund and after working there a few years I moved into a quantitative role.
Sounds like you may be of a genius level of thinking
I've read Ezra Pound. I'm fine, I'm good....m
Obv bait is obvious. Or op is actually mentally handicapped. In which case it’s probably a hate crime to tell him that in his country